Saturday, October 17, 2015

In Sickness And In Health: Ten Things Of Thankful

This week went by in a flash, and it's a good thing, because that little cold named Melinda that I had last week? Yeah, well, on Wednesday, it grew teeth and claws and horns and turned into a sinus infection and completely wiped me out. Maybe the week went by so quickly because I was in such a fog? Something to ponder. In sickness and in health, here's this week's Ten Things of Thankful:

1. We've had stunningly beautiful weather all week, with clear, blue skies and pleasant temperatures. 

2. Monday afternoon, I stopped at Walmart (the Supercenter, not the neighborhood market, and while this may not seem like a significant difference to you if you do not go to either, it really is a big one; a neighborhood market is just like any grocery store, but a Supercenter has the groceries plus all the other Walmart stuff and generally attracts a somewhat different crowd), because I needed some Rubbermaid tubs. As I was pushing my cart through the store, picking up a few other items while I was there, I had not one, but TWO men flirt with me. Okay, they were senior citizens, but still, they were both rather dapper, dressed nicely and clean and with either all their teeth or very nice dentures, and it was cute and made my day. Shut up.

3. While I was at Walmart, I found a display with different dried fruits and nuts on it, including roasted and salted edamame, so I picked up a package of it. It's pretty tasty, although there is a moment while you're crunching it up when your mouth gets kind of dry and you would swear you have a mouthful of salty kitty litter. But it's a nice, fairly healthy snack to have around, plus it doesn't take a whole lot to satisfy you....

4. Tuesday, my daughter's volleyball team played in West Plains (birthplace of Porter Wagoner), which is a three hour drive from here. My friend Melinda (yes, THAT Melinda) and I drove there together, and we probably had more fun than is allowed by law. 

5. I found a restaurant on Tripadvisor for us to try on our way, and we both declared it was one of the best meals we have ever eaten. If you're ever in Seymour, Missouri (don't laugh, you might be some day), then visit Rusty Spurs Cafe (turn at the Casey's General Store and go one block or so - you can't miss it; it's the only other building on the road). 

6. Oh, yeah, the volleyball games went well.

7. We went to the pumpkin patch this week at preschool. Glorious weather, adorable preschoolers, and no one cried or wet their pants (always my litmus test for a good event).

8. Wednesday afternoon, Melinda the Cold moved into my sinus cavities, and by Thursday, my head felt like a Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon. That was not good, especially as we had our last volleyball home game of the season that evening, but I had my husband stop at the Neighborhood Market on the way so I could get some kind of decongestant that might help. Lo and behold, I found one for only 88 cents for 20 caplets AND IT WORKED. By Friday morning, the crud started breaking up and making its exit (not pretty). 

Note to whoever decides where on a shelf a product should go: medication for sinus pain and pressure should NOT be placed on the very bottom shelf where the person who's suffering from sinus pain and pressure has to bend over to get it.

9. In the midst of dealing with Melinda the Cold, I got the loveliest of texts from Ivy of Uncharted. In spite of her plethora of health issues, she was checking on me to see how I was feeling AND SHE SENT ME A VIDEO OF MY CHICKEN. I heart you, Ivy!

10. Best part of the week: One of the boys in my Primary class gave me a spontaneous hug at recess and said "I love you more than anything in the whole world. Except for my dad." Fair enough, sweet boy!

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Ten Things of Thankful

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Join the Ten Things of Thankful community and work with us to nurture an attitude of gratitude. We use the whole weekend to focus on the Good Things in life. Make a list of Ten of those wonderful Things, then share the Wonderfulness with others.

We're all in this together, so let's find the GOOD, and make it visible.

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  1. I always love your posts. You're hilarious.

  2. Sorry to hear that you were sick...flirty seniors are something made someone's day....congrats to the volleyball season ending on a good note.88 cents medicine is da bomb especially that it worked...targets dm cough syrup is 1.88 that worked too.
    I stay away from edamme; love them it's the soy and phytoestrogen that concerns me.
    Have a wonderful Sunday and week!

