Monday, May 31, 2021

A Repurposing Of Boxes And Biscuits And Christmas Trees Week

I have a confession: 

I still have a Christmas tree in my family room.

And tomorrow is June 1.

I left it up in January because it's silver with white lights and only about 4 feet tall, and I thought it looked more wintery than Christmas-y. I also might have been too lazy to carry it down to the basement.

Oh, I could have gotten all cute and decorated it to match each season, like little hearts at Valentine's Day and decorated eggs for Easter, but did I mention that I am lazy?

Now that the little silver Christmas tree has been in my family room for six months, do I leave it out or put it away? What to do, what to do....

Here are Ten Things of Thankful for this week:

My husband and I got to spend the day before the big graduation last weekend doing fun stuff in Oklahoma City. It started with the adorable Airbnb we stayed in. It was cute and comfy and had a cool mural outside that made a great photo backdrop.

Sweet mural

I belong to a Facebook group for weird secondhand finds, which is right up my alley, and on there, I read about place in OKC called Dead People's Stuff. It's mostly architectural salvage, and we had a great time poking around in it. 

Windows started at $250....

No price on the old toilets but I wasn't in the 
market for a new (old) one anyway....

Our awesome Airbnb hosts recommended a nearby restaurant, Hunny Bunny Biscuit Company, and it was divine! Everything biscuits. How could you go wrong with that?! I had the French toast biscuit. My husband had the chicken club biscuit.

Get in my belly now!

We also found a taco truck that was parked in a rundown, light industrial area. I don't think the truck had been driven in a very, very long time, but after I quit being judgy about it, I ate the best street tacos I've ever had.


Driving a stick shift is like riding a bicycle (sort of, because I fall off bicycles sometimes and I have yet to tip over a car), which is a good thing, as I drove my daughter in law's car back from OKC (logistics issues with only two drivers to get three vehicles from OKC to Little Rock). Other than driving my son's car briefly a year ago, I hadn't driven a car with a manual transmission since 1997. I still got it!

The car had a Pike Pass, so I got to breeze past the toll booths on the turnpikes instead of having to stop, and I felt VERY AWESOME doing so. It's the little things....

We have had a stupid amount of rain lately, and on Wednesday of this past week, we got five inches in just a couple of hours, leading to flash flooding. We only had a trickle of water in our basement at home, and more than a trickle at school, but nothing appears to have been ruined by it.

With that rain came severe thunderstorms. I didn't want my sweet nugs to get scared, so I closed the blinds, turned off the lights, put on a movie (Richard Scarry "Best Sing-Along Mother Goose Video Ever"), and gave them huge boxes to sit in. Indoor drive-in movie! We made it through a nasty storm, including a bolt of lightning that struck VERY close by, with NO TEARS!

Everything is better when you're sitting in a box.

Remember the French toast biscuit from the Hunny Bunny Biscuit Company? NAILED IT! 

Leftover biscuits, repurposed.


This was the last weekend of the Bluegrass Festival at Silver Dollar City. My husband and I went three different times throughout the festival to listen to music, seeing established acts like Rhonda Vincent along with up-and-coming groups like Southern Strings (all teenagers and all wildly talented). 

And there you have it. If you didn't link up with us this week, do it next week!


  1. I cut a curvy path in the long(ish) grass in our sideyard.

    boo yah

  2. Love the movie idea! Leave the tree, put a few little flags on it and it will go through Labor Day.

    1. The drive-in movie was fun! Usually when I get out the big boxes, they get inside and pop out the flaps and switch boxes with each other like hermit crabs! I don't see the tree going away anytime soon, so I'll probably take your advice!

  3. Maybe remembering how to drive a stick shift is kind of like remembering how to ride a bike for some people. Since I never rode a bike much, even as a kid, attempting to do that as an adult was a challenge, and now, well not even a possibility. HaHa. Yeah for you getting that car back from OKC. After seeing your comment about the Blue Grass festival, I went onto Spotify and saved a few of Rhonda Vincent's pieces in my favorites. I love your brilliant idea for keeping your "sweet nugs" safe and content during the storm.

    1. I am definitely better at driving a stick than I am a bicycle! I don't know what happened, but I refuse to believe it's because I'm old and fat and lack balance....
      We also enjoyed a group called Nothin' Fancy. They have songs on YouTube, as does Southern Strings, which was the group of teens. I enjoy bluegrass and am always amazed at what brilliant musicians they are.
      The boxes were a stroke of genius! I still can't believe no one cried!

  4. Brave soul with the stick shift! It's been years for me too.
