Friday, November 14, 2014

Uncomfortable Shoes And Then Some

It hasn't been a terrible week, but it hasn't been spectacular, either. 

The Polar Vortex made its first (wish it were last) visit to us this week. Temperatures dropped down into the teens, something we don't usually get until January and over 40 degrees below normal. BRRRRR!!! 

I bought some new boots (two pairs) and they KILL my feet. Didn't when I tried them on; in fact, they were marvelously comfortable.

I had to go to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned. I hate hate HAAAAATE going to the dentist. I hate the x-rays. I hate that little scrapy thing the hygienist uses. I hate the tooth polish taste and the grit it leaves in your mouth. I hate the little sprayer that always gets water all over my face. I hate the sucky thing and always get my tongue in the way. I hate having someone floss my teeth. I hate being tipped practically upside down in the chair. I hate the chair. I hate the bib. I hate the taste of latex glove in my mouth (although it's better than a bare hand). And that's just cleaning them! Don't get me started on actually having to have a procedure done.

I committed myself to making two chocolate and two coconut cream pies for an event next week, and I've never made either before. What was I thinking?

I went to the mall, trying to find a Thanksgiving-themed gift (complete fail), and the entire place is decked out in Christmas, including Christmas carols playing in every store. Sorry, Pilgrims, who created my favorite holiday. You've been squeezed out by Christmas commercialism.  

I reached under my kitchen sink tonight for some spray cleaner and the bottom of the bottle was wet. Upon further investigation, I found there was water dripping down from the garbage disposal. Instead of leaving it at that, I decided to run some water and turn on the garbage disposal to see what would happen. Well, what happened is water with bits of whatever was in the bottom of the garbage disposal spewed out through a small, previously unnoticed, hole in the side of the garbage disposal, spraying me and the inside of the cabinet with mucky water.

And now I have to write a thankful list.
Not my hat.

1. Hats. I love to wear hats in the winter, because they make me warmer and keep my ears from aching.

2. My electric mattress pad. This has hit the list before, but it bears repeating.

3. Snuggies. Don't laugh. The blanket with sleeves is really warm and comfortable when you're sitting around in a drafty, old house during a Polar Vortex.

4. Kitties who sleep at my feet and make them even warmer than the mattress pad does.

5. The wonderful feeling of slipping off uncomfortable shoes. 

6. No cavities!

7. In the name of research, getting to make AND EAT chocolate pie and coconut pie this weekend. Even if they aren't fantastic, they're still pie.

8. Only 13 days until Thanksgiving!

9. A wonderful handyman who is going to come over on Saturday and put in a new garbage disposal for me.

10. Haircuts. I took the plunge and got another four inches cut off my hair. I think I'm going to like it; at least, I HOPE so, since there's no going back at this point.

Crappy before and after.

There. I did it. Ten Things of Thankful in a week when nothing stood out. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to crank up the ol' electric mattress pad and settle into my cozy bed. Ruby's already there, waiting for me.

Almost as good as a Snuggie.

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts

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Join the Ten Things of Thankful community and work with us to nurture an attitude of gratitude. We use the whole weekend to focus on the Good Things in life. Make a list of Ten of those wonderful Things, then share the Wonderfulness with others.

We will prevail because we have compassion, and we have each other.

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  1. I wish I could join the research on pies.

  2. If you want an easy way to make chocolate pie ..... pudding in a graham cracker pie shell. If you'd like a more intense recipe let me know. Those snuggles are great, I use mine all the time. I hate going to the dentist and would rather clean toilets :) Congrats on no cavities. Your hair looks great and your hat is really cute!

    1. I made a french silk pie. It was one of those intense recipes, but it sure does taste good!
      The cats love snuggies, too.
      Dentists must have to be thick skinned. Does anyone really like going there?
      It feels weird to have my hair this short! The hat is hilarious, but unfortunately is not mine.

  3. I can't stand going to the dentist.
    Why a snuggle? A good, thick robe is so cozy and can go with you when you have to get up better than a snugly can.
    Could have seen that garbage disposal spray to the face coming a mile away. :). Glad you have someone to fix it.
    Love the hair!

    1. If you could see that garbage disposal spray coming from a mile away, why didn't you warn me sooner?!

  4. I hate the dentist, too. Don't like anyone messing with my orifices. Stay warm, Dyanne. I have a feeling it's going to be a long winter. Candles are a great Thanksgiving themed gift - they always smell good - get cinnamon or pumpkin pie, that'll do it. Now I'm giving shopping advice, sorry. Anyway have fun with the pies and I love your hair.

    1. I'm not sure which is worse: the ob/gyn or the dentist. Good question for "Would You Rather?" Yankee candle always has delicious scents. I'll have to go by there.
      Pies are going well so far.

  5. A cat or two make the best bed-warmers. Unless they're performing and extended grooming session, then they need to go elsewhere.

