
Friday, April 24, 2015

Thankful All The Way

The good thing about my A to Z Challenge theme is that I have been making food and crafty stuff, a lot of which has been tasty or cute (not both). The bad thing is that it takes up a whale of a lot of time, and I'm so far behind in reading blog posts from my friends who are participating in the A to Z Challenge, let alone reading the ones from the bloggers I've met DURING the A to Z Challenge, that the whole thing makes me just want to take a nap. Before I do that, let me present this week's Ten Things of Thankful (and please forgive me if I don't get to everyone's posts this week): 

1. While I'm love, love, loving the A to Z Challenge, it's almost over! Six more entries and I will have A to Z Survivor status.

2. National Honor Society induction for Emma was this week. We've known a lot of the kids who were inducted for a long time, but one special group of six kids have gone to school together since kindergarten. They attended the same elementary school, middle school and high school and are all still friends. Emma knows every one in that group has her back, and that's a good thing.

3. Emma was sworn in as Student Council Vice President the next night. Very proud of her and her leadership skills.

4. Always thankful for 4 year old giggles. We are making a bouquet of flowers from our handprints for the bulletin board in my Primary class, and after I painted the first hand purple, pressed it to the paper, then wiped the paint off with a wet wipe, this is what we were left with:

Ohh, the giggles that ensued! Fortunately, my assistant was able to scrub the hands with soapy water and a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and turn them from magenta to just pink.

5. Thankful for Mr. Clean Magic Erasers.

6. Still ant-free!

7. Sea salt and cracked pepper kettle fried potato chips from Aldi.

8. I get to see the College Boy this weekend! We're going to pick him up tomorrow and spend a little time at the lake house.

9. Pinterest wins that aren't even part of my A to Z Challenge! I found this cute picture on Pinterest that I pinned, but when I went to get directions to use it at preschool, I found out it wasn't a craft but a print you could purchase on Etsy. That's okay, I just made my own pattern, and the kids made the dandelion fuzz with Q-tips dipped in white paint.

10. Can we just take a look at that rainbow cake again? I think it's worth a thankful.

Are you ready to be thankful? Join us at the best little blog hop in the blogosphere and link up, below.

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group


  1. Wow the dandelion art looks great...the cake yum...Congratulations to your daughter have fun at the lake house...:)

    1. I am so proud of how those dandelions turned out! The cake looked better than it tasted.

  2. You got yourself quite a girl there! Not to mention one hell of a green pooping cake!

    1. Thanks, ma'am! No one has reported to me how the cake affected them, and I'm not asking.

  3. Great list, Dyanne. So proud of Emma.

  4. Cake is very cool, the Blair Witch handprint thing also cool.
    Not so far from the tree, eh? (your daughter's school accomplishments)
    yet, I guess I'm thinking the best thing about the 'Aorta-to-Cerebellum April Blog Challenge' will be when it's over... (a lot like back when commercial fishing, wouldn't want bad weather, but glad when it's over so I could tell stories about giant seas and such).... "that's right! some of the others saw the letter V and fainted dead away... it was a bad, bad letter, let me tell you!"

    1. I have to say, I was wondering how I was going to explain those hands to the parents. Really thankful the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser got the worst of it off.
      My daughter is an over-achiever :)
      I'm having loads of fun with the A to Z (can you tell?), but I'm also going to be quite happy when it's over.

  5. Rainbow cake is always worth a thankful!!) You are rightfully proud of Emma, heck, I'm proud for you :-) Never thought about using magic erasers to clean up kids.. Have to remember this one! ;-) Have a wonderful weekend, Dyanne! PS: Calvin uses our cloth basket as a walker!!

    1. Thank you, Stephanie! She's a good girl. I don't know if there's any reason you SHOULDN'T use a magic eraser on a kid, but when you're a little panicky about sending them home with magenta hands, you do what you've gotta do! Need a picture of Calvin walking with the clothes basket!

  6. Thanks for linking me up! I'm back home now and trying to catch up on reading/commenting. Your rainbow cake is beautiful!

    1. You are welcome! I hope you and John had a wonderful time! I'm pretty sure I'll never get caught up, but I'm going to give it a try. I think the cake turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself!

  7. Four year old giggles and cake and then amazing Dandelions too? Way too much awesome in one post!!! Smiling ear to ear!

    1. Every little one giggled at the sight of that magenta hand on the end of their arm! The dandelions turned out better than I could have imagined (they are all taped to the outside of the classroom door, making a field of dandelions in the hallway).

  8. Did you put the ant thing here before or after reading about could affect our friendship. :)
    Loving the dandelion craft!
    Congrats to Emma!

    1. Before. For "I is for Invasion". Silly girl. Don't people in some third world countries eat ants as a delicacy?

  9. Go Emma! It's quite special she has 5 other friends she's known since kindergarten that she is still in school with.

    Have a wonderful time at the lake house Dyanne.

    So what in the world will you do once the Challenge is over? Where does all that energy go next?! LOL

    1. Those kids are pretty close. Their elementary school only had two classes per grade, so they all knew each other really well. Love that they're still friends!
      We had a good time, even though it was a short trip.
      I am going to collapse in a heap and sleep for three days straight when the Challenge is over, that's what!

  10. That cake was AMAZING! I am still so impressed after the mess I created during my recent red velvet experience.
    Cute dandelions! And I love those chips too. And Magic Erasers. But not to eat.

    1. I don't know what you could have done wrong with the red velvet cake, unless you spilled food coloring everywh--ohhh, is that what happened? The rainbow cake used gel food coloring. Not nearly as messy.
      I love those dandelions! And the chips. And the Magic Erasers.
      Thankful #11: I'm thankful Sarah doesn't eat Magic Erasers.

  11. Now that was a good week for sure. Your little ones are so cute - I love the stained hands. I kind of miss Zilla coming home with stained hands. She's so big...but a whole other kind of wonderful now. I suppose I'll be doing all the really big kid stuff like your Emma in about two blinks of an eye, right?
    Aldi...there is one near here and I've never been. Should I check it out? I love the market we use and I am definitely a fan of one stop shopping, so I need to know if it's worth it.

    1. Isn't that hand precious?! And two blinks? Try ONE!
      I lurrrrrve Aldi! I probably need to write a whole post on shopping there. You should go. SO much cheaper than the grocery store and good stuff. You have to bring your own bags and have a quarter to get a shopping cart (you get the quarter back when you return the cart). You can't get EVERYTHING there, but you can get a lot, and there have been very few things that I didn't think tasted as good as, if not better, than the name brand equivalent.
