Friday, July 23, 2021

Ev'rythin's Up To Date!

 Ev'rythin's up to date in Kansas City
They've gone about as fur as they c'n go!

I didn't get a TToT post written last weekend, but I had a good reason! It was an extremely busy weekend, and when I finally had a little down time on Sunday evening, I realized I had no internet. Ready to rock the list now:

After weeks of apartment hunting and finding out that our list of must-haves had to be whittled down to four walls, a roof, and an indoor bathroom, my daughter found an apartment that she really loves and can almost afford! Last weekend was move-in weekend, and guess who her moving crew was...?

I am eternally grateful to my brother and his wife for opening their guest room to us while we searched and again as a home base while we moved Emma into the apartment. During this time, my SIL had knee replacement surgery and my brother had a kidney stone, and they still let us impose on them.

It took us less than three hours to unload an SUV, a minivan, and a small car, all three stuffed to the gills, and that included playing parking space musical chairs with the only space available in front of the building.

Did I mention there is no elevator in the building? And that she lives on the second floor? And that there is a flight of stairs from the sidewalk to the front entrance? And that the stairs from the sidewalk to the entrance are irregularly spaced and inconsistent heights? And that the inside stairway, while a straight shot that didn't allow me a reason to yell, "Pivot! Pivot!" was quite narrow? Those aren't thankfuls, but they did lead to a thankful, and that is we are thankful that that was the last time we physically help anyone move again. My husband and I have officially retired from the moving crew!

We decided it would be easier and cheaper to buy Emma a new bed than to move a queen sized mattress and box spring from the lake house to the new apartment, and I still stand by that, but the purchasing of the bed was no easy task. We got a mattress at IKEA (it was 56 pounds, and I know that because it was on the label) and rolled up like a burrito, but when we loaded a VERY HEAVY (more than 56 pounds) bed frame onto a cart with the mattress, then went to find the needed slats, we found they were out of them. Out. Of. Them. And didn't know when they would get them in. We put the bed frame back, bought the mattress, and went to Nebraska Furniture Mart, where a very nice salesman found us an affordable platform bed that was EXTRAORDINARILY HEAVY but had all its parts, and we are grateful for that.

We didn't get a divorce over putting the bed frame together, although it was touch and go for awhile there....

My husband and daughter did assemble the bed frame (without me after I quit the team over differences of opinion with the one who isn't my daughter), and I can somewhat gleefully report that he did, indeed, put the headboard together wrong, but it doesn't compromise the integrity of the bed; only the aesthetic of it. 

My husband left on Saturday morning (there's a thankful of its own, since I was still harboring leftover pissed-offyness from the day before), and Emma and I spent the next two days cleaning and arranging and buying until we turned the empty apartment into a home. Nothing hung on the walls yet, because she wants to take a little time to think about it all first.

We may or may not have scraped some paint off 
the banister whilst lugging this futon up the stairs....

Cute little kitchen. She now owns her first
set of dishes. Alas, no eating utensils,
but that's what fingers are for.

Headboard attached too high but
I didn't say it....

Teeny, tiny bathroom, but hey,
it's indoors!

Emma and I rewarded ourselves for all of our hard work with walking to have dinner on the Country Club Plaza*. It took us three minutes to get to the restaurant, and all we had to do was cross the street, walk through a (narrow) park, and cross another street, and BOOM! we were there!

In front of the JC Nichols fountain, the buildings
of the Plaza behind us, her apartment a block away.

I remembered to get renter's insurance for her this week!

That's a pretty fine list of thankfuls, which I believe number ten. And for the first time in AGES, my post is not only done before Monday evening, it's done BEFORE THE HOP GOES LIVE ON FRIDAY MORNING! Perhaps I've turned over a new leaf... PAHAHAHAHAAA! We know that isn't true.

Now it's YOUR turn! Write down ten things of thankful and link up with us! We would love to have you!

*for those not familiar with Kansas City, the Country Club Plaza, usually known as just "The Plaza", was built in 1923 as the first planned shopping district in the country that was separate from downtown and was built to accommodate shoppers arriving by automobile. The area is known for the Spanish architecture and contains high-end retail establishments and restaurants, and is surrounded by upscale apartments and mansions. It's a destination for both tourists and locals and is a prestigious place to live.


  1. WooooWeeeee! Your post reminds me of the thankful I will look forward to writing once we get moved. I totally agree on retiring from moving. We have movers scheduled.

    1. It is EXHAUSTING to move. Glad you have movers doing it for you! I have bruises all up the inside of my arms and I don't even know why (although I suspect that hateful futon).

  2. Certainly this move is going to live on in the memories of your family and probably will be enlarged upon as the story get retold, depending on the story teller.🤪It brings back some memories when we moved to our present living quarters, when it wasn't completed yet. Some of the tasks required more strength than we had to give, but we somehow managed. We haven't moved since. HaHa
    I googled to check out some of the sights in Kansas City. There are so many places that would be wonderful to see.
    Here is to a relaxing week ahead.

    1. We've moved that damn futon from room to room and to the lake house before it went to KC, and I told my daughter she can either move it herself or leave it in the apartment, but I'm never moving it further than across the room ever again!
      Kansas City is a fabulous place to live or to visit. She's going to love it! She is two blocks from the Nelson Atkins Museum!

  3. Yes, you've got a story for the family annals.

    1. Definitely! It will be "The Move That Almost Caused A Divorce" :D

  4. Damn! Tired from reading the adventure. Moving someplace new, all 'at once' is, imo, disproportionally more exhausting than the more gradual, 'hey, can I crash here for a while'.
    And, way ahead of schedule? I know from reading you and Christine's blogs(back in the day) you people in the Midwest (Midwest motto: We might not have boundless oceans and seacoasts, but we do have cattle-freezing blizzards, stampeding arachnids and tornados,)
    ...where was I?
    oh yeah, you have school starting the day after the 4th of July. (never understood that)
    Good TToT

    1. I have school all year, because I work at a child development center that's open year-round. Emma had the option to take up to 7 hours this summer and get some of her 1L classes out of the way, so she took one 3-hour class that was on-line. She officially starts around August 20, but she had to be out of the apartment in Fayetteville by the end of July. Third week in August is typical starting date for all schools around here, though. But they get out before Memorial Day (barring snow days!)
