
Sunday, February 6, 2022

The Covid Edition

It's kind of hard to write a Ten Things of Thankful when you're on the tail-end of a bout with Covid, but as I wasn't feeling particularly thankful last weekend when it struck, I'm here to make amends and give you my thankfuls for the past week:

I'm thankful for the scientists and physicians who worked long and hard to get us a Covid vaccine. No, it's not perfect, but it's better than nothing and has afforded me resistance to the virus right up until last weekend. That Omicron variant didn't take no for an answer.

I'm thankful my class had already been quarantined due to a previous exposure and weren't at school when I started getting symptoms; therefore, I didn't spread my cooties to them. 

My boss has had to juggle a hella lot of schedules and quarantines and exposures in addition to the normal craziness of her job. She works really hard to keep us staffed and safe, and I truly appreciate all she does. She is the BEST.

I'm thankful for my friend Julie for lots of reasons, but this week, because she has called me every day to check on me. 

If you know me at all, you know I don't like to talk on the phone. Julie does. She never texts, because she never knows where her phone is, and it's most difficult to keep up a conversation via text when you lose your phone every time you blink (she might say I'm exaggerating, but if you know her, you know). So that's how thankful I am to have her in my life, that I'm willing to talk on the phone with her.

My husband has taken good care of me this week, as long as it didn't involve being within 20 feet of me. I had to walk in a room shouting, "Unclean!" if left my isolation quarters, even though I was masked. But he made homemade soup and pudding for me, stopping just short of putting it outside my door, knocking, and running.

I'm thankful that my husband has shown no signs of getting Covid from me. He has been exposed twice, once by our daughter (when she ruined Christmas) and once by me (when I ruined her birthday), so he either has terrific immunity or is a lucky duck, and either are okay by me.

We got snow this week, like quite a bit, and I didn't have to worry about whether or not there would be snow days called (there were), because I was already homebound.

The cats have been pretty good nurses. They followed me to my isolation bedroom (otherwise known as my daughter's room) and slept at the foot of the bed all week, including during my many naps. 

Nursing staff on duty.

My quarantine ends on Monday, so I get to go back to work on Tuesday! I have missed my little nugs!

Finally feeling like I might pull through.

Get vaccinated if you haven't already. Wear a mask. Wash your hands. And if that Omicron fucker gets through to you, get plenty of rest, eat pudding, and surround yourself with warm pets.

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  1. Praying you are done with this thing and back with your nugs day after tomorrow!

  2. Glad you are will be able to get out and about again and glad that your husband stayed Covid free.
    Having someone checking in on you when you are sick, and especially when you are quarantined is a blessing.

  3. Damn!
    Good to see you have weathered it and are back on the path to 'normal' life.

  4. I understand and I love that you have a staff of caregivers and watchful nurses with you when needed. Love the color of your walls in that photo, too. I got IT on December 30 and was absolutely miserable till the end of January. I could not lie down at all, day or night - coughing till my guts wanted to call it quits. Had to sleep upright in a wall-hugger chair - No, not nice at all for sleeping in. I still have the cough but not nearly so bad as it was. I also had to get an ambulance ride to a hospital ER for an afternoon, when I was 10 days into it. They did nothing for me at all - sent me home after taking some tests but no meds at all. It was a very rough month - but I'm here and glad that you are BACK.
