
Friday, April 24, 2015

U is for Under

Take one look at this and ask yourself how I could possibly resist taking on this Pinterest project?

Found on

Naturally, I ran into a problem with having adequate supplies for the project. I had a sufficient amount of cats (NOT a sufficient amount of COOPERATIVE cats, but that's for later). What I DIDN'T have was a glass topped table. I looked on Craig's List and found one, a sofa table, actually, and I liked it, even though it didn't really go with my decorating style (which might be called Early Grandma). AND it was only $20. I mentioned it to Scroogy McScrooge (mistake), and he was less than supportive. MUCH less.

Not to be discouraged, I scoured my church building. I didn't find a glass top table, but I found a table with a glass top, which was going to have to do. I brought the glass top home, cleaned it, and set it on top of two stools. It wasn't a glass top table, exactly, but it was the best I could do.

Enter uncooperative cats.

Pete came to see what I was doing, but at 27 pounds, HE calls the shots on what he is or isn't going to do. He chose to hiss at Ruby and hang around in the same room, but he refused to participate in any other way. And in all honesty, I was a little worried about his fat cat ass breaking the glass, so I didn't press the issue.

Fletcher is the more docile of our three kitties. We call him Eeyore, and I thought I would get an "Ohhh, bother" out of him and then he would sull up and lie on the glass for me. I thought wrong.

Ruby was really the one I had hoped to bag.

She finally came around when I bribed her with a twist tie and a Hershey kiss to play with. 

She is UNDER the glass, trying to get the twist tie on TOP of the glass.

Outsmarting me.

Score! She's on the glass! Of course, she stole the twist
tie and ran off with it, causing an interruption in the photo shoot.

Ruby was afraid to walk on the glass at first. By the end of our project, she was trotting across it like a trained circus act. The only problem was I wanted her to SIT or LIE DOWN on it and not just walk, but I took what I could get.

Finally sat.

Fascinated by me lying on the floor under the glass.

Still fascinated. Came down to get a better look at me.


Me from Ruby's point of view.

My assessment of the Pinterest pin?

The pictures were not taken by rank amateurs using an iPhone.

The cats were used to glass top tables and not freaked out by the illusion that there was nothing under them.

The cats were obviously drugged.

I'm still calling it a Pinterest win, in my and Ruby's own way.


  1. I love that Ruby was your model. We have a glass coffee table that Crooks loves to sit on, but it is currently occupied by a bunch of clutter (almost all of it is my clutter). But someday, I envision me laying under the glass table to steal one of these shots as well.

    It is a win -- Ruby's curiosity photos beat laying calmly any day!

    1. You KNOW you have to take pictures of Crooks from under the table! Ruby may have been a less-than-satisfactory model, but at least she was fun!

  2. I now have embarrassingly intimate knowledge of Ruby's nether regions.

  3. great job ruby is adorable actually getting on the table, playing with the twistie tie, then wondering about you... so cute.

  4. Yep, I'd call this a win, too. You're hilarious!

    1. Thank you so very much! It was a project I just couldn't pass up!

  5. Think I could do this with daisy?

    1. I think you can't go through life without knowing the answer to that.

  6. I'm going to ask my daughter if she will try this with Leela, her sphynx cat!

  7. THANK YOU, Lizzi! This was the hardest one to do, since I didn't have the glass top table, but by golly, I DID IT!

  8. You were pretty brave to try this at all. Too funny!

    1. Thank you! I admit I was a little nervous about that piece of glass crashing down on me.
