Friday, August 15, 2014

Back To School For The College Boy and More Thankfuls

I'm watching puppies frolic as I write my Ten Things of Thankful this week. I'm learning a lot about puppies, I can tell you! For one thing, I didn't know they would hide and ambush one another like kitties do. While they are so entertained, I am going to dash off my list before one of them slips away and does something unmentionable (i.e., poops or pees - oops! mentioned it!) on the floor.

1. The puppies are healthy! Or mostly so. It's been a rough week, with Olivia being quite ill with a combination of coccidiosis and kennel cough, but she is on the mend and full of piss and vinegar (unfortunately, quite literally so). Audrey is still coughing, but she doesn't seem to feel bad. 

Audrey with the "bone of contention"


2. These puppers are very good about taking their medicine! The first two antibiotics they had were so tasty, Olivia came back for seconds and very nearly got them, until I realized I had just dosed her. Silly puppy! Even the new stuff, which I was told (and took their word for it) didn't taste good, has been taken by the puppies without complaint.

3. My husband went to the doctor this week for a check up for the first time since I've known him (men!). He got scared into going by a freakishly high blood pressure reading at the dentist's office (new procedure they now do) and made the appointment. Now, my husband is not a poster child for healthy living. He has gained a little a lot a few extra pounds since we met. Quite a few, as a matter of fact, and was expecting the worst when he got his bloodwork back. The doctor's office called him this morning to tell him his bloodwork came back completely normal. Cholesterol. Blood sugar. Everything. I told him he was one lucky son of a gun, but by all appearances, I should have him around for a long time yet to come. Unless I hold a pillow over his face and smother him in his sleep for snoring, that is, but that's another story. He's now taking blood pressure medication and was assured that if he lost weight, exercised, and brought down his blood pressure, he would be taken off of the medicine.

4. My husband has been pretty good about helping with the puppies, even though he thinks it was a stupid idea to begin with. A recent conversation between us led him to say the following:

"You're good at puzzles, which would imply that you are logical. But there are two puppies in the family room that would prove otherwise." I'm thankful he puts up with my sometimes ill-thought-out ideas.
My husband's explanation for this:
"the puppies can't read"

5. I took my College Boy back to school this week. He was extremely organized about it, especially for him. He had lists that he checked off, and we got there without only one thing that was slightly important: wastebaskets and cleaning supplies, which had been stored in the basement for the summer. He can easily live without either for quite some time, since the cleaning supplies were relatively untouched after a year of school as it is. I did NOT cry when I left him. Last year, I most assuredly DID, but THIS year, he is a more confident, mature man/boy and much more prepared to take on a year of college than he was last year. Go get 'em, buddy!

On our waaaaay!

See those books in his right hand?
They cost eight HUNDRED dollars...

College Boy - Sophomore Year

6. The College Boy took ME out to lunch after we had moved everything into his dorm!

7. Diet Coke is on sale this week. $3.00 for a 12 pack.

8. You know the new Coke campaign that has "Share a Diet Coke with" on the cans? Then it will say mom or dad or bff or buddy or something like that. You can even buy individual ones with a name on them (mine is never there, by the way). Every time my son would pull one out of the refrigerator that said "Share a Coke with Mom," he would get a different one and leave those ones for me. I came home from dropping him off at college to find a can of "Share a Diet Coke with Mom" right inside the fridge, waiting for me.

9. My daughter got her schedule for sophomore year, and it seems nothing will have to be changed. Whaaa??? First time for everything!

10. Tonight is football jamboree. Know what that means? Fall is just around the corner! Yay, fall!

Silly tree. It's still August!

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  1. I've been having problems with Google Chrome and had to use IE today. I just typed out a huge comment and poof its gone. Geez I hate when that happens. Basically I said I couldn't believe your leaves are already changing and how I had to turn on the furnace due to being so cold here yesterday. Also how I think you'll end up keeping those two adorable little pups. Have a great weekend! Oh and am I really first to comment?

    1. Oh, no! I hate it when that happens! And it's always when I wrote something long and eloquent, too. This little maple tree is always the first one on the block to turn, but it's usually not until into September. Don't know why it's deciding to change a couple of leaves now, but it's pretty! It was nearly 90 degrees today, so it's quite a contradiction!
      I will NOT be keeping the puppies! But they're cute, all right! Especially when they're sleeping.
      And yes, you are FRIST!

  2. I was amused by your husband's line about the puppies. So you're keeping them? Weren't you trying to find them homes at one point? So glad your husband is healthy, your son is prepared, and your daughter is scheduled.

    1. NOT KEEPING THEM! We were trying to find them homes, because the last thing they said to us as we took them out of the humane society was that we were to be their advocates and try to find them homes, although we were not responsible for finding the homes. Then the other day, they told us the puppies had been promised to a rescue group somewhere else. So even if we WANTED to keep them, WHICH WE DON'T, we couldn't.

