Saturday, February 21, 2015

Snow Thankful

I've worried so all week about getting my post written for 1000 Voices Speak for Compassion that I haven't given this week's Ten Things of Thankful too much thought. Since the week was largely defined by the weather, then a weathery list of thankfuls I shall write:

1. The College Boy was home this past weekend. Always good to have him home; always good to send him back (I mean that in the most loving way possible).

2. I got said College Boy back to school and was headed home before the freezing rain started.

3. Note that I said "heading home." I was peppered with both freezing rain and sleet on the hour's drive home. It was freezing on the windshield faster than the wipers could clean it off, and I drove several miles while bent sideways, trying to peer through an opening the size of a saucer in the bottom middle of the windshield. I was hoping an exit was coming up, because I didn't want to risk pulling over onto the shoulder, when the defroster finally did its job and the icy coating started breaking away. Whew!

4. I might have gotten home before any of the frozen precipitation started if I hadn't stopped at a store I like moderately and tried on jeans. Since I found a pair I liked, and since nothing bad actually happened to me on the way home, then this becomes a thankful.

5. Sleet pelted our house the entire evening Sunday, changing over to snow some time around 11 p.m. Given the layer of freezing rain, topped by an inch or so of sleet, the superintendent of our school district canceled classes for the next day long before the first snowflakes fell. No 5:30 a.m. phone call saying school was canceled! We could all sleep in! 

What she does when she's supposed to be cleaning her room.

6. If you take note of the date last Monday, you will realize it was President's Day. Our school district did not observe this as a holiday, and I personally think the dead presidents were angry. I'm thankful they showed our district leaders what for by collaborating with Mother Nature on that winter storm system.

Looking out my living room window. It may not be
that impressive to those of you in the northeast, but
this is a lot of snow for us!

7. We ended up with about 5 inches of snow by the time it ended on Monday afternoon. Our street was a solid sheet of ice, though, and thankfully, so were most of the other side streets in town, leading us to ANOTHER SNOW DAY!

Looking up the hill from our house. Solid. Ice.

8. Back to school Wednesday and Thursday, but that was okay, because we had Friday off as a professional development day for the public school teachers (our preschool is private and not part of the school district, but we follow the district's academic calendar). TWO DAY WORK WEEK, BABY!

9. Snowfall was heavier where the College Boy is going to school. He had Monday off already for President's Day (no pissed off presidents there), and classes were canceled Tuesday and Wednesday for him due to the snow. The dining hall is almost a block away from my son's dorm, and he really didn't want to mush out in the cold and snow to eat, so he stayed in his room and ate from the provisions I sent back to school with him. On Wednesday, I received the following text from him:

Oh, how this kid can make me laugh!

10. Freezing rain expected tonight and tomorrow looks as if it won't hit our area with more than some trace amounts. Which is VERY good, because my daughter has a show choir competition on Saturday and would be devastated if it were canceled. 

There's talk of another storm system moving through at the end of next week, so with potential for another snow day or two, this system will be eagerly anticipated. After that? I'm done with winter. It can go away and make room for spring.

Snowed in? Freezing cold? Find some thankfuls and link up with us, below.

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts

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Join the Ten Things of Thankful community and work with us to nurture an attitude of gratitude. We use the whole weekend to focus on the Good Things in life. Make a list of Ten of those wonderful Things, then share the Wonderfulness with others.

We're all in this together, so let's find the GOOD, and make it visible.

Please take time to have a look at some of the other posts and leave the bloggers some comment love - let's get the appreciation going. The comments are where the magic happens, so start a conversation with someone.

Add your 'Ten Things of Thankful' link here and don't forget to display our banner on your post - it's only polite, yo!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. ice and dwindling ham supplies!? OMG! The contrast in the two hat photos is not lost in translation either! I would take my knee deep snow any day over all the ice... We have some but its been minimal this year!

    FRIST! Its a lot easier when its just you and me isnt it?

    1. We seem to be the only ones alive (or awake) in the blogosphere, which proves we ARE the cool cats.

      I sent him a message, referring to him as Mr. Donner, and told him to mush over to the dining hall or eat a roommate.

      You can tell which one of us is the dork and which one is not. By the way, her room STILL is not clean.

      Ice is no fun.

    2. That is hilarious, Mr. Donner. Its fun to have a great relationship with almost adult College son.

    3. We have this local pub that announces your names as "the ______ party" over the intercom system when your table is ready... So witty us, we always used to give our names as Donner.

  2. Love your post. Snow days are the best, and I agree, the dead Presidents must be wreaking havoc all over this month. Great, fun post.

    1. Snow days are a gift and should be treated that way! Shame on our district for dissing the dead presidents!

  3. ice! (say what you will about snow and such making it difficult)... ice on roads (such as in your photo)... no frickin way!

    ...(brings back memories of snowed in college dorms... I believe I can claim credit for the invention of tomato snow cones (Liptons soup packets, of course) lol

    1. I think I just gagged a little...

    2. You and me, both, Ivy. Blech! Obviously, Clark's invention didn't make him millions or he would be writing his posts from some tropical island.

  4. I love that you still have winter. Not the dangerous driving part of winter, but the winter-wonderland part. We've had Temperatures in the 50s todaay and yesterday, so we decided to take a trip to the playground. Our favorite Calvin got to go on the swing all by himself for the first time, and go down the slide with me a few tiems as well I'm thankful I didn't get stuck ;-) I hope you enjoyed your time off, and finding jeans that fit and make you feel fab is always a big, big thankful!! Calvin sends a drooly smile to his Auntie Dy :-)

    1. This is our first winter wonderland of the year. We don't get a lot of snow here, but when we do, it rather paralyzes us.
      Calvin on a swing! What a big boy! I'm glad you didn't get stuck, either, Pooh Bear!
      Unfortunately, the reason I bought the jeans was because I'm too fat for the ones I have, but I'm not thankful for that part!
      Kisses to my Calvin!