    1. This morning, I woke up with a cat on either side of me, completely pinning me into the bed. They were stretched out along my legs, just far enough from my hands that I couldn't reach them to push them away, and pinning my legs so tightly under the covers that I couldn't kick them off, either. Had to wait until one of them moved to get up.

    2. It's always amazing how much less than 20lbs can do when it's on a cat's body.

    3. Ruby only weighs about 8 lbs, but when she is lying on my crotch and thighs at night (no pussy jokes), she feels like she weighs 50 lbs!

  6. I love Snuggies and mattress heating pads! I can't stand the dentist in fact I have to medicate for my anxiety in order to go. I could be a guinea pig for the pies. I will tell you if they are good or not!

    1. I can completely understanding needing to mediate for anxiety before going to the dentist! When I was a child, our family dentist told my mom I didn't contour with the contour chair, I was so stiff.
      I wish I could get a piece of pie to you! I need opinions on whether the french silk needs to be sweeter.

  7. awesome list - with that is going you were able to the goods - :) I'm still looking ! keep warm

    1. I've got a garbage disposal and use of the sink again, so life is looking up!

    2. OMG I just read what I wrote this is what happens when I write wearing the wrong glasses - I have become blind as I get older and very needy in wearing certain glasses while typing - aargh - so glad you got a working sink with the garbage disposal working - yes all is good in the world - great post :)

  8. I have been a bit rattled by the Vortex as well. Then I talked to my sister out of the great open plains for Western Kansas and discovered they have been buried in snow all week. Decided to throw on a sweater and not mention it to her again! It is trying to snow here this morning, but can't seem to work up the gumption.
    Love your hair! Always love your hair. Mine is an unruly mop of curls. Think Orphan Annie gone gray!

    1. I have a friend out in west central Kansas, close to the Nebraska line, and she, too, can top anything I can complain about. We didn't get any snow today, although it was forecast. Maybe they'll be wrong about tomorrow, too (fingers crossed).
      Orphan Annie gone gray is exactly what I would look like if it weren't for hair dye and a straightening iron!

  9. I love the new hair... very nice... Sorry bout the disposer... didnt ya see that coming? I am one of the unfortunate few (some may say fortunate) to not mind the dentist ( I say unfortunate cuz there is so much worse I experience regularly from docs...makes the dentist look like an amateur.

    1. Yes, yes, I saw it coming. I just wanted to stick my face in front of a spewing garbage disposal! I WISH YOU AND CHRISTINE HAD BEEN THERE BEFORE I FLIPPED THAT STUPID SWITCH!
      I have very sensitive teeth and gums. Did you feel the same about the dentist before all your current treatments?

  10. Love the cut, Dyanne! I SO need to get off my butt and make an appointment to get quite some inches chopped off my hair! Yay for no cavities and getting your garbagedisposal fixed! One of the few things I sorely miss about living in the States!

    I hope you keep warm and have a wonderful weekend. Baking usually warms up our home pretty well :-)

    1. I have the worst time talking my hairdresser into cutting much off my hair! She likes it long.
      No garbage disposals in Germany? We didn't have one growing up, and my mom used to save the milk cartons, cut the top off, and dump the little strainer thing in the bottom of the sink into it after washing dishes. Ick.
      Baking all day has kept me quite warm!

  11. Your hair cut looks smashing. And right this second one of our kitties is keeping my lap very warm. And I went to the dentist myself this week. I have the most lovely hygienist that makes the whole uncomfortable teeth cleaning episode bearable.

    1. Thanks! I'm starting to get used to it.
      Kitties are the best lap warmers! Until you need to go to the bathroom, that is.
      My hygienist is wonderful, but I still hate it.

  12. I know, can you believe this cold weather??? Love your hair, it looks really pretty. I'm still catless and have to be jealous of yours. :( but she's so damn cute.
    oh, and PIE.

    1. Cold weather is so much worse than hot weather.
      Thanks, ma'am! It makes a mighty small ponytail, though.
      Ruby knows she is completely adorable and that I can't really get after her for being naughty.
      Yeah, pie.

  13. OK, first I'm sorry about you hating the dentist. I love mine. We chat more than anything, then we attempt to continue while she gets to business on my teeth. I've never minded the actual visits, though. And I absolutely love the chair! If we didn't talk so much, I would go right to sleep in that thing. I'd like one in my living room.
    The under the sink problem? We just had that recently except it was a stripped pipe or something and water leaked everywhere. We argued about whether it was fresh or had been that way for a while ( it was the latter; I was right ) but the Hub caulked the shit out of it and it seems OK for the time being. He needs to actually replace the part, though.
    Kitties on feet are a definite positive feature of having the beasts.
    I'm laughing at your four inches because I am now a nearly-short hair convert and I am currently DYING for my next haircut. I have one next Thursday but I needed one about a week ago. Clearly, with this 'do I need more frequent trims. But your pic looks awesome!