  3. We're still sweating here with no end in sight. We'll be in the upper 90s to 100s until October. Awesome California!! Those two leaves putting on their fall color give me hope.

    Girly starts school next week. Ase and Zany start the following. I'll have two in college. I am not sure what I will do with myself as this "mothering" season draws eversoslowly to a close. It is so much fun to watch them turn into Men and humans we like.

    Puppies just make the world a better place. That's logic!

    1. Oh, it's plenty hot here. It's just a weird little maple tree that always turns early. Just not usually until mid-September or later.
      My husband and I have been home alone for the past two nights with one away at college and the other off socializing with friends. Kind of a weird feeling.
      Puppies are darling. I say that as they are sleeping next to me. The rest of the time, they are peeing and pooping machines.

  4. The photos of your lovely puppies are making me smile. :-)

  5. Doesn't it seem like we were just cheering for summer being on it's way?? I can't believe it! I have to tell you that your kids are simply gorgeous. Your son's smile is infectious...a little like Mama's. Good for you for not crying when leaving him at college. I guess it gets easier, even though I cannot imagine it. Puppies are cute. Puppies are fun. Puppies are messy. I would love to foster but they'd never leave. I had two beagle pups here recently and they were the cutest things ever. I had a hard time letting them go. FYI....Nik has mini club volleyball tryouts this morning. Fingers crossed for her? Thanks!

    1. I'm certainly not wishing for WINTER, but I do love fall the best of any season.
      My son was sooo ready to go back! Which is a GOOD thing! I'd hate to take him any other way.
      The puppies are about on my last nerve today. And since they are going to a rescue group, keeping them isn't even an option.
      My fingers have been crossed all morning for Nikki. How did tryouts go?!

    2. She made a team! Yay! She is trying out for her middle school team on Monday, too. Between this and football, there goes my life.....see ya in November :)

      Why is your post not in the link up? Or is it and I'm not seeing it?

    3. Because I'm a MORON and forgot to link myself up. Fixed!

    4. You don't get this dingy overnight, you know....

    5. well, clearly what we see is the result of serious devotion to practice!

    6. (too much?… still trying out the rogerian thing)

  6. Something about going back to school that bodes new beginning and change of seasons. Even though I am retired from teaching pre-K I still get excited about seeing new markers, crayons and school supplies. Eight Hundred dollars for books. Phewwww! My kids bought some on Half . Com. If that would help at all.

    1. Even when school starts in early August, you still can sense a change in the season. The wind is a little different, the sun's rays not the same as they were a few weeks earlier. And I love new school supplies, too! Don't you just love the smell of a new box of crayons?
      The Inorganic Chemistry books were ridiculously expensive! We've tried to get him to look into buying online, but he is not good at trying new things. Plus, he's actually got enough scholarship and grant money that he's being paid to go to school, so he can afford to go the easy route and buy the books at the bookstore. Maybe by next year we can convince him to try the online route for books, though.

  7. I think I read somewhere this week that subliminal messages improved your chances of making good decisions. (Keep the dogs)... wow does college boy have your smile! How sweet he would leave you cokes! (Keep the dogs) Your daughter looks so sweet with Audrey...too bad you plan on returning her (keep the dogs), Nice about the hubs health...(he's wrong about the dogs...keep the dogs).

    1. We enjoy the puppies when they aren't peeing and pooping on the floor. They have tremendously increased their output, though, and we can't keep ahead of them to get them outside in time. Plus they're sneaky little shits (no pun intended).
      We CAN'T keep them; they were promised to a rescue group, but no one told us until we had already been trying to find homes for them.

  8. Those puppies...I can almost smell the new puppy soft fur smell through the screen! So sweet and snuggly!
    I'm both cringing at the not took far away me more of the insanely priced school books, and whimpering inside at the thought of my little boy growing up and leaving. I'm so happy to see your young man is such a nice kid; you've clearly done well!

    1. We give them a lot of baths, because sometimes, one of them doesn't make it through the night without a pee pee accident in the crate. They don't like baths, especially Olivia.
      My first year at THE SAME COLLEGE cost $180 for tuition per semester, $510 per semester for the dorm. And he just paid $800 for textbooks. And he still needs one that they didn't have! Oh, and he was only 2 last week. I can't figure out how he's in college.
      And thank you! He's a pretty good kid.

  9. I'm so glad the puppies are on the mend. They are still about the cutest puppies I have ever seen.
    Glad your husband actually went to the doctor and things are looking good. Aging bites.
    You did say that your college boy was horrible about being organized and getting work done in high school, right?? Our oldest is about killing us with his lack of organization and hard work. I need to know that there is hope.

    1. Christine--there most definitely IS hope! Our youngest son did a 180 in college, and has made the dean's list nearly every term. I asked him once what the difference is; what prompted him to start applying himself in college. His answer: "You don't have to pay for high school!"

