On with the show. It's time for Ten Things of Thankful, and it starts right here:
1. I am thankful I am not a caterer. I provided homemade snacks to my daughter's show choir during their choreography camp this week. It was something I wanted to do, but HOLY COW, it was a lot of work. Monday, I made cinnamon rolls. Tuesday, I made cookies (chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, sugar and peanut butter, because someone's going to ask). Wednesday was brownies and butter pecan blondies. Thursday, I made muffins (chocolate chocolate chip, blueberry, almond poppyseed, banana, pumpkin, and applesauce). Then Friday, I decided to make pizza pinwheels and garlic pinwheels. Which was when I came to the conclusion that I would never be a caterer. I realized, very nearly too late, that I was never, never, EVER going to get them all baked in my one oven in time for the snack break (9:45 a.m.), so I loaded everything into the car and took it all up to my church/preschool, where I used the convection oven and still barely got it all done in time. Well, CLOSE to time. It was more like 10:00, but who's counting?
2. The show choir kids were very appreciative of all the snackies I brought to them. They're a good bunch, and from what little I heard of them practicing, they are going to kick some show choir booty during competition season.
3. Several of the kids came up to my daughter and asked if her mom cooked like this all the time. She looked them dead in the eye and said, "No." Well, at least I didn't raise a liar.
4. Wednesday evening, while I was baking a bazillion muffins, my son sat in the kitchen with me for three hours and kept me company. I really like that kid.
5. I bought a big ol' jug of bubblebath and plan to park my keister in the bathtub for many a long, soaky bath. I do love my big bathtub!
6. Zac Efron. I don't care who you are, he's hawt.
7. One of the cats (my money is on Fletcher) yakked up a hairball ONTO SOME NEWSPAPER THAT WAS ON THE FLOOR. I don't even care that I was saving that piece of newspaper because it had a coupon for a free cup of queso at Cafe Del Rio. HE HIT THE PAPER, NOT THE RUG. Thanks, buddy.
8. My son has to perform community service as a requirement of his scholarship, so my husband put him to work as a fill-in this week at the front desk of the Red Cross office. It's out of his comfort zone to answer the phone, so this is very good for him. Best part? He has no idea how to use the "hold" button. Good thing it's a small office and doesn't get too many phone calls!
9. Pimiento cheese sandwiches on wheat toast. There's just something about putting cold pimiento cheese spread onto the hot toasted bread that is delicious and comforting.
10. My daughter and I are getting ready to try something that we hope will be a wonderful experience for the entire family, cats included (although I'm not really holding out hope that the cats will be thrilled). We're very excited about it, but - shhhhh! It's a secret for now! You'll have to wait and find out all about it next week!
And now, since I didn't take any pictures to illustrate much of anything on my list, here are some of Ruby, just because I lurrrrve herrrrrr.
Darks or colors? |
She dumped her toy basket, carefully sorting out some of her favorites and putting them into a little grouping. |
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Join the Ten Things of Thankful community and work with us to nurture an attitude of gratitude. We use the whole weekend to focus on the Good Things in life. Make a list of Ten of those wonderful Things, then share the Wonderfulness with others.
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YOU. ARE. AMAZING!!!!! Can't believe you offered SO many choices! And Ruby is getting so big!!
ReplyDeleteThe whole thing sort of snowballed.
DeleteRuby's a big girl now. Sort of. It's all relative, because she's only about 8 or 9 pounds, which is only half of a Fletcher and a third of a Pete.
*sigh* They grow up so fast. ;)
DeleteYou know the other choir parents hate you now, right? Good grief. I have to make 2 dozen cookies by Sunday afternoon, and I'm dragging my feet (and knee) about it.
ReplyDeleteOne of your cats is hair all paper trained?!?! If you figure out how that happened, you will be rich enough to have two good cars!
How wonderful to have a teen son sit and keep you company for three hours. I can't even imagine it from my ridiculously quiet boys.
Can't wait to see what you two gals have in store.
I have nothing left in my repertoire. Except for caramel popcorn.
DeleteOh, don't I WISH he were paper trained. Usually, he looks for the worst possible spot on which to barf. The best ones are the area rugs where he can include a good deal of the fringe and on things that don't lend themselves to being washed, like winter boots.
He talked non-stop. NON-STOP.
If it all works out, I'll let you know FIRST.
OMG YOU HELD OUT ON THE POPCORN! I was already to say good for you with the baking until I read that!!!! SHAME ON YOU! But you still done good I guess! I wanna know the surprise! ... RUby kinda is both whites and darks huh?
ReplyDeleteWell, you know, summer humidity. Ask Christine. I tried and failed for her.
DeleteRuby would screw up either load.
I love to cook I'm not sure if you noticed that ---I bow to you Holy Moly 5 day of snacks and most of them were desserts - I am not a huge fan of baking, I do it when I need to i.e making dessert to bring to someone's home- your son is sweet- my son is too - always wants to be with me too especially when I am cooking - hey that's how I learned - cant wait to see what you and your daughter is up to- good luck to her and the choir :)
ReplyDeleteI do love to bake, but my feet and legs have never been so tired as they were after all that!
DeleteBoys really are sweeter than girls, aren't they? My son hangs around in the kitchen ESPECIALLY when I'm fixing something he likes. Hmmmm.
My daughter and I have bitten off more than we can chew, but it will be interesting. Story soon!
I would have been tempted to go to the superstore and BUY cookies and muffins. You rock! I consider myself a food expeditor - not a chef.
ReplyDeleteI COULD have done that, but it's cheaper to make them myself. And I get to eat dough.
