Sunday, March 28, 2021

Saying Farewell To March

In like a lion, out like a lamb? Hah! More like lion day, lion day, lamb day, lamb morning, lion afternoon, REALLY ANGRY lion hanging around for a few days while lamb cries and hides, lamb running very quickly in and out, lamb and lion getting into a GINORMOUS fight, lamb day but lion blowing big puffs of icy cold air, lamb day, lamb day, JUST KIDDING lion day.

As March winds down (and you can read "winds" with a long OR short i and it would still be appropriate) and April begins, I think, THINK that we're done with the worst of the liony stuff. I am hopeful. Now on to the Ten Things of Thankful.

1. The daffodils and paperwhites are blooming.

2. Tulips have popped up and the buds are just about to burst open.

3. The birds are clearly happy that spring is here, and they are telling the world about it through their chirps and songs.

4. Our tail-less squirrel has survived the winter! We don't know what happened to the tail, and I have worried about him all winter, since he doesn't have that built-in blanky to keep him warm when he sleeps. I wish I had video or a picture of him, but alas, I don't. Imagine, though, a bunny with short, round ears hopping along a tree branch, and that would be what Mr. No Tail looks like when he's in a tree.

5. My daughter came home for an abbreviated spring break (the University of Arkansas thought if they only gave them two days off, they wouldn't go to the beach in big, rowdy groups and spread Covid amongst them, but they thought wrong, at least about going to the beach in big groups. Time will tell if they were super spreader events or not.). Instead of a fun trip to the beach with friends (and two of her roommates did just that), she went to the lake house with us. I'll take every moment like this I can get; she's going to be graduating and moving away to law school, and I won't get to see her nearly as often.

6. Hot dogs and roasted marshmallows for supper while sitting around the fire pit. Daughter's idea, and an excellent one it was!

7. We went to Silver Dollar City this morning for an hour or two. We have been season pass holders for years, but we let ours from last year roll over to this year, as we weren't willing to risk exposure to Covid last year. It was a lion day pretending to be a lamb day, in that it was beautiful and sunny and 60 degrees, but there was a strong wind out of the north that cut right through you. We walked through the entire park to see what had changed since we were last there in 2019, then enjoyed listening to the Homestead Pickers, my very favorite thing to do there. 

8. The doctors are getting married two weeks from today!

9. We have no location for a rehearsal dinner yet. I am doing my level best not to panic about this. I think I'm faking it really well....

10. Today marks the 9th anniversary of my bilateral mastectomy and free-tram reconstruction. Self-examinations are key to early detection of breast cancer! Remind someone you love!

The Ten Things of Thankful link is open until Monday night! Please join us!


  1. I woke to sleet! Stinkin lion!!!!
    A lawyer and a dr! Those kiddos got ya covered! So happy you continue with good health!!!!!

    1. Ew! Sleet! I HOPE it's all over for us, but this is Missouri, and anything could happen.
      Maybe Emma will marry someone from a tribe and we can add Indian Chief.


    1. Hahah! Perfect! Reminds me of the Friends episode when they sing this to Marcel the monkey.

  3. A beautiful March and its ending is just the beginning of a beautiful year.

  4. Oh, what a list! Yes, March can be like that.

    Don't sweat the small stuff, and in the scheme of what you hope will be a good, long 'til-death-do-they-part marriage, where they had the rehearsal dinner is small stuff.

    1. Good advice, Mimi! Here's the funny part - they aren't even HAVING a real rehearsal, because the venue isn't available for it!

  5. We used to go to Silver Dollar City often. That was when we lived in Illinois. So much fun!

  6. Congrats? on the bittersweet anniversary of your bilateral mastectomy. Of all the things I stopped doing during COVID, going for my mammogram was NOT one of them. Having two friends deal with breast cancer in the last few years - I know all too well that it is something that can't be skipped.

    Starting up with the A to Z this year and missing your posts although imagine you're super busy with the upcoming wedding. Can't wait to read all about it!

    Weekends In Maine

    1. It was certainly a bittersweet anniversary, especially because 9 years ago, I didn't know what my prognosis was going to be. I was certainly one of the lucky ones!

      I was really close to committing to the A to Z, but I decided not to add any more stress to this month! In the span of two months, between both kids, there will have been one Match Day, one honors thesis defense, one wedding, two graduations, and two moves to two different cities! I will live vicariously through you this year and am looking forward to it!
