Last week at this time, I was so tired I wanted to put my feet up and not move for an entire week. That didn't happen. But I do feel more rested after this first week of summer vacation.
1. The College Boy got his grades already and received all A's. (He dropped Calculus II halfway through the semester, because he was getting a B. Doesn't that sound ridiculous? Because it does, until you find out that he has to maintain a 3.6 GPA to keep his scholarship, and Calculus is a 5 hour class.)
2. Okay, since I bragged on the College Boy, I have to brag on my daughter, too. She has all A's as well. Plus, she's one of only two freshmen in her Biology class and has the highest grade in the class.
3. I have been doing mountains and mountains of laundry this week, thanks to the return of the College Boy. (New rules to the effect that mom is NOT your personal laundress will be implemented shortly for BOTH kids.) But his is finally, FINALLY done. Finally.
4. Our house is pretty big, but it is old (like around 90 years old), and doesn't have much storage (my friend Christine will attest to the fact that big, old houses do not have adequate storage). So when my son brought home all the crapola he accrued during his first year of college, there has been nowhere to put it all. It has moved now from the living room floor (because I went all Exorcist head-spinning-around about it) to his room, which he now cannot walk through (and this is different HOW?). I discovered something this week that is going to be a life saver for some of it. Vacuum storage bags. Fill the bag. Zip it closed. Hold the vacuum hose nozzle to the special valve. Suck all the air out of the bag. Store in about 1/10 of the space it would have taken up otherwise. THESE BAGS ARE LIFE CHANGING, I TELL YOU!
Note: since writing this, I found one of the two bags I sealed yesterday full of air. So I filled it again and immediately heard the hiss of air escaping. Upon examination of the bag, I found a very distinct puncture, probably, but not proven to be, caused by a kitten's hind claw. Leaving them lying on the living room floor was apparently not a good idea. Resourceful person that I am, I sealed the hole with some packing tape, sucked the air out again, and so far, so good.
Another note: my bag did not vacuum seal with the precision of the picture on the box, but the air is squooshed out of it, even though it's lumpy, and I'm happy.
5. Two weeks ago, I said if I got all the scrapbooking paraphernalia put away from the year-long Mother's Day scrapbook project for preschool, I would list it in my TToT, and baby, I DID IT.
6. My husband and I have gone back to the gym after a ridiculously long hiatus. I'm happy to say that I was able to work out on the elliptical machine without having a stroke or falling off.
7. I found Ruby's favorite eggplant toy under the bed when I was cleaning this week. It will disappear again in a few days, but at least she's happily playing with it for the time being.
8. I ate the last of my hidden Easter candy, so it won't be there to tempt me anymore.
9. My son took this really creepy picture of Ruby snooping in a drawer in my daughter's room in the dark. I'm including it because it makes me laugh. And because Christine is completely creeped out by it.
Pete is lurking in the background. |
10. My husband sent me this text on Thursday, which was 50 cent corndog day at Sonic. I haven't stopped laughing since I got it.
11. This week marked the third anniversary of the Joplin tornado. You can read a little about it here. Thankful our home was spared, thankful we were able to help others, thankful that the town is rebuilding and looking better and better.
12. Memorial Day weekend starts today. The true meaning of the day is to honor the men and women who sacrificed their lives in defense of our country, especially by decorating graves. It grew to include decorating graves of all loved ones. The significance of the day has been lost in recent years, replaced by the weekend being considered the unofficial beginning of summer. Instead of decorating graves and remembering those who died in service to our country, many Americans will be eating bbq, boating, drinking, and otherwise enjoying a three day weekend. Take a moment, please, to be thankful for our service men and women. We enjoy the perks of this three day weekend gateway to summer thanks to them.
You have to be thankful for SOMETHING or ten. Link your list up, below. Read the others. Write comments. Enjoy the community of TToT with us.

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