Saturday, February 29, 2020

There's A BIG Thankful In Here, Folks!

Know what? When news of a possible pandemic is on everyone's mind, one barky, rattly cough in a movie theater can sure make heads turn, or so I imagine.... 

It's time for Ten Things of Thankful, y'all:

1. I am almost, ALMOST, completely among the living after my bronchitis/sinus infection/plague. Finished the steroids today and good riddance to them! I felt cranky and foggy while taking them (sorry, all I came in contact with). Antibiotic will be done tomorrow.

2. Upside to being sick? I've lost a few pounds. A hole in my belt's worth, which isn't bad.

3. Haven't mentioned that gel mattress pad in awhile, but now that I can sleep and breathe simultaneously, I am sleeping like the dead, and in spite of hardly moving a muscle all night, no back or hip pain. Thank you, gel mattress pad!

4. I participated in Six Sentence Stories for the first time in for-FREAKING-ever. Want to read it? Sure you do - it's only 6 sentence long. Click here and do it now...

5. The weather warmed up just enough that we got to play outside at school. Finally! I put mittens on all of them, and OF COURSE, they managed to find water to dip their mittened hands into, but no fingers froze and fell off because of it.

6. I put away all the snowman decorations today. The forecast for the next week is for mild, spring-like weather, and I have certainly jinxed THAT with my actions today, but worth it to decorate with spring flowers and bunnies and know that warm weather will be here to stay SOOOOOOOON.

Test driving some new greenery....

7. I bought a three pound bag of cuties yesterday, and they are sweet and delicious. Always a crap shoot to buy a big bag, but it paid off this time!

8. Straightened my hair this morning to see how the silver is growing in, and I'm pleased.

Not bad....

9. The next one is a big one.

10. My son and his girlfriend are engaged! We are so excited for them! They've been talking about it, but he did the actual ask today while they were on a hike. Tentative plans are for a wedding in just over a year, after Match Day and before graduation. I have to lose 25 pounds and 15 years by then. Can I do it?

Link up your thankfuls with us every week! It will make you feel even thankfuller if you do!

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  1. All good stuff and most definitely exciting news! xo

    1. We're pretty excited! If she can put up with him, then she's the right girl!

  2. Replies
    1. Nothing like the potential for zillions of photos to motivate a person

  3. Hey! Your hair looks fabulous and you look just like Diane Keaton in that picture :)
    Now just hold on there sister - Engaged?! The soon to be Dr. Dillon? You sure he's old enough lol How is it these younger people age so quickly but my age has barely budged? :D
    Beautiful picture of the two of them. Congratulations!!
    I'm so glad you wrote a 6! Don't be a stranger!

    1. Diane Keaton? I like that! My husband told me I looked like Emmylou Harris!
      I know! Engaged! There will be TWO Dr. Dillons when they graduate! And no, he's definitely not old enough. When did this happen?!
      I promise I will not be a stranger! I let it intimidate me sometimes, and then I can't get the mojo back.

  4. Hey! I see the Emmylou! She's got beautiful hair..I can see it :)
    2? 2 drs in the house?? Totally awesome.
    OK. Be seein' you round the house!!

    1. Emmylou is so gorgeous! And what a talent!
      TWO doctors!
      See youuuu!

  5. Congratulations! No matter how many pounds and years disappear, you'll look great!

  6. Loving the hair!
    Envying the belt hole.
    *le sigh*

    1. Thanks for both. Currently happier about the belt hole.

  7. The gel mattress pad sounds like a winner!
    Your silver hair is beautiful and the newly engaged couple gave you time to reach at least one of the goals you have set for yourself. As for losing 15 years, if you discover the secret you will be rich!

    1. Can you tell I love that gel mattress pad?!
      Making that decision to stop coloring my hair was HARD! I'm hoping losing the pounds will make me look younger!

  8. Beautiful pictures and thankfuls!
