Sunday, April 10, 2022

It Didn't Snow And Other Thankfuls

This week has been a bit of a blur. I'm knee-deep in A to Z Challenge posts, because - surprise! - I am not in the least bit prepared. My theme of Eating the Alphabet has me cooking and eating and getting friends to taste test (most are willing, but the Cheetos cookies were a hard sell). And here we are, Sunday night, my A to Z post isn't written yet for tomorrow because my subject has to freeze overnight (you can read any or all of my A to Z posts to find out what I've been making).

Ten Things. Go.

A mostly chilly week for April, but at least it didn't snow!

The tulips are blooming, as well as grape hyacinths and violets.

I left my spring coat at my daughter's apartment in Kansas City last weekend, but it's been so cold most of the week that I had to wear a winter coat anyway.

We made banana muffins this week at school. My kids love cooking, and you won't find better banana mashers anywhere!

In spite of all the work involved, I AM enjoying the A to Z Challenge. I love interacting with bloggers that I would never have run across otherwise. Maybe some of them will join us at the TToT!

I have asked off for three days in May to go to Nashville to visit my Person. I. Can't. Wait.

I found a fabulous Frida Kahlo sweatshirt at Ross, which is certainly not a place I would expect to find something like that. I only went in there to buy a belt, because I forgot to pack mine when we went to the lake house, so when I passed a rack and saw Frida staring back at me, I had to have her!

Saw a HUGE pileated woodpecker this morning, pecking away on a very old and obviously very buggy red bud tree.

Zoom in to see this big guy

I am helping a friend with a project involving sorting through what seems to be a million photos from when she was a gifted education teacher in our school district. We are trying to identify as many kids as possible and get the photos to them. We were joined by two other friends and spent a delightful evening talking and sorting.

Part two of #9 is that we didn't get anywhere near finished, so we are continuing this week. There's going to have to be a lot less talking and a lot more sorting, but I think we can do it (she said with cautious optimism).

Join us at the Ten Things of Thankful any and every weekend! We are there from early Friday to late Sunday and would love to have you be a part of the hop!


  1. Its great that u still allot time to cook, teach, do all the above mentioned in TTOT - I always loved the thankful theme

    I appreciate that you do many things! wish I had such discipline adn organising skills

    Good day - Dropping by from A to Z -

    1. I don't seem to be as organized as I should be! But thank you for letting me know that I'm faking it well! :)

  2. As much as I enjoy Cheetos, having them as an ingredient in anything would be a hard sell to me. Maybe I'm getting picky in my older age.
    So glad you're enjoying A to Z. Having all my posts done ahead of time has made April much less stressful for me.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. The Cheetos experiment was def a fail!
      I MEANT to have my A to Z posts done, but if wishes were horses, then beggar's would ride! Thanks for visiting!

  3. It's such fun to plan a trip. The planning is often as much a part of the fun as the going.

    By the way, i don't know if you saw the comment on the TToT blog, but you did not forget. What you did was remember, and then do it. When you remember, even if it's a bit late, thank your brain for remembering, don't scold it for forgetting. Brains like to be complimented that way and it helps, i know from personal experience.

    1. The anticipation of a trip is a big part of a trip!

      And thank you, Mimi! You are the BEST cheerleader EVER, and I appreciate you more than you can know!

  4. It is rare that we see a pileated woodpecker on our property (I guess that really is a thankful.), but we have gone to certain areas in the valley where they love to destroy the trees, just to see them and of course so Vic can take photos of them.
    We have a lot of those little grape hyacinths coming up everywhere it seems.
    It was 75 degrees on Friday and now the temperatures are in the low 30's for a few days this week with snow in the forecast. Crazy Spring.
    What a fun photo project with friends!

    1. That poor old red bud tree might just fall over if he keeps pecking in the same place! I love hearing the pileated woodpecker's call. They really do sound like Woody Woodpecker (or Woody Woodpecker sounds just like him!).
      I like the full sized hyacinths better, because they smell delicious, but the grape ones are so cute!
      Spring weather is fickle, but this is ridiculous!
      I've found quite a few photos of my daughter when she was in kindergarten gifted class, and it makes my heart catch!

  5. Replies
    1. It was fun to get together and go through all those photos! I got a nice stack of my daughter and also ones of some of her friends that I will be giving to them.
