Sunday, April 17, 2022

Protected Persons and Amazing Hair

I keep telling myself I'm going to start writing my TToT on Fridays, and I keep not doing that. Here are my Ten Things of Thankful for this week, brought to you very late on Sunday night:

I'm officially halfway through the A to Z Challenge! 

I had a message from a woman at my insurance company needing some information about the accident I was in two weeks ago when I got rear ended by an uninsured driver who had expired temporary tags and didn't possess a driver's license. When I called her back, she told me she needed clarification about me being a "protected person." "Uh, what is a protected person?" I asked. "It's someone who has a protective order against another party in the insurance claim," said the claims adjuster. "I don't think I'm one of those, unless you know something I don't know," I told her. She laughed and said the box must have been checked in error. Whew! 

My husband and I spent Easter weekend in KC with our daughter. Besides getting to spend time with her, I got to attend church in person (I know you're tired of hearing me say this, but I feel so happy and warm inside when I'm there). Friday evening's Good Friday service was moving and meaningful, and Sunday's Easter service was uplifting and positive. My heart is full.

Minsky's Pizza for supper. It will forever be my favorite pizza.

I'm afraid to say it and somehow ruin it, but my left hip is better. I've been pretty sure my IT band was injured at work. How, you ask? By being off with Covid, then, upon my return, doing my first Circle Time with my little nugs in nearly two weeks, sitting on the floor with them criss-cross applesauce and--yowchie! It has gotten worse and worse no matter how much I stretch it, so last night, I took two Aleve before bed and again this morning, pain. I'm going to keep taking the Aleve until I burn a hole in my stomach, then I'll back off. Hoping it continues to do the trick.

As I was walking to Good Friday service (the church is half a block from my daughter's apartment), I met a gorgeous woman in her late 20s maybe as we both crossed the street, and as she walked towards me, she said, "Your hair looks amazing! Your curls are on fire!" Letting my hair go silver was a big decision, as was the decision to stop straightening it, and there are days when I feel like an old hag. This young woman has no idea what she did for me with those words, but I will never forget them and how pleased they made me feel.

Totally using Secret Rule 1.3 of the TToT Book of Secret Rules and calling this my list for this week!


  1. Your hair is totally amazingly beautiful, and i will pray for your hip.

    Blessed Easter!

  2. Those curls are natural?!? My hair is straight as a board, so of course I love curly hair. I'm a little jealous right now!

    1. I always wanted straight hair! Yep, completely natural. It takes some work to keep it under control and not make me look like a dandelion gone to seed!

  3. Love your response to the agent. That would have been mine also. HaHa
    I will never tire of hearing how attending church makes you feel, Dyanne.
    A kind word from someone can really lift one's spirits. Such a little thing to do which can mean so much to someone. Glad you were on the receiving end, and your hair really does look amazing!

    1. She had me worried!
      THANK YOU! I have found a place where my heart really feels like it's home.
      That sweet comment still puts a smile on my face when I think about it

  4. Your hair does look amazing. Nothing old hag about it.

    1. You are so kind! I catch my reflection sometimes and don't recognize who that old lady is!
