Sunday, December 5, 2021

Big, Small, And In Between, But Mostly Small Thankfuls

Lord Almighty, but it was hard to go back to work this week after the long Thanksgiving break! I rolled in late to work every single day this week (and by late, I don't mean LATE; I mean five minutes or so). But in a flash, it became the weekend again, and here are my Ten Things of Thankful for the week:

We left three cats home alone when we went to Kansas City for Thanksgiving weekend, and we returned to three cats still alive, so I'd say that's a thankful. Lewis is kind of an asshole when we ARE home, so without us to run interference when he's harassing Nora, we weren't sure how they'd do.

I cut my hair again. Like, really cut it. Close to 6 inches off the back. And it's mostly even, although with curly hair, who would know? I like it, except that it made it so curly that I feel as though I look like a cross between a poodle and one of the blue haired ladies from church who gets a perm and a weekly 'do.

We had unseasonably warm weather this week and oodles of fall leaves on the ground, and that equaled loads of fun for my littles on the playground. 

On-line shopping. 

The lullaby channel on Pandora. Works like a charm (usually) when I can't sleep at night.

Little Debbie Christmas tree cakes.

Finding money in a pocket.

Community theater productions.

Flannel shirts.

Twelve more days of school until Christmas vacation! 

Hope you're thankful for big things and small things and in-between things.

1 comment:

  1. Cats not killing each other (or destroying the house) is a huge one. Love your list!
