Friday, November 6, 2020

The Time Change Hasn't Killed Me Yet And Other Thankfuls

This week. It's been a rough one. Covid cases are at an all-time high. The presidential election is still up in the air. Those poor people who have to count all those paper ballots must be getting ulcers from it. Imagine the pressure of trying to make sure you were as diligent as possible at this! I hope they are able to dig deeply and find some thankfuls. I did and here's my Ten Things of Thankful for this week:

1. Beautiful weather this week, which was much deserved after the dose of winter we were delivered last week.

2. The time change means it's light in the mornings when I leave for work. 

3. Part two of the it being light in the mornings when I leave for work is that deer don't observe the time change, and most of them are back home in the woods or thicket or wherever they go all day and not running out in the road when I'm driving by.

4. Afternoon naps, because time change.

5. Early bed time, because same.

6. No more campaign ads.

7. An almost-three year old boy in my class reached up and touched my hair the other day and said, "Your hair is pretty!" True love!

Me and my shaaaaadow!

8. A nearby Walmart Neighborhood Market had grape Propel packets AND I BOUGHT ALL OF THEM. I scored 11 boxes. That'll last me a few weeks!

9. MSNBC's Steve Kornacki and the fact that Kornacki's khakis are trending on Twitter.

10. I'm especially thankful for Kristi of Thankful Me. She is taking a much needed break from hosting the Ten Things of Thankful, and I am going to do my level best (bearing in mind that I am a low achiever) to pick up the torch and try not to set the entire place on fire because I dropped the damn torch and it rolled under the couch and caught the dust kittens on fire. Make sure you let Kristi know how much her leadership has meant! She deserves it!

It's been a tumultuous week. But I spelled "tumultuous" without having spellcheck scream at me, and if I can do that, then you can write up YOUR thankfuls and join us!


  1. The TTOT is safe in your hands, though your description of the torch passing made me laugh. Thank you so much!
    I wonder how much longer we will continue to "spring ahead, fall behind" before we just settle on a time and stick with it. The adjustment woes are real! I'm glad you're surviving, and that you're stocked up on grape Propel!

    1. Add "Santa Ana winds" to that description!
      Other than the week or so of transitioning, I actually love the time change. Daylight savings time and it not getting dark until 9 pm? Yes, please! Cozy evenings in the winter with it dark outside and warm and bright inside? Yes, please!
      Grape Propel is life!

  2. #3 Maybe you are his first girl friend. :-)
    I discovered this week that I need to be careful driving by a certain home. There were goats everywhere in their driveway and one right on the edge of their hillside property, right between their hedge and the road (without a shoulder) on the curvy road. I was so glad the goat was focused on eating, otherwise I probably would have hit it if he had moved just a few steps over. I am glad the deer are not a problem for you now.
    #9 We watched him doing his tabulations with such speed and was amazed by his energy level throughout the week and never once did I even notice the khakis. I don't go on Twitter very often, or perhaps I would have noticed.:-)
    So glad you found some grape propel. I am going to have to try just one some day.
    Glad to see you here.

    1. I would be honored to be that sweet boy's first girlfriend!
      My dad had a deer run into the driver's side door, in broad daylight, on a road like you described. It came out of nowhere and he said all he saw was eyes and hoofs and fur in the driver's side window! He couldn't even stop the car and check for damage (which is a deer-shaped dent in the driver's side door and some hoof scratches). If I had goats, I think I would make sure they were fenced!
      I really love grape Koolaid (because I'm, like, 11), so the propel is my healthier alternative, and it gets me to drink lots of water in a day!
      Glad to be here!

  3. Love your list, and i am so glad you are going to host! You will do fabulously.

    1. Thank you so much! The bar is high, but I'm afraid I will still manage to knock it down and trip over it!

  4. That "light in the morning" thing is HUGE, isn't it?
    Some people just don't get it but I should have known you'd stand with me!

  5. I join you in thanking Kristi for all her work as host.*

    You will do well.

    You possess the natural confidence and enthusiasm, (a necessary combination: have only the first and its over-bearing, only the second and its exhausting), that are such excellent qualities in a host of a bloghop.

    And, speaking only for the Doctrine, you have documented experience working effectively with three-to-four years'll be fun.

    *given the....eclectic character of the participants in this remarkable 'hop** she has totally earned a break
    ** present company excepted, of course

    1. As long as I don't have to do potty time with any of y'all, it will all work out!

  6. Good list, you propel drinking, khaki wearing woman!
    Kristi was a great host. As I may have said over to her place - it made me nervous to hear she was leaving. But then, I got to thinking, she'd never let the TToT dissolve into the ether. Thank you, Dyanne for taking the torch. And I'm sure this won't happen...🤣


    1. Propel drinking - yes. Khaki wearing - never. I also don't wear polo shirts.

      Oh, my God, the pressure of not letting the TToT die a slow and painful death. Gahhhh!!!

      Can't. Drop. The. Torch....
