Saturday, July 26, 2014

Yes, I'm Thankful It's Hot Plus Some Other Random Stuff

I feel no need for a big introduction to this week's Ten Things of Thankful, so here goes:

1. It's summer. Yes, it's hot. Yes, it's humid.  Yes, we need rain. But it's SUMMER, people! No bone-chilling cold and wind. No icy crap on the streets.

2. Daisy Dillon is growing into a fine young lady chicken. I love the updates from her chicken mom.

Shhhh! Bedtime for biddies.

3. My daughter enjoyed her week at team volleyball camp at Missouri State University. They have a delightful new coach, just out of college where she was on the volleyball team, and the girls are really growing as players, having played together now for a full year of school ball and then club ball and now school ball again.

JV and Varsity Lady Eagles Volleyball

4. I watched quite a bit of their tournament play at camp and did not get hit by a ball ONE SINGLE TIME. 

5. We took our van to our mechanic this week, since it kept dying as you were driving along (not a good thing). He not only fixed that, HE MADE THE TAPPING SOUND THAT WAS COMING FROM THE HEATING AND COOLING UNIT GO AWAY. No more having to turn the radio up to mask the sound!

6. I got my hairs cut again. Like it now even better than when I got it cut just over a month ago. I only wish I had done it BEFORE we went to the beach. And the swamp. Especially the swamp.

7. Speaking of the beach, did you read my post about our return trip? Why the hell not? Do it.

8. Driving lessons are going well.  This week, my daughter drove on the freeway for the first time. The girl who keeps saying, "I have a need for speed" found out that going 70 mph is a little daunting.

9. Ruby has been entertaining herself every night by standing on the edge of the bathtub and trying to "catch" bugs through the picture window. This means we have to turn on the bathroom light and leave it on for her, but what Ruby wants, Ruby gets.

Ignore my work-in-progress wallpaper removal fiasco.

10. Exactly one more month before school starts, and the new high school is expected to be completed on time. Well, most of it. The Fine Arts section will not be done until January, which should prove to be interesting, since I don't think there is an alternate plan for where to hold classes like show choir.

It's getting closer and closer to being done.

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Ten Things 

of Thankful

 Your hosts

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Join the Ten Things of Thankful community and work with us to nurture an attitude of gratitude. We use the whole weekend to focus on the Good Things in life. Make a list of Ten of those wonderful Things, then share the Wonderfulness with others.

We will prevail because we have compassion, and we have each other.

Please take time to have a look at some of the other posts and leave the bloggers some comment love - let's get the appreciation going. The comments are where the magic happens, so start a conversation with someone.

Add your 'Ten Things of Thankful' link here and don't forget to display our banner on your post (lest we hunt you down and banish you forever (nah...we wouldn't (would we?))).

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  1. Wonderful ten...your haircut looks great. Many many bows for teaching your daughter how to drive - in a few years that will be me - Ruby is adorable and yes what they want they get Enjoy the weekend :)

    1. In the past three months, I have cut 6 inches off my hair. Baby steps.
      My daughter has been more teachable than my son, Mr. Know-it-all, was. Or still is. He is a work in progress.

  2. Your new hairstyle looks wonderful.

    1. Thank you, Romi! I hope I can fix it myself as well as the hairdresser did!

  3. I love the new hair cut and I also got my hair done yesterday after waiting 8 weeks since the last time! Crazy, but still love and always feel like a million bucks after even if I am really not lol ;)

  4. Love your new hair cut! You are very pretty!!! Glad your summer is going well!

    1. Thank you - how sweet! Should have done it months ago.

  5. Those construction workers better get busy! Your chauffeur is a beauty. And your hair looks great!~May

    1. They are working 'round the clock, I believe, to get that building done. It's been three long years without a real high school.
      My chauffeur drives almost as well as she looks :)
      My hair FEELS great - thanks!

  6. it is not now, nor do I expect it to be 'hot enough for me'… I enjoy the elevated temperatures…come on!! global warming!!
    (of course you would leave the light on… I would think it would be like handing over the remote control for the TV… no one wants to sit and watch one show!)

    1. It was 102 today. That's plenty warm, but it's still better than anything below 50 degrees.
      My husband walks into the bathroom and says "why are we leaving on the light for the damn cat?!"

  7. First things first. Bathtub + picture window. What the heck am I missing?!
    I have allotta catch up reading to do about your vacationing. Thanks for the link.
    The new hair is great! Very flattering. I think you'll like the length - less maintenance but still long enough to be creative. If you're so inclined:)

    1. Bathroom on the second floor + woods behind the house = okay to have a picture window above the bathtub!
      Our vacation was a 3-ring circus.
      And thank you! My hair was about this length two years ago, but I let it grow and grow until it was wildly unmanageable. I alternate between straightening it and letting it go curly. It will mostly be curly until probably October, because sometimes it just isn't worth fighting humidity.