    2. Organization is a new thing for him. He asked for a planner for this school year and is going to schedule everything he has to get done. I hope he sticks with it! He didn't have to work at any class in high school, so he never got a good studying ethic. I hope this is the year he gets one!

      And Kristi, I agree that knowing how much college costs and that you're wasting money if you don't go to class or do your work is a great incentive!

  10. Textbooks definitely can be outrageously expensive! We've had some luck with buying used online from

    1. I was shocked when he checked out! He has so much trouble stepping out of his box that trying to find books online is too much for him. And my husband rented books online for his MBA classes a couple of years ago and could help him, but he refuses. As long as he has excess money from scholarships and grants, then I won't complain. If he ever researches it and finds out how much he could save, he'll feel pretty silly.

  11. I LIKE autumn! Pumpkin and cinnamon and candles and soup and chili and pretty leaves and sweaters and boots.
    I've been pretty happy with the Share a diet coke with... campaign when no one else will drink the ones that say "mom." I, however, drink any of them indiscriminately.
    He also accidentally sent his mattress pad home with me and is quite sad about that. He'll have to suffer for a couple of weeks before we see him again.
    Puppies... yay....

  12. First, that saving the Mom cokes for sweet! That is one very nice young man you've raised there. That is adorable.
    Your Husband's comment cracks me up - sounds like something the Fab Hub would say. Also similarly, my Hub gets away with crap like perfect blood pressure and no nonsense from the doc when he gets physicals except a gentle yet firm reminder that he really should lose some weight. He's lost 18 pounds this summer...jerk. But I'm so proud of him. Really he's only a jerk because he's lost more than I have. Let's just be honest.
    OH and now that I read in the comments that you forgot to link up I realize that I wrote my post and never linked it up!!! Duh!
    A schedule that doesn't need to be adjusted for high school? That may be a first in the universe! I have taught sophomores for fourteen years. I've taught the other three high school grades as well at various points along the way, but sophomores are always my favorite. Something about how they change over that year from still big kids to really and truly young adults. I might miss that part a little. Please wish your daughter a wonderful year for me! And the college boy!

    1. Isn't the Mom coke thing sweet? He's always been tender hearted.
      My husband texted me from the office and said the doctor said he was old and fat. I told him I could have told him the same thing and saved us a bundle of money. Can't believe his bloodwork was normal!
      I would have been the third one to link up had I actually linked up - doh!
      I can't believe her schedule is good! Unheard of! And if you need a "sophomore" fix, I'll be happy to send her to you for a few weeks! When I relayed your message to her, she asked if you were good at chemistry, because she does have a lousy chemistry teacher, but he's the lesser of two evils.

  13. And eight HUNDRED dollars? Good grief!

  14. Glad to hear the pups are on the mends...the share a coke campaign is great - and your son is very sweet, I loved the picture of the tree so much so that I took a picture of tree with changing leaves and used the same line - if you ask me its kind of freaky that it feels more like fall than summer.- my kids are already talking about Halloween (ssh I say) - oh well seasons do change - have a great week :)

    1. I was so worried about that puppy! The share a coke campaign is nothing short of brilliant. And the tree is a confused mess. But I do love fall!

  15. Hey, hey hey! Its Olivia and Audrey!! They are adorable, Dyanne, and I understand....they look perfectly mischievous too! They photograph so well. Please say hello!

    1. One minute, I love them; the next, I can't wait until they go to their future homes. They said hello back!

  16. well, paper they just didn't like what they read! had you considered that?

    1. It's a pretty crappy excuse for a newspaper, without a doubt.

  17. Audrey looks quite comfy all snuggly with your daughter:) I bet she will miss the puppies.
    Nothing like good news from the dr.! Well, except for the high blood pressure.
    OK. I'm seeing identifcal smiles up there. How is that possible?
    The trees are starting to lose their leaves. What is up with that?! It's only August!!

    1. She'll miss them more than I will, because she has conveniently been gone a lot lately, staying the night with friends, volleyball practice, etc., when there's poop and pee to clean up and such.
      Surprisingly good news from the doctor. Seriously, you wouldn't believe it if you saw him :)
      Yeah, both of my kids look like me. My son and my dad and I all have the same eyes and same smile.
      This tree ain't quite right. It is very, very confused.

  18. Oh my goodness those puppies!! So adorable. Good luck with all the back to school!!

  19. Awwww the pupps are so cute! Seriously, if you didn't put a picture, I could have sworn you were talking about humans. It's so funny that reminder I get that our pets have the same needs as people. Glad to hear your husband's blood work was good. Had no idea dentist check blood pressure now. Time is flying. Yay for fall :)

  20. I'm not glad about this atypical summer. It sucks that it's so cold in August.

  21. Where's Ruby?
    Puppies are cute, but I want photos of Ruby. :)
