Sunday, March 26, 2023

Thankful To Have Found A Friend

We had exactly one day of spring break (and it's the first time we've gotten ANY spring break, so I'm not complaining about having a day off, but gee, wouldn't a week be lovely?), and I made the most of it!

I blew out of school as soon as I could on Thursday afternoon and headed to Kansas City. Two of our student workers were getting married (yes, to each other) on Saturday in Manhattan, Kansas, about a two-hour drive from Kansas City. My daughter was going to visit a friend in Denver for HER spring break (she got a real one, even in law school, but I'm not bitter) and was flying out of KC before dawn on Friday morning, and THAT meant I got to stay in her apartment BY MYSELF all weekend (and load the cat into his kennel, carry him down 35 stairs, and take him home with me for the rest of the week).That in itself is enough to count for ten thankfuls in MY book.

And then things got better.

Better than eating out with my daughter the night before she left at an Irish pub that had amazing food? Better than feeling like I was staying alone in an Airbnb (a slightly messy one that came with a cat)? Better than spending all day Friday doing exactly what I wanted to do with no one to interfere? Better than attending a wedding of two people whom I adore? 


Because doing whatever I wanted to do involved stopping at a thrift store WHERE I HIT THE JACKPOT.

I posted this on Facebook and asked if anyone thought I should buy her, and the votes were overwhelmingly in favor of it. I asked the same question to my family in a group message and got a resounding "NO" from my husband. So, of course, I bought her.

 Saturday morning, we drove to Manhattan for the wedding.

Relax, she stayed in the car for that, but we did stop at a scenic overlook to admire the Flint Hills of Kansas, which are beautiful, even when the grass hasn't greened up yet.

Next, we stopped to get some cheese from Alma Creamery in Alma, Kansas.

I complain a lot about having to stop and pay tolls in Oklahoma and kick myself for not buying a Pike Pass every time. Kansas has a turnpike from Kansas City to Topeka, and if I would have purchased a Pike Pass, I could have used it on the Kansas turnpike as well, as they are reciprocal. Dammit. She thought the whole idea of a toll booth was stupid and antiquated.

Sunday morning, I did my VERY FAVORITE activity when visiting Kansas City, and that was attend church live and in person. My friend slept in and missed it.*

I drove her past it before we left town, though, just so she could see it.

We had a bit of a tussle about who was going to drive to Joplin. Since she had never driven there before, and since SHE HAS NO FEET OR ARMS, I won.

She was helpful in calming my daughter's cat on the trip. Well, that or terrifying him into silence.

And now we're home. For the record, my husband is less than thrilled with her existence, but I am DELIGHTED. 

Stay tuned.

*No, I didn't really let her sleep in the bed with me all night. She got in it after I left for church....


  1. lol
    (there's this thing in the Doctrine about how, while we all have a predominant worldview (clark, scott or roger), the secondary aspect can have a noticeable effect, if significant enough). Guess which, (imo), your significant secondary aspect is.

    1. I never noticed carrying around a head and taking photos of it in your description of ANY of the world views! :)

  2. Heeheehee! Sometimes you just have to do something fun, i'm glad you got to.

  3. Oh, this is so fun! You realize that you will need to take her everywhere, right? And I can't wait to find out what her name is!

    1. Oh, she will be going places, as long as my husband doesn't catch me sneaking her out of the house! He is NOT in love!
