After a trip to my brother's home for Thanksgiving (yes, you will hear more about it; no, not today), I'm home and ready to be thankful for:
1. Blog friends. I hate to name names, because I'll leave someone out, but here are a few bloggers who have been incredibly supportive of me, and I think you should go visit them, if you haven't already:
Jenn @ Something Clever 2.0
Andrea @ Underachiever's Guide to Being a Domestic Goddess
Wendy @ Wendy Nielsen: Writing A New Story
2. More blog friends. Here is a partial list (PARTIAL, people) of bloggers who have become more than just someone whose blog I read regularly; they truly are my friends:
Christine @ A Fly On Our (Chicken Coop) Wall
Lizzi @ Considerings
3. Even MORE blog friends. These are the ones I love to read, mostly because they make me laugh my head off:
Amy @ Banana Wheels
Synnove @ Don't Chew On The Dinner Table
Ashley @ Sorry, Kid, Your Mom Doesn't Play Well With Others
Beth @ Writer B Is Me
Zoe @ Rewritten
Vanessa @ My Half-Assed Life
Kristi @ Finding Ninee
4. And blog friends who are just the NICEST people, in their writing, in their comments:
Kari @ Miss Bloggypants
Kris @ Mrs. Always Random and Usually Shallow
Diane @ Our Adventures With Riley (we are also SISTAHS)
Stephanie @ Life, Unexpectedly
Natalia @ Sophia's Unique World
Lisa @ The Meaning Of Me
Sandy @ Mother of Imperfection
5. And the blog friends who provide the Y chromosome for my blogging life:
Jak @ The Cryton Chronicles
Clark @ The Wakefield Doctrine
6. And because I KNOW I'm leaving people off my list, I'm thankful for EVERYONE ELSE in my bloggy world. EVERYONE! Write your name right here: _____________________
7. I cannot BEGIN (and did you know if you mess up typing "begin" you get "being"? Just wondered.) to list all my IRL friends who have supported my little blogging efforts, especially those ones who never fail to read the posts and comment via Facebook (that would be YOU Ruth M., Kristin P., Lisa B., Lagena and Cynthia).
8. My family has to go on this list. They are remarkably tolerant of me exposing them to the blog world. And they give me SUCH GREAT MATERIAL.
My kids call it "blogging orphan syndrome."
My son says, "If you say something, she'll blog the damn thing."
Adds my husband, "If I say anything, she slowly picks up her phone, looks at me, and takes notes."
That's right, dear family. You are always a potential topic.
9. I'm thankful for the Notes feature on my phone, because it allows me to capture things like this:
From my 14 year old daughter:
"I like to lay on my hands when I'm on my stomach and look like a whale. Is it working?"
(Ed. note: only if a whale is 5'3", 100 lbs., and blonde. So, no.)
"Past Me would be so proud of present Me."
"I don't have a forehead. I have a fivehead!"
(Said while lamenting that she has what she feels is a high forehead.)
Daughter (complaining about her brother): He's been using my shampoo and conditioner and I'm almost out!
Me: Why? He has his own shampoo.
Daughter: I know, but he says he likes to use mine sometimes.
Me: Well, SOMEBODY has been using my Philosophy soap in the shower and has added water to it thinking I wouldn't notice.
Daughter: Well, why don't you ask HIM? He likes using girl stuff. Maybe he needs some tampons.
Husband (trying to talk to son through bathroom door): I can't hear a thing you're saying in there when you have the door locked.
(sound of doorknob rattling)
Son: There. It's unlocked. Can you hear me now?
And these quotes from my husband:
"When do you stop eating? When your left arm gets numb?"
(After telling him I saw a coyote while driving home from the store): "I don't know if I would recognize a coyote unless he was carrying a suitcase with 'Acme' on the side."
"I think the secret to a successful marriage is not having things in common but hating the same things."
Link up, peoples.
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