I continue to be on the puzzle struggle bus, but I've got about 25% of the it completed now. Why, why, WHY did I buy a 1500 piece puzzle?
The great horned owl that has taken up residence in the neighbor's tree is still keeping me company at night when I can't sleep. Is he bored? Looking for a wife? Is he even a HE? I sure enjoy hearing him hoot, whatever the reason.
I drank a diet coke in a restaurant this week, and it didn't make me crave more! After two months drinking only water, the bubbles kind of stung in a rather unpleasant way. I've lost a few more pounds and am still content with my no-ultra processed food life.
Next week, we are expecting severe storms with a pretty good possibility of tornadoes, so I felt it was okay to take the snowflakes off my walls in my pre-k classroom. I may well have jinxed spring by doing this so soon, but it was worth the chance of getting one more winter storm (and some snow days!).
I know it LOOKS like I've killed Flora the Peace Lily, but I have not. She is very dramatic and throws herself down when she thinks she hasn't been watered enough, but when I (or more likely, one of my students) notices she's got the droopies, a big drink of water perks her right back up again! She has faked death a number of times, and each time, she pops right back (so far, anyway).
I used to amuse myself by taking (stealth mode) pictures of butt cracks, and I had a pretty good collections of them. Most were taken when my daughter played sports in high school, because sitting in bleachers all day at a volleyball tournament will give you plenty of opportunity to see someone lean forward and flash that crack. I haven't taken a butt crack picture in YEARS; that is, until this weekend. I couldn't resist and it made me happy:
I guess I'm thankful I have a zit, because that means I still have dewy skin and not dried-out, wrinkled, and leathery old lady skin. I'll take that as a win.
The flooring people finally made it to my dad's late this week, and the work has begun! It's going to look SOOOOOO pretty! Pictures when it's completed.
My son is coming home for a visit this week! He and his wife moved to Washington, DC, last summer, and we've only seen them once since then, when they came back for a wedding. We are beyond excited to spend some time with him.
Find your thankfuls and join us at the Ten Things of Thankful weekly blog hop!
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