Friday, January 2, 2015

Hello, 2015! Hello, 10 Things of Thankful!

Happy 2015! So far, so good. I have so many thankfuls this week that it's difficult to narrow it down to ten. I was out of town, there was no bloodshed while I was gone, the house wasn't a complete disaster when I returned, no one starved (contrary to complaints from my daughter that there was "nothing to eat"), and coming home to the Christmas decorations already put away was delightful. Here are some more:

1. My family was gracious enough (meaning they whined, but I did it anyway) to let me go visit my Person* in Nashville this week. She had surgery and wanted me to come be with her afterwards, and since it worked out so well with Christmas vacation, I did.

2. My car needs some serious work (unless you LIKE blue smoke coming out of the exhaust, in which case, would you like to buy a Toyota Avalon?), so my parents let me borrow their Toyota Sequoia. It comes by the name honestly; it is a little like driving a very large tree, but it was fun to drive something different, and it leads me to my next TToT:

3. Sirius XM radio. Out of the 200 or so channels offered, I really only listened to six of them, but I enjoyed the hell out of those six stations!

4. Cruise control.

5. I did not take the wrong turn that leads you past the penitentiary, and I mean RIGHT PAST it. Last time I did that, it was coincidentally the EXACT SAME TIME the tornado sirens were tested, and I thought there had been a jail break. 

6. Four whole days with Terri, my Person, just hanging around and talking. 

7. Terri was feeling perky enough to go out to lunch twice. We went to her son's new restaurant, Party Fowl, and to my favorite place in Nashville, San Antonio Taco Company. Two delicious meals. 

8. I also got to indulge in my favorite ice cream place, Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream (I still believe the logo looks like it says "Penis" rather than "Jeni's", but whatever it is, it certainly is splendid). I had three scoops: goat cheese and red cherry, mid western whiskey and eggnog, and salted caramel. And before you think I'm a pig, know that each scoop is about the size of a ping pong ball.

I ate my itty bitty scoops of ice cream
with an itty bitty tasting spoon.

9. Silliness on New Year's Eve.

10. Best of all, I'm thankful that Ruby didn't get as mad at me as she did last summer when I spent a week away from her. Maybe the presents I brought her helped?

The lump in the bed that Ruby is hugging is ME.
My husband took this after I went to sleep.

I don't make resolutions, but you should make just one, and that's to join us in the Ten Things of Thankful weekly blog hop. Good friends, good times! Link up, below.

* Grey's Anatomy reference. Google it.

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group

Join the Ten Things of Thankful community and work with us to nurture an attitude of gratitude. We use the whole weekend to focus on the Good Things in life. Make a list of Ten of those wonderful Things, then share the Wonderfulness with others.

We're all in this together, so let's find the GOOD, and make it visible.

Please take time to have a look at some of the other posts and leave the bloggers some comment love - let's get the appreciation going. The comments are where the magic happens, so start a conversation with someone.

Add your 'Ten Things of Thankful' link here and don't forget to display our banner on your post - it's only polite, yo!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Am I frist??? I'm not going to hold my breath because I know you have comment moderation on. But I can dream for a bit...
    Glad you could be with your Person for a time she needed you. That's priceless, isn't it? And someone else taking down the decorations? Say it isn't so! I would love that! But my six year old child and my Jewish husband both lack experience in this department, so it's all mine. Sometimes I think too much help, though is...well, too much help.
    Happy New Year to you!

    1. You are FRIST, my friend!
      It was great to be with my person! And great that she had laparoscopic surgery and healing was easier than with a big incision. When I see her again spring break, we will be able to do our usual shopping and such.
      And heavens, no, my Christmas stuff wasn't put away by my family! I did it ALL BY MYSELF before I left on my trip, just because I couldn't stand coming home to it. I'm really glad I did. The house is decorated with snowmen now.
      Happy New Year, Lisa!

  2. The ice cream looks very good.
    Happy New Year to you, your family, Ruby, and your Person.

  3. Okay, I could not look at Jeni's sign the same way after reading. Plus I could not take my eyes off Jeni's sign after reading! I don't know if that sign brings in more business or less, but I do believe it must have an impact! ~May@ Achieving Clarity

    1. See? It's not just me with that sign. The employees wear tshirts that have the logo on it that I'd really like to have.

  4. Sounds like 2015 is off to a fantastic start for you. Happy New Year!

  5. What a happy break. And what a great family to de-Chrismify while you were gone. There's an ice cream place in Princeton called the Bent Spoon with teeny scoops and teeny spoons. I love it. Hope your person, Terri, is feeling lots better. Love a girls' vacation. Happy New Year.

    1. Oh, my family didn't do a blasted thing! I did all of it before I left!
      They give you a normal sized spoon at Jeni's, but it just doesn't seem right to eat that itty bitty scoop with a normal spoon. Makes the spoon look more like a steam shovel. Besides, the itty bitty spoon makes the ice cream last longer. Terri's doing great, thank you!

  6. Oh, what a wonderful surprise to come home to the Christmas decorations put away! I had to laugh about the "nothing to eat" comment--I've heard that one before, too. Glad your family survived and you had a nice time.