DeleteI am NO chef. Not by any stretch of the imagination. I'm just a decent baker, but it didn't have the same ring to it as chef did :)
I baked one type cookie yesterday for a party we were going to last night and was done in. Seriously, my hat is off to you for baking all week and as much as I do love it, it is truly a lot of work! :)
ReplyDeleteI even experimented with three new recipes. That was gutsy!
Deletedid u get my comment!?: (
ReplyDeleteNoooooo :(
DeleteI used to be part of show choirs and ran a few myself. Look like your girl and I have similar interests! And Ruby blends in with the laundry!
ReplyDeleteMy daughter has said she would give up every other activity, including volleyball, if she had to just to remain in show choir. She LOVES it! When they do their first competition in January, I'll record it and put it on Youtube.
DeleteRuby leaves white hairs on everything dark and dark hairs on everything light.
I did not open my computer once either but I was not productive. I went camping and well, beer. I bet that it felt good though hearing those compliments about your baking. I would have been all "Yup, I slave all day" ... then I would have gotten some award that says I win at being very deceiving.
ReplyDeleteCamping? I'd rather have hemorrhoid surgery (and I HAVE had hemorrhoid surgery), but good for you for going! It would certainly take more than beer to get ME to do it :)
DeleteI have been terrible about fixing meals for us the past couple of years, but it is my daughter's fault, because she's so busy with HER activities, and we are so busy either attending them or chauffeuring her around, that we are hardly home for supper during the school year. Need to get better organized and better utilize the ol' crock pot.
That is a boatload of baked goods! Yum. And as far as community service options--your son is no dummy choosing the phone job.
ReplyDeleteThe phone job chose him, but he's secretly enjoying it. He's also helped at a golf tournament and at a 5k run, so he's clocking those volunteer hours.
DeleteIt WAS a boatload of baked goods. I don't want to see any baked goods for a long time.
"...they are going to kick some show choir booty during competition season."
ReplyDeletelol... many visuals on this... (including, but not limited to: 'aria?! I got ya aria, right here' 'hey sa....pranooos come out and play....'*
(a line borrowed from a 1980s movie, 'Warriors')
I used "butt" twice in this post, and I'm surprised you didn't notice. Booty and keister (#5).
DeleteGee Dyanne. I would have helped you ALL week long. But especially on Wednesday. And I would even have brought the vanilla ice cream:)
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure I know what "show choir choreography camp" is but I'm certain everyone in attendance was glad you provided the snacks. Sounds like your baked goods were a hit!
Hey, I was always grateful when Madeline hit the floor instead of carpet. Never pleasant wherever it lands LOL Poor Fletcher:(
Vanilla ice cream would have been FABULOUS with those brownies! It was one of the new recipes I tried, and I was thinking how good ice cream would have been with them.
DeleteOkay, you know what show choir is? Like Glee, sort of, only not that good (let's face it, they are professionals with lots of production money behind them - not dissing our group). They are meeting for four hours every morning this week to learn the choreography to go with the songs. And they needed snacks.
I have 3800 sq. ft of hardwood floors. There are area rugs in every room except dining room and kitchen. He always barfs on an area rug. Always. ALWAYS.
Wow, you are the cooking and baking beast, woman! I'm jealous - I have not been cooking or baking nearly enough the last few weeks what with the cleaning and purging and all. I miss it. I need to get in my kitchen and make some stuff!
ReplyDeleteYou got a cat to hairball in an appropriately designated are? PLEASE come to my house and teach my cats not to piss on the carpet??? See my TToT for the sordid details.
Yeah, well, I'm DONE :)
DeleteThink of the great things you are accomplishing. You can cook later.
TOTAL FLUKE with the hairball. Really sorry to see that coupon destroyed, too.
Can't wait to find out about the Rotten Cats!
It is amazing to bake so many snacks, five days on end!
ReplyDeleteHave a relaxing weekend.
It was a huge undertaking! 50 kids eat a LOT of snacks!
DeleteAw, I've missed Ruby while I've been away! And your fun posts too of course. I love that you are thankful for the cat puking on the newspaper. I would be too!
ReplyDeleteAs for baking all those cookies and cakes - you've made me feel thankful it wasn't me! Good for you.
Hope you have a good week.
Only a cat owner would appreciate that I was thankful for the cat barfing on a newspaper instead of the rug!
DeleteI wish I could have shared some of the baked goods with you!
After reading #1, I've been drooling on my keyboard. If you need help with leftovers. . .
ReplyDeleteThink about it. 19 year old college boy. You really think I have leftovers? :)
DeleteYour cat is beautiful, you won some heaven points for all that baking, and yea for puking cats with good aim!
ReplyDeleteAw, thanks! I love my Ruby girl! And I hope that was enough baking to take care of some of the points I have going on in the negative column!
DeleteI never catch up on my blog reading...ever. It is to dream the impossible for me. Maybe if everyone stopped writing for a week, I could! I cannot believe you did all that baking! I mean, you're a superstar. I would have been buying, not baking. What a good mom you are.
ReplyDeleteBubble baths and Zac Efron....okay. I'm with ya! I still can't get over those arms and he is a mad man, eating a worm omelette.
#10 was just mean....
Really, I think I could have just said "Zac Efron" and not had to write a single other thing. Those arms! Those eyes! Those abs! Those-- sorry, lost myself there for a minute.
Delete#10 will be addressed shortly.
She's still pretty small and will always be my sweet muffin stuffin' princess.
ReplyDeleteI was all over that Show Choir Mom thing. Little do they know I ran through my repertoire and have nothing else to offer them. Except scones. I make awesome scones.