    1. I love my DENTIST. He's hilarious and the occasions where I have to have a procedure done, he has me laughing the whole time, but I'm still in a knot over having anyone messing with my teeth.
      OF COURSE you were right about the pipe leaking! There wasn't enough caulk in the world to fix that disposal. It had rusted through from the inside out. The disposal was at least 16 years old, because it was here when we bought the house. Probably more than time for a new one.
      I already have my mattress pad turned on, and Ruby is right this minute lying on the foot of my bed, where the mattress pad is the warmest, making a delightful hot spot right where my toes are going to go.
      My husband prefers my hair short. Maybe because it was really short when we met? It's easier to take care of shorter, I will admit. I haven't had it short, as in above my chin, in probably 6 years. I get bored with it pretty quickly and change the style frequently. Wearing it long the past three years is the longest I've had it in one style since I was about 10.

  14. Oh, it re-grows really fast. There's just something about that first snip and realizing several inches of hair just fell to the ground....
    I knew you'd like that hat!
    Christine totally needs a body mitten! Why on earth aren't there footies included, though?!
    Electric mattress pad. You won't regret it.

  15. I kinda feel sorry for dentists. I mean everybody hates them. But then I remember that they have, over the years, charged me like $6K for ONE STUPID tooth that THEY messed up on root canals and had to do over and do over again and then I think about the gross gritty paste and the open mouth and the disgusting gross "let's talk" while that latex is making me think about unwilling porn and EW EW EW. No cavities? That's 10 thankfuls right there. I had several "failed fillings" last time I went. I made an appointment to go back and have cancelled it three times. I know. Bad. Poor dentists. Also I wish I wasn't allergic to cats. And um, sorry but the snuggie sounds gross. I'm the one who's HOT HOT all the time these days. Like gross hot, wearing shorts.
    OH and I'm writing (another - i know weird) thankful post and wanted to talk to you about something. Can we IM on Facebook???? Is that okay?

    1. Yeah, I'd feel sorry for dentists if I didn't know quite a few of them and hadn't seen their homes.
      Hey, I'M writing another thankful post, too! What a coinkidink! And by all means, send me a message on facebook! Or email. Or text. Or smoke signal.

  16. I went to the dentist this week, too. Not only did the hygienist spray my face (twice), she used a terrible floss that kept falling apart in my mouth. She finally just gave up on flossing, because she had to keep picking stuck pieces of broken floss out of my mouth. I was glad she wasn't determined to finish the job.

    1. That story gives me the heebie jeebies, Kristi! I still have a baby tooth (a molar on the lower right side) that I am so afraid will pop off when the hygienist is yanking the dental floss up and down around it.

  17. Does anyone on the planet really enjoy the dentist? Know what part I hate the most...the guilt. I hate it when they tell me I'm not flossing enough. I literally wanted to punch the assistant last time I was in and tell her just to clean my teeth without the running commentary. But I don't like jail. So sorry about the cold weather and I'll leave it at that. I'm not saying anything about the weather in Florida. I need people to like me. As for the garbage disposal....been there. I didn't get spewed but I did have a massive puddle under my sink that rotted the bottom out and my husband still hasn't fixed. I do love your hair. Very much!

    1. Only masochists love going to the dentist. And ohhhh, the guilt! And why do they ask questions that they KNOW we can't answer with our mouth full of torture tools?
      I don't want to hear about your Florida weather right now....
      I got a face full because the switch to the disposal is located under the front of the sink (stupid place). So I turned on the faucet, sat down on the floor and stuck my head under the sink to see if any water was running down the disposal, and then flipped the effing switch.

  18. I LOVE your haircut! And your furry hat! I also hate the dentist, but I love making pies. I'll come over and make them for you.
    I am SORRY about the disposal. That happened to us this summer. Sucks balls.

    1. Thanks! Doesn't feel like there's anything left when I wash it!
      The pies are a HUGE success! I wish I could mail every single one of the TToT a piece!
      At least garbage disposals aren't expensive.

  19. Your haircut is pretty! I totally hear you about dentists. We recently took to a more holistic approach. I'm not sad we won't be seeing them really, honestly. :) You are like the umpteenth person who has noticed it, too! I wonder why all the stores and such are advertising Christmas so early. I guess they all want to one up each other? I thought it was just me noticing the commercials and things the day after Halloween, but a lot of other people are saying something about it, too. One store was advertising Black Friday stuff already being available on November 2nd! Ahhh! :) I'm glad you've been able to get some good out of a tough week.

    1. Thanks, Brittnei! A new hairstyle always makes me feel perky.
      I like the Christmas season and all just as much as the next person, but I don't like rushing it! And Black Friday? Forget about it!

  20. the answer is right there! #2 and #3 take pad, cut and stitch and fold (and whatever cloth shaping things people who sew do) and either: 1) create a snuggie or b) sew it into a snuggie…. goodbye winter blues!!

    1. An electric snuggie? That might make Christine happy, too. Except it would need a really long cord....
