Sunday, February 5, 2023

This One Includes Snow Days

 Well, hey, it's time for a Ten Things of Thankful post already! Let's do this!

1. I was pretty bummed this time last week because we didn't get a snow day when we were all pretty sure we would. The Weather gods heard my whining, and we not only got a snow day this week, we got TWO!

That's not snow; it's sleet

2. The Chiefs won the AFC Championship and are Super Bowl bound!

3. This is really a thankful from the Chiefs (they just don't know it), but I had my little nugs do "football drills" (stuff I totally made up and TOLD them were real football drills) the Friday before the game to help the Chiefs win. Obviously, it worked. You should see my little 2 and 3 year olds hustling with a pretend football tucked under their arms! We ran around cones, jumped over lines, threw a football into a soccer net, jumped up to catch pretend passes. We will be working overtime this week to help the Chiefs get the W on Sunday!

Super Bowl Team Captains

4. We had a going away party for friend and co-worker Manda who is off to a new adventure. I am sad that she's leaving us, but I am thankful for having worked with her and that she will continue to be my friend.

5. I'm thankful for fresh raspberries in the middle of the winter.

6. My husband and I carried a decrepit recliner downstairs from our bedroom and out to the car to be thrown away AND carried a new-to-us recliner from the car up the stairs to our room and NO ONE GOT MAD AND NO ONE GOT HURT. By the way, if you didn't know the back of a recliner pulls completely off, you need to know that before you move one, but be aware the bottom half is somehow heavier on its own than the whole thing is put together and I don't know how to explain that but just know it's true.

7. I'm thankful for forgotten Christmas candy found tucked away in a closet.

8. After bitter cold temperatures and enough sleet and ice to close schools for two days, I am EXTREMELY grateful that today was 60 degrees and I was able to open the windows for a bit.

9. Lewis says to tell you HE is also extemely grateful the windows were open, because he likes nothing better than lying in a windowsill and breathing in the fresh air.

10. I found a live feed on YouTube this week of a bird feeder in Akron, Ohio, and we have been watching it after breakfast at school. My kids have been SO EXCITED about seeing the different birds and have learned to identify blue jays and cardinals (both male and female) from it. We are working on learning mourning doves, starlings, red winged blackbirds, and finches (my mother was a member of the Junior Audubon Society when she was a girl, so I know my local birds, thank you very much, and no, I don't live in Ohio, but we have the same birds here). 

I hope you can find thankfuls in goofy things like doing pretend football drills or knowing a recliner breaks down into two pieces BEFORE you have to move one or eating a box of Good and Plenty candy even though you know you will regret it later.

Join us at the hop any weekend, because we are always here, Friday through Sunday, to welcome you!


  1. As always, it's a joy to read your list. Simple, funny things are the best things.

    1. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Mimi! I appreciate you!
