
Sunday, February 20, 2022

It's Always A Great Week To Be Thankful!

The sun is shining. The birds are singing. The cats are napping in patches of sunlight. And it's time for this week's Ten Things of Thankful! 

1. First and foremost, I survived Valentine's Day at preschool. My nugs are not old enough to understand the holiday (is it really a holiday if you don't get a day off from work? Hmmm?), but they sure knew it was a great time to be completely wound up!

2. I've never really cared much for Valentine's Day. If you love me, love me. I don't need you to prove it one day a year. My husband and I exchange cards some years, and some years, we don't even bother. So imagine my surprise when one of my co-workers walked into my classroom carrying a dozen red roses in a vase. My first response was to ask who they were for, to which she said, "You!" Still puzzled, I then asked who they were from. She looked at me as if I were daft and said, "Your husband just walked in with them, so I assume they are from him."

And then I saw it. They were in a glass jar, not a vase. 

Who else but my husband? (He has what I call a jar problem, meaning he buys (way too many) jars at thrift stores and which I may or may not have used in a Six Sentence Story. It was a lovely surprise, one which I very obviously had not anticipated!

Should have taken a better photo.

3. Snow Day! We got a Snow Day on Thursday! We had freezing rain, sleet, and a little bit of snow, and it was enough to make driving hazardous. Snow Days are truly a gift!

4. This may not sound very nice in light of #2, but my husband was out of town on Thursday, and I got to spend the ENTIRE DAY in my house BY MYSELF (okay, by myself and with three cats). My husband has been working from home since Covid started, and as a result, I am NEVER home alone. Did I make it a productive day around the house when I could work uninterrupted? I did not. I did absolutely nothing. All day. And it was delightful!

5. Y'all, there's a Wordle2. Pretty sure it's not affiliated with the original Wordle, and it uses six letter words instead of five like the OG. 

6. Oh, and there's Nerdle. It's a math equation instead of a word, and the first one I tried nearly drove me to tears, but I got the hang of it and it's almost fun to do math!

7. Last weekend, I was in Kansas City and got to attend Community Christian Church in person. This weekend, thanks to technology and Covid, believe it or not (seriously, how many times can you actually say you are thankful for Covid?!), I enjoyed church via livestream on YouTube. It always fills my heart, whether in person or remote.

8. Daytona 500 is today, and THAT means spring is near!

9. We have potential for another snow day this week. Fingers crossed!

10. Later today, I am going to Pittsburg, Kansas, to see the musical "South Pacific" with two of my besties. We will be partaking in dinner at Chicken Mary's before the show, and I can't wait until it's time to go!

How was your week? Did you get a snow day? Spend time with friends? It's not too late to link up YOUR thankfuls!

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  1. A day in which to do nothing is a true gift from Heaven.

    It probably doesn't take much to get your little nugs wound up.

  2. I love that meme with the bears!
    As for the games. Kind of addictive, which means I need to get much faster or do the really important stuff first, or not do them at all. So far the last option isn't happening. HaHa Have you seen the geography ones?
    #10 sounds like a lot of fun!