    1. I felt like all that when I got flirted with by TWO men, even if they were old enough to be my father. I spring for the Robitussin DM because I can tolerate the taste; I haven't found a store brand that I could do that with.
      I'm not supposed to eat a lot of soy, because my breast cancer was estrogen receptor positive, but I do love edamame in stir fry. And believe me, I can't eat very many of the roasted ones at one time!
      Thanks, Marisa! Hope your week goes well!

  3. My pleasure... I heart you too. Honestly Daisy insisted... She kept saying "im ready for my close up..." She can be very persuasive!!! Love #10!!!

    1. When a chicken insists, well....
      Wasn't #10 SO STINKIN' SWEET?

  4. any successful field trip with preschoolers makes for an awesome week. Glad you had a great trip in there too !

    1. I'm hoping the success of our field trip is an indication of how well our Christmas program is going to go!

  5. A great week full of laughter (mine, if not yours), in spite of the clogged sinuses. Feeling like crap and being ogled by old men is priceless. I love the photo of Emma and her friend in the lockers.

    1. I'm glad I made you laugh, especially after reading your TToT post this weekend.
      Isn't that picture hilarious? They were at the school we were visiting, in their locker room.

  6. #6 aiiyee! a simply photo that totally tells the difference between the young and the ….not young
    sure, any of us could mange to sit in their lockers and talk, the whole difference is the process of getting to sitting position ("well, sure, I could ,hold on let me stretch a little, is that food in there?!! clean it up… now. wait….wait, gimme a hand, ouch! my back! is scraping on the metal!") (you don't even want to imagine getting up (from sitting in your locker))
    you guys out in Kansas or Oklahoma or wherever it is you live, sure do drive a lot!

    1. Here's the really funny part about that locker picture: these lockers were really deep, and Emma GOT IN FEET FIRST and then got stuck. She had to slither out like a snake. I'm pretty sure my behindsky wouldn't fit in that locker.

  7. That locker picture is adorable.

    Any sort of decongestant should be at eye level or up - lessens the chances of blinding sinus pressure AND accidental snot drips.

    1. I love that silly locker picture!
      Fortunately, I was so clogged up, I didn't have to worry about drips, but I DID think my head was going to explode in a million pieces as I bent over to that damn shelf to get my drugs.

  8. Hope you are feeling better! Not to be gross, but please consider seeing a doctor if your -- um, what is on the Kleenex (or your lacy monogrammed handkerchief) is yellow to green instead of clear in color when you blow your nose. You might need antibiotics.
    Great TToT xox jean

    1. Hi, Jean! And thank you! I have had such a horrific sinus infection before that the stuff on the Kleenex was the color of a yellow highlighter. I thought my brains were coming out! I am seeing my oncologist on Tuesday, so if I'm not dead by then from it, I'll have him check to see if I need antibiotics.

  9. Good-bye, Melinda! It always makes me laugh to read that you name your illnesses. I hope you are feeling completely better soon!

    1. Thanks, Kristi! Melinda the Cold really needs to take a hike!

  10. Aw, adorable preschoolers and lots of orange seasonable colour thrown in.

    1. In spite of having the crud, it really was a good week. And the pumpkin picture turned out much better than I thought it would.

  11. Mine, too! And I love how Ivy just KNOWS when I need a text or a chicken pic or both.
    I took you to Walmart supercenter. Targets are a little nicer....

  12. Wow, you really sold that salted edamame! Did you ever consider a career in advertising?! Salty kitty litter...yum yum!
    I used to buzz through West Plains all the time when my daughter was living in Memphis. In fact, I spent the night there after dropping her--my first born--off at college for the very first time. Seymour is new to me, but sounds worth the trip!

    1. Shoulda been a copywriter, huh?
      If you drove through West Plains, you probably drove through Seymour. It's on Hwy 60, about 30 miles east of Springfield. Large Old Order Mennonite community there, so you drive down the highway in the company of horses and buggies.
      ROAD TRIP DOWN HERE! I promise not to give you any salty kitty litter!

  13. Dyanne, I just love reading your TTOT, and the comments you get from others are just as endearing. I'd never even thought of naming colds, and the way you describe the journey of your cold is hilarious. Sorry, I know you were miserable, but the good thing is that you are able to come up with some great writing material and know how to make it funny and interesting.
