I said goodbye to my son in the driveway, since he drives himself to school. I know he was trying hard to hold it together, so I must say I kind of shoved him in the car and sent him on his way so neither of us lost it. I rode to school with my husband and daughter, because I needed to talk to her track coach about her missing the meet on Friday night. When I walked back to the car to tell my daughter goodbye before she walked into school, I could see her eyes filling with tears. Dear God, how that hurt! Kids shouldn't have to worry about their parents. It's our job to worry about THEM.
Back home, I packed and waited for my parents to come get me. Naturally, I lost my list of stuff I wanted to remember to take with me. I remembered the sheep dip. I forgot my new Sue Grafton book and gum. I think I got everything else. I brought underwear, but I don't know if I even need it. I didn't bring any bras, except the one I'm wearing. I optimistically packed make up.
Dr. Bumberry did my "dye job." I asked him if I would see him in the morning while I was still lucid, and he said maybe. I said what about Dr. Geter? Would I see HIM while I was still lucid? He said I would, because he would come in to draw on me with a Sharpie.

I pictured going to his office, looking through some kind of catalog of pictures of boobies that I could pick from. And then I decided that what I REALLY wanted was Jennifer Aniston's boobies. They're small, perky, and haven't been drug down by pregnancy and breastfeeding. I set out to find a good picture of her that I could take to Dr. Geter.
Google Images gave me lots of pictures of Jennifer Aniston, mostly as "Rachel," and none of them really showing what I wanted. So I narrowed my search to "Jennifer Aniston swimsuit," thinking one of these would show enough to give Dr. Geter the idea of what I was looking for.
Funny thing, when you Google "Jennifer Aniston swimsuit," you get more than you bargained for. Am I the only one who didn't know that she is one of the most Photoshopped celebrities? And by "Photoshopped," I mean her head onto very naked bodies? Very naked bodies doing a variety of activities, none of which could have been shown on "Friends"?
Needless to say, I don't have a picture of Jennifer Aniston to show the plastic surgeon.
So many are praying and sending positive thoughts my way. I am humbled. Tomorrow's the day. No backsies.