  5. I had forgotten about those days of walking through the cold and snow to the dining halls from the dorms. Thankfully it didn't happen often in southern Ohio.

    Your daughter is just beautiful.

    And your son, hilarious.

    Yay jeans that fit!

    1. Okay, when I went to the very same college, they only cancelled classes, like, once ever for snow. He got three days off!
      Thank you! Wanna know something funny? She took over 90 pictures before she got one she liked. See why the room still isn't clean?
      He's a hoot and a half.
      See my answer to Stephanie, above, and you'll know the reason for the new jeans....

  6. You don't want to hear about my weather. Your son's text is hilarious! I hope the Pop-Tarts get restocked soon!

    1. Yeah, keep your weather to yourself this week, Kristi :)
      My son is really clever and funny. And I replenished his pop tart supply (plus more ham and bread and threw in some chocolate Easter eggs) when his dad had to be in town for work.

  7. That is a hilarious text. The dead Presidents should be pissed - good for them for getting your holiday for you! As for the snow and ice...I'm over it. Done. Ready for spring.

    1. The kid is hilarious.
      I appreciate the work of the dead Presidents very much.
      TOTALLY over it. Come on, spring!

  8. Your photos look pretty much the same as it looks up here in NJ. I'm with you - it's snowing tonight and after this I'm done. I'm ready for the weather to catch up. I notice it's staying light out later and I'm ready for Spring now.

    1. Considering it was our first real snow, it hasn't been a bad winter. Have had some nasty cold days, but it's generally pretty mild around here. My daffodils are starting to poke up from the ground. It won't be long!

  9. Let's make the good visible. I like that.

  10. Wow. I don't know if it's possible but this post made me feel chilly! I'm glad the school district felt the wrath of the dead presidents, even though I know you're all tired of snow right now. I also love your son's texts! Hilarious! Ok now I'm gonna go drink some hot chocolate.

    1. We are pretty lucky and don't have much snow. This is our first one of the year. Four years ago, we had two straight weeks of snow days after two blizzards hit us. Very unusual and I have to say, cabin fever kicked in after awhile!
      My son is one funny guy!

  11. first of all I love; hats a post with two pretty ladies wearing hats :) - second of all i'm hanging on to is that spring will be here - i hope soon.

    we got more snow yesterday not sure how much - I'm not sure I lost count and i'm in a daze when the weather man talks - i think as of friday we were to get a dusting on Saturday afternoon, turn to rain during the night - but it snowed and snowed - during the night it turned to ice and now it is snowing again ...ha this is nuts but at least we were all home safe and warm -
    be safe and stay warm

    1. You are so sweet! My Person crocheted that hat for me and I love it, but when I straighten my hair, it falls down over my eyes!

      I cannot imagine the continual digging out that some people in the country are having to do. Most of our snow melted yesterday, when it got up to 55 degrees (for real). This morning, 24 degrees with a windchill of 14. Is it any wonder our sinuses are a wreck?!

      You stay warm and safe, too!

  12. I love both hat selfies and the kid does the same thing when she is suppose to be cleaning.

    What is it with kids and ham? Grocery shopping today the kid was very definite she wanted HAM sandwiches.

    1. Thanks, Erin! The room is still not clean.
      My son is such a picky eater! But he loves ham. But only if it's black forest ham. Shaved. On plain bread.

  13. College Boy is hilarious! Love that text! Seriously, your daughter is so gorgeous, I can't get over it. And that red hat! Will she part with it? I think I could love it more.
    I once (and only once) drove in freezing rain, and the experience scarred me for life. I was driving to NC with Baby Leo to see my sister and the INTERSTATE froze over within an hour. So, anyhow, I'm thrilled to pieces you made it home safely and so, so sorry you had to do that.

    1. College boy is one funny guy. And thank you - I do have a pretty girl. The hat is actually a gift for a friend with a birthday this week. I have one in rust, but I'm kind of sorry I didn't get red for myself.
      Driving in freezing rain is terrifying. I don't recommend it. I'm so happy the defroster finally worked. I really, really, REALLY didn't want to pull onto the shoulder and try to scrape it off.

  14. Dyanne! You go girl! LOL I say that because you bring back some way old memories of "ice driving" lol. Once upon a time, I lived "below the hill" (has meaning to RI landers) in East Greenwhich. We'd just had a bunch of snow a few days before, a little more and then...some ice. Was driving up the hill one morning only to find I started sliding back down the hill! lol So glad you made it back safely. (and that you bought some jeans along the way. totally awesome!)
    College boy. Classic. He has a good Mom to send him back to school with supplies, and a Dad to bring him more. Trust me, when you're down to the last 2 poptarts? You start to get the jitters lol.
    Go easy on pretty girl. She obviously was having a better time taking selfies. No fun cleaning your room. Ever!

    1. Is there a much more helpless feeling than being behind the wheel of a car that is sliding on ice? Yikes!
      College Boy is funny and clever and he knows it. He has a dining hall that serves food about 18 hours a day. He really won't starve! (Apparently he hadn't burned through his supply of dinosaur egg oatmeal yet!)
      Over 90 shots to get that, Denise. Do you realize how much time it takes to take over 90 shots?


    No more snow. Yet.

  16. Glad to see College Boy got his mama's sense of humor. Your daughter is rocking that red hat. What a beauty she is.
