
Sunday, February 13, 2022

Back Among The Living

 After a rough week and a half with Covid, I am finally feeling like myself again and ready and raring to declare my Ten Things of Thankful for the week!

1. I went back to work on Tuesday. I was really tired by the end of the day, but I made it. The worst thing that happened was that, having done nothing but lie in bed or curl up in a chair for a week and a half, I pulled something in my left hip when I sat criss-cross applesauce on the floor with my kids for circle time. It's a little ouchie.

2. My new teaching assistant started on Monday. Note in #1, above, that I did not go back until Tuesday. She made it through the morning, though, and continued to come back the rest of the week, so I'm hoping this means she isn't going to run away and never come back!

3. While we had 7-8 inches of snow last week, THIS week, it was mild and sunny and I was even able to open the sun roof and get some fresh air on the way home from work. Ahhh!

4. My daughter found out she made the Law Review this week! So proud!

5. Wordle. 

6. My dad has been sewing again. He makes his own patterns and is completely self taught, and I'm going to leave it at that. He is currently experimenting with making top hats, and I will say that it's better than any kind of top hat I could make.

7. Minsky's Pizza in Kansas City. My favorite.

8. My husband and I went to Kansas City for a belated birthday weekend with our daughter (#MomRuinedEmma'sBirthdayWithCovid). Emma and I spent all day Saturday (and I do mean ALLLLLL day) trying to find a suit for her to wear for an interview this week for a summer internship. In case you wondered, women's suits are apparently not a "thing" anymore, and none of the department stores carried them (Macy's, Dillard's, Nordstrom, JCPenney). We finally found one at Express and will now be on the lookout every time we are in a thrift store for future needs.

9. We stopped by my brother and sister in law's house to deliver very belated Christmas gifts (#EmmaRuinedChristmasWithCovid). It was good to see them, even though it wasn't a long enough visit, because we were heading home from our weekend in KC and my husband wanted to get there in plenty of time to watch the Super Bowl (big WHO CARES from me, since the Chiefs weren't in it). We were about to leave their house for our 2-1/2 hour trip home when my daughter texted that her dad had left his coat at her place. Ugh! We had to drive back across town to get it, but we made it home before the coin toss - barely!

10. "Married At First Sight/Australia." Guilty pleasure.

I haven't unpacked one thing from our weekend yet, and I'm not going to tonight. It's off to bed to recharge for Valentine's parties at school. Wish me luck! 

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  1. That is quite the hat your Dad made. Has he ever sewn costumes for plays?
    I'm glad you were able to find the needed suit, considering suits seem to be the needed attire in her occupation.
    Hope your ouchie is all better now! Fortunately when I assisting with little ones many years ago, the kids and adults were in a circle sitting on chairs.

  2. Love this list! I'm so glad you recovered from COVID and are back at work. I did chuckle at all your #soandsoruinedthisorthatwithCOVID comments. I mean, I know you were just teasing, but I did half expect you to pop in with a #IruinedthisorthatwithCOVID comment too.

    Congrats to your daughter for making the Law review! That's awesome.

  3. It takes a bit of time to get your energy back, but it will happen. Hope you had a great Valentine's Day at school!

  4. Thank you for sharing your wonderful gratitude list.
