Sunday, December 19, 2021

Thankful I Finally Made It To The Hop!

Excuse me a moment while I knock some cobwebs off my blog and write a Ten Things of Thankful post after being AWOL....

We celebrated my dad's 87th birthday last weekend. He asked for (and received) caramel popcorn and homemade apple pie and ice cream.

Isn't he adorable?!

There was a tornado warning that same evening. We were fine, but this is the same storm system that wreaked havoc on Mayfield, Kentucky. p.s. If you'd like to help, please consider a donation to the American Red Cross by visiting, calling 1-800-REDCROSS, or texting the word "REDCROSS" to 90999 to make a $10 donation.

I'm not COMPLETELY done with Christmas shopping, but I'm darn close.

I fixed the dishwasher today. In fairness, I'm also the one who broke it, but I'm still pretty pleased with myself.

I have friends who know me well and found an incredibly perfect gift for me. 

I didn't set out to collect antique urinals, but I got one at an estate auction for a dollar a couple of years ago, and I started using it as a vase. Then I found a second one at a Salvation Army thrift store for a couple of dollars, so of COURSE it came home with me. Now I'm the proud owner of a full-fledged bed pan.

Porcelain, baby!

The transformation.

Our staff Christmas party was this weekend at my house. We ate a lot, talked a lot, and laughed a lot. What more could you want?

We're getting a Raising Cane's chicken restaurant some time next year. I won't be so thankful when I gain 50 pounds from eating it, but the thought of being able to get it any time I want is delightful!

Speaking of food, I am thankful for an occasional peppermint ice cream cone from Braum's during the holiday season (for the record, I have only had one so far this year, but I think that's about to change).

I haven't mentioned my heated mattress pad in awhile, so here's a thankful for it and the delicious warmth it brings. 

Two day work week coming up this week. Woot!

Next weekend, we will have the link open for the Ten Things of Thankful, but don't worry if you miss it! Come back December 31-January 3 and give us a year wrap up! Hope to see you then!

1 comment:

  1. Life gets busy, and that's okay. You do the hard part, the hostess-ing, so if you miss posting, you'll catch up.
