1. My daughter had a volleyball tournament last weekend. The girls didn't place, but they played better than they have so far all club ball season. I'm thankful they are finally using their school ball rotation during club ball and can now work to hone their skills, as was the original plan.
Keep it covered, lady, keep it covered. |
4. I've been having a lot of pain in my hips (side effect of taking Arimidex). I was researching about increasing the amount of Vitamin D I take to see if that would help when I ran across information (from reliable sites) that said to take naproxen (as in Aleve) for pain relief. Well, that's easy enough! I started taking it twice a day and have had noticeable improvement, so, yay!
9. All right, I wrote #8 on Thursday, before I brought Ruby home from the vet. She is in no way infirm. She is very nearly her old self, except a little drowsy still from the anesthesia and the pain meds. She even played a little fetch with me right after we got home. The boys have stayed away from her; Pete is probably hoping her return is just a bad dream and Fletcher has not realized she can no longer inflict the same kind of damage on him as she was able to do two days ago.
Aww, you can see her shaved belly in this picture! |
10. I made cupcakes for a friend and her family, and her 16 year old daughter thought they were made by Cupcakes by Liz, which is a HUGE compliment! Thanks, Kara, you made my day!
You have a cupcake compliment kind of moment (or ten) this week? Or maybe more of an I like Modern Family and avoided housework as much as possible kind of week? Either way, link up your Ten Things of Thankful here and join in the best blog hop EVAH.
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