Sunday, October 1, 2023

It's Really Very Simple

A simple list of thankfuls when life isn't simple:

1. A kitty in my lap.

2. A kitty in my lap and one on my legs.

3. A kitty in my lap, one on my legs, and one on the ottoman next to my legs.

4. All of the above, and no fighting!

5  Sliced apples and caramel dip.

6. Bracelet sales.

7. Medicinal ice cream cones.

8. Candy pumpkins. Fight me.

9. Napping on the deck.

10. Laughing and being silly with preschoolers.

Now, remember to breathe, then get out there and find YOUR thankfuls! 


  1. Cat on the lap ... that's so comforting! :-)

  2. When life isn't simple, being able to recognize the simple things is often the key to feeling better, I've found. Hang in there!

  3. I am praying things get better soon.
