Monday, June 7, 2021

The Week That Ended With Apartment Hunting

Apartment hunting today is not what it was when I was living the apartment life. Back then, you got the Sunday paper, opened it to the classified ads, and looked under "Apartments for Rent". You highlighted the ones you were interested it, gathered your street map, and off you went to check them out. 


There is no longer one place to go to see all the apartment listings. Google has hundreds of listings. Hundreds. The algorithm or whatever it is brings up mostly the luxury places. It is terribly frustrating, and the end result is we have not found an apartment for my daughter to live in this August when law school begins. Correction: we have not found an AFFORDABLE apartment for my daughter to live in. 

The Country Club Plaza, Kansas City

Sigh. Moving on to the Ten Things of Thankful for this week: 

This week, I am thankful:

... for my brother and sister in law, who have given us an open invitation to stay with them whenever we are in KC.

... that the invitation was extended for this past weekend, even when my SIL was going into the hospital on Monday for knee replacement surgery.

... that I wasn't killed by their shower door when it fell off the track when I was trying to slide it open to turn on the water.

... that I wasn't killed OR injured by the shower door because my daughter laid in bed in the next room and didn't get up to check on me, waiting instead to see if she heard any noises from me after the initial crash and scream (she said she heard me talking to myself so she knew I was okay - smh!).

... for scoring some cute clothes and two Holly Hobbie items at a thrift store.

... for the Circle of (School) Life where older students move up and out of the room and younger ones move up and into their places. It's bittersweet when my loves go to Pre-K, but I still get to see them every day just by walking down the hallway.

... that my newest nugs are easing into the routine of a big (well, medium) kid class and are having fun.

... when someone brings donuts to work.

... for friends, old and new.

... for love and laughter.

Now if someone could come up with an on-line classified ad system of listing apartments THAT INCLUDED ALL OF THEM IN ONE PLACE, holler at me....


  1. What a busy week and weekend! I hope a suitable, and affordable apartment becomes available soon. What a headache. Does the school have any kind of bulletin board up where a student(s) are looking for another person who wants to share an apartment?
    So glad you were not hurt wrestling that shower door.
    I think I am almost to point where I am ready to venture into a thrift store again. It has been way too long.
    Hoping you have a safe and prosperous week ahead.

    1. I sure hope that apartment materializes, too! I'm starting to get panicky. And she's nervous about sharing an apartment with a stranger, especially since she worries that they might walk and leave her with a lease, which I get.
      I don't go anywhere without a mask, and more people seem to wear them in the thrift stores than in a regular store!

  2. A shower door fell on you! Oof, i am so glad you were not hurt.

    Good luck with apartment hunting, i wish i had some answers, but the only way i know about cheap apartments in our town is hearing through the grapevine, i wouldn't have that connection anywhere else. Do you know anyone at all in that city?

    1. Fortunately, the shower door fell INTO the tub and I was on the outside. If I'd been inside, I surely would have been hurt, probably my foot when it landed! As it is, it is now a funny story my family enjoys telling.
      We are tapping all sources we have in KC, but the biggest problem isn't finding one, it's affording one. The prices are absurd!

  3. I hope you will find a suitable apartment soon.
