1. We met on the phone, when I was working for a record company in Nashville, and he was working for a publishing/artist management company in Los Angeles, and got married a year and a month later.
2. He is way more romantic than I am.
3. Before we had kids and were living in L.A., we used to go to foreign movies and restaurants with no children's menu and flea markets and antique shops and art galleries.
4. We take turns driving when we're on trips. When we're going through a strange city, he has to be the one driving, because he can't read a map for shit, nor can he interpret highway road signs.

5. When we were trying to come up with a boy name when I was pregnant with our son, he vetoed about 99% of the names on my list because of associations he had had with someone with the same name OR because it was the name of someone I once dated or thought about dating or just thought was cute at one time. (The joke's on him; the name we settled on was on the list because of an actor of the same name who I thought was hot.)
6. We named our daughter before we were ever married.
Now, remember, keep yer pie holes shut....
I am also in charge of the map when we go to new places. He irritates the tar out of me with his inability to problem solve.
ReplyDeleteI will never say a word to your husband. Only because you are the only person I know who still uses the phrase "pie hole", and I love it.
1. I discovered his inability not only to follow a map but to retain the directions for future use shortly after I moved to LA. Within three months, I could get almost anywhere, and if I couldn't figure it out, I whipped out my Thomas Guide (the Bible of LA drivers) to find my way. He always forgot which lane he needed to be in on the freeway to navigate the highway splits and exits, and he'd lived there for ten years already. Then would get testy with me when I would GENTLY remind him he was in the wrong lane and was going to miss the exit that was right up there...right there...right THERE YOUMISSEDIT!
Delete2. :)
He sounds dreamy! You lucky girl, you! :)
ReplyDeleteYou know it :)
DeleteHahaha, I make my boyfriend drive on every trip we go on because, if I drive, I have to get us where we are going as soon as humanly possible, and when he drives, we stop, we pee, we graze, we get back on the road. It's a much more peacful experience, than "COMING THROUGH! GET OUT OF MY WAY!"
ReplyDeleteFortunately, we both like to keep moving and don't dilly-dally at "smiley" stops. I, however, drive much faster and much more aggressively than he does.
DeleteI always make my husband drive whenever we go ANYWHERE (even down the road) because I have no sense of direction and will get us lost in a millisecond. He, on the other hand, could be dropped off in the middle of an unknown city and find his way home before dinner.
ReplyDeleteI think I have control issues. I like to drive almost all the time we're in the car, and my husband is fine being a passenger. The problem is that he falls asleep when he's the passenger, obviously not understanding that one of the duties of riding shotgun is to keep the driver awake and happy.
Delete^missed that. That is me. Knocked out like a lil baby when not driving (and sometimes almost even then!)
DeleteIf I don't receive 100 cookies (not by any means an excessive number), I will Show your husband which kind of Girls his child will be drawn too.
ReplyDeleteI hope you have an awesome 20th Anniversary!
Don't currently have a sig other, but if I were to take trips with one odds are they would have to do the bulk of the driving. Something about being in vehicles makes me really tired.
PS. Keep your son away from strip clubs and pools >.>
Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink
I'll start baking right now....