Sunday, February 23, 2025

Snow Days, Vacuums, and More

I said I wasn't going to let someone else steal my happy, yet I did.

No. More.

I've got Ten Things of Thankful:

My dad is getting new flooring throughout his house, and all the "stuff" everywhere had to be packed up and moved to the garage and basement (large furniture will be moved by the workers). Let me tell you, there is a lot of "stuff" (kindly called "senior clutter" by the contractor), but after working three weekends non-stop, we (my husband and I) got it all packed up and out of the house and cleaned the basement and set it up for my dad to live down there during the installation. 

Okay, so the flooring didn't get put on the truck for delivery in time to do the floors this week, but that turned out to be all right, since the weather was too bad for workers to get there anyway. The flooring has now arrived. The snow is gone. The workers should be there this week. Fingers crossed.

We got THREE SNOW DAYS this week! Snow days are a GIFT (and a necessity). We were supposed to get 9-13" of snow, but instead of big ol' wet snowflakes, we got tiny dry flakes and that cut our amount down considerably. But 5"+ is still a lot of snow for us, and coupled with temps below zero, the whole area pretty much shut down. 

I am thankful for my cheap but amazing snow boots. I bought them at Walmart probably seven or eight years ago. We don't get much snow, so I probably haven't worn them much more than a dozen times, but they are incredibly warm and have great traction.

I started a jigsaw puzzle on the second snow day. I found it in a cabinet and have zero recollection of buying it. It's a lovely picture of needlework, including pins and scissors and different projects and even has a cup of tea in it. It also has 1500 pieces. 1500. I worked two days solid on it and many hours since, and I STILL don't have the outer edge completed (still missing two pieces). But I have completed maybe 20-25% of it, in spite of every effort from Lewis to thwart me with a sweep of his magnificent tail.

I'm still on my healthful eating track, avoiding all ultra processed foods, as well as flour, sugar, and caffeine. I've lost about 15 pounds and feel terrific!

We have annual on-line trainings at work that must be completed by every employee. The links are usually released in August or so and we have until June 30 to complete them. Every year, I do them on June 29th. THIS year? February 19th! 

I am thankful for my vacuum cleaner. It's a Shark Navigator Lift-away, it's purple, and it is the only vacuum cleaner I have ever loved. I have two, one for each floor (they are not expensive), and I have put them both through the paces this weekend, doing some major housecleaning. 

I'm thankful for cheese.

And I'm thankful that I have this platform. It saves my sanity.

The Ten Things of Thankful is a weekly blog hop. Want to join? Hop on in!