    1. I am obviously a horrible writer, because I am the one who put away the decorations, not my family. I didn't want to come back from Nashville and have to deal with them, and no one in my family would have lifted a finger to put them away with out me there!
      There is enough food in our house to feed us for months. Not buying the "nothing to eat" comment!

  7. yeah, that IS an unfortunate sign on Jeni's . I thought I read that you packed up the decor before you left... sorry to deflate the familial bubble but you put the stuff away right!? THey do get points that the place wasnt a mess when you got back though! OH RUBY!!!!!

    1. I knew you'd see it.
      I did it all, Zoe. Took it down, packed it up, carried it upstairs. The only thing they did was heave it up into the attic. At gunpoint. And my husband policed the kitchen while I was gone.

  8. Hey Dyanne! In the "spirit of full disclosure" (my motto this year) when I first looked at the small thumbnail of your TToT over at the Doctrine it looked like you had a cigarette hanging out of your mouth. And I thought "what a most excellent picture!" LOL Now that I see it's an itty bitty tasting's still most excellent:)
    What's a body to do when your "person" needs you? Good for you:)
    Now about that ice cream. Who in the world, no make that, what in the world is a flavor called goat cheese and red cherry?! Sounds yucky! It all looks good up there in the bowl but you know what they say - looks can be disgusting tasting lol

    1. I thought the same thing when I saw that thumbnail picture of myself AND I KNEW BETTER!
      When your person needs you, you go. End of story :)
      I am a VERY picky eater, so the fact that I would eat goat cheese anything is pretty amazing! They give you a sample of any and all flavors of ice cream at Jeni's (which is why I had a pocket full of itty bitty spoons from which to use for eating my ice cream). The goat cheese and red cherry tastes like cheese cake ice cream. No goaty at all!

  9. I'm glad you had so much fun with your friend! The ice cream sounds interesting!! And yay for the house not being trashed :-) I bet Ruby-cuddles were very special!

    Have a wonderful new week, Dyanne!

    1. Thanks, Stephanie! It was fun to be with my friend. The ice cream is so interesting and so good! The house was still standing. And my Ruby girl loves meeee!

  10. (meaning they whined, but I did it anyway------ Hilariously true! I know this one!

    Ah but coming home to christmas decs already put away.. So nice!

    Ice cream is always amazing. IT does look like Penis!!!

    1. I don't think they'll ever outgrow "it's not fairrrrrrrrr!"
      It was nice because I thought to put the decorations away before I left, which I obviously didn't get across very well in my writing!
      Wonderful ice cream. And thank you for seeing "Penis" instead of "Jeni's"!

  11. Being with your person is all of it, isn't it??? Also, you remind me. I need to reach out to you for thankful stuff... my bio mom is recovering from double mastectomy now and well, all of the the's. I know that you helped your person Terri.
    whoot to the ice cream sampler spoon!!!

    1. I love being with my Person! We became friends when we were in our twenties, single and stupid. We know stuff about each other; we have to stay friends forever!
      Send me an email about your bio mom!
      Don't tell anyone, but I still have some of those sampler spoons in my coat pocket....

  12. omg i love the ice cream - I made Egg Nog ice cream last week it was yummy - great list of tens especially coming home to the decorations put away... awesome! Hanging with your person is soul-soothing some time it needs to be done, i'm sure it helped your friends recovery so much more. nothing like coming home and knowing at least one family member is happy to see you LOL!... wishing you a happy new year!

    1. I've never had real egg nog before, but if it tastes anything like that ice cream, then I'm willing to try it!
      I put the decorations away before I left so I wouldn't have to face them when I got back. I got a lot of grief from those 12 days of Christmas people, but I'm not sorry!
      My Person and I always pick up where we left off and it's wonderful.
      Everyone else in the house met me at the door bitching about somebody else in the house, but Ruby was just happy to see me!
      Happy New Year, Marisa!

  13. Terri sounds like a great soul mate....and I love Grey's Anatomy too. To a great 2015, Dyanne.

  14. hey! is that 'the other person' in the photo that you have up on 'the Facebook'… the one alluding to twins?

    1. My twin in the facebook picture is a close second to my Person. You have to Google "person" and "Grey's Anatomy"

  15. Happy New Year! Here's to a healthy and happy 2015

  16. I've been jealous of that ice cream since I saw the pic on facebook. Yum!
    So glad you had such good times with your Person.
    Brian loves his Satellite Radio. I like the Loft. Or the Spectrum. I forget which one. Which ones did you like?

    1. The ice cream is fab! It's a chain out of Ohio.
      We had a GREAT time.
      I listened to 70s on 7, 80s on 8, The Blend, The Bridge, Prime Country, Broadway, and Public Radio Exchange.

  17. You know how I love to visit my Person! It's good for the soul! She's doing really well, thanks.
    Driving the Sequoia is a cross between driving a large tree or a refrigerator.
    It's only a shame because it's so expensive! $6 for those three tiny scoops!

  18. The itty bitty spoon makes the ice cream even yummier.

  19. I think my previous comment just disappeared. . . I like the itty bitty spoon the best, I can almost feel the tip in my mouth with birthday cake ice cream.

  20. How awesome that you got some friend time. I can see why you love that ice cream place! Oh my..I was cracking up at the thought you had of the jail break. I think it might have been scary at the time but funny hearing about it now.