  8. Hey Dyanne! How come I still have to be "approved"?!

    1. Because I have freaks who spam my comments with porn offers.

  9. Hurray for a working, quiet van!

    Removing wallpaper is not a fun task. I did hear somewhere that cheap hair conditioner works just as well as chemical wallpaper remover, but of course I didn't learn that tip in time to actually try it.

    1. Yay! Bless its little heart - it's 13 years old.
      The paper peeled right off in 95% of the room. Problem is that it left behind most of the glue and THAT is impossible to get off. Have used fabric softener mixed with warm water and sprayed on, but it still isn't all coming off. Scraping it takes off the texturing on the walls while still leaving behind glue - gahhh! And the 5% that DIDN'T come off easily took wallboard with it.

  10. Replies
    1. She makes a chattering sound while she's watching them, then jumps into the window to attack.

  11. RUBY!!!!!!!

    I kinda see Daisy Dyllon and Daisy Duke and when she gets old Morgan Freeman will be driving her around...

    1. Her tail was moving so fast, you can't even see it.

      Daisy needs a sweater and glasses.

  12. I'm thankful it's hot and it's summer. Ruby's photo is fabulous!

  13. What Ruby wants, Ruby gets. I have no doubt!!
    I am so excited for Nikki to start volleyball. She has a camp this week and I think we are going to start with a mini club. Having been to many a volleyball game, not getting hit with a ball is huge!
    School starts for us in two weeks. TWO WEEKS! I have very mixed emotions about this.
    Oh! I remember driving lessons...eek! You would think it wouldn't seem so daunting after having done it twice already but I can honestly say I am not looking forward to the next three!

    1. It's not like she's spoiled or anything....
      You may or may not remember that at one game, I got hit with the same ball TWICE. It hit me on the way past me, then bounced off the wall behind and whacked me in the head from behind. You might want to consider a helmet at games. I can't wait to hear how Nikki's season goes for her.
      Our school usually would be starting in two weeks, but the high school isn't completed yet, and there's nowhere to put 2000 students, having relinquished half of the temporary space already. We start August 25.
      Wish, wish, WISH they still had driver's ed. I had a fantastic behind-the-wheel instructor. And if you've already done it twice, then I believe it will be your husband's turn to teach the next three :)

  14. Oooooh, love your haircut! It's around this time of the season that I get sick of summer. It's just so frickin HOT! I have no patience for the extremes.

    1. Thanks! I can even fix it all by myself!
      I'd be happy if it were fall all the time. I really love fall.

  15. Your hair looks awesome. I'm not in much of a style now. And I so agree with you that it is hot -- but it's summer thank God! Good for you letting your daughter try out the highway. I remember the first time my husband suggested our son drive on a family trip. I was like NO WAY. Have our entire family taken out in some horrific accident? But he's turned out to be a great driver and now I love having him drive on trips so I can nap. ZZZZZZ

  16. Your posts always make me chuckle! Your haircut is lovely. :) I've been waiting for the complaints about the heat especially since it's pretty much around the hottest time of the year in the places that had the polar vortex. I know it's hard not to complain when it's the middle of a season, but I'm thinking like you....just remember the cold and be happy. Hehe. Your baby driving! Scary and exciting! I can't imagine. Your cat is the one who always makes me laugh. I think it thinks it's human. :)

  17. Our summer has been on the cool side but that cuts back on the humidity so I am grateful! Your haircut looks terrific! It was a "Finally!" day in our house when my daughter decided that she would learn to drive. She was not in any hurry at all to learn. Thankfully she finally did!

  18. Yes, I'm Thankful It's Hot

    I should have added my link before I crashed into a heap yesterday, but... it was scheduled for Monday because I made it a trifecta... ? ... you'll just have to see:
    MX3 vs. WPDP & TToT: Summer Lovin’

    MX3 = Monday Monster Mashup

    The summer heat has been useful for us, too.

  19. Great list. Great haircut! I love the chicken updates. I'm going to fawn over Ruby because right now I am HATING on the three Rotten Cats. Two words: cat piss. On my carpet. The only carpet in the house, mind you, and one or more of them has decided it's a great pee place for cats. So today I have a massive headache from the carpet cleaning stuff from the professional cleaning we just had to dump money into.
    Argh - sorry, I'm shutting up. Moving on.
    Driving...YIKES! Had to laugh at the 70 mph being a bit much. Yeah. The Hub may never let Zilla drive and that would be just fine by me. AT least today.
    Hope the week is going well...
