
Saturday, April 5, 2014

E is for Easter

I am from the end of an era.

Watch a movie from pre-World War II through the 1950s, and you will see women wearing hats and gloves when they went out. On I Love Lucy, the women all wore hats and gloves for such simple activities as to play bridge at one another's homes. And they looked so glamorous!

But in the 1960s, not long after Jackie Kennedy left the White House and her little pill box hats behind her, the rest of American women began abandoning hats as well. 

Just a little too late for me.

One of the last vestiges of the hat era was Easter Sunday. No little girl was dressed for church that day without a frilly dress, white gloves, and a hat.

It was Easter Sunday 1963, and I was dressed in my Easter best. I was two years old and still vividly remember the scratchy petticoat I was wearing under my dress that day while posing next to my brother on our back patio. I remember the ruffled socks. The shiny shoes with the slippery soles.

But the worst thing was the hat. 

The hat that squeezed my head, pinching me above my ears, the elastic band under my chin biting into my skin.

I hate, hate, HAAAATED that hat.

It isn't obvious, is it?


  1. Your expression says it all.

    I am certain my mom has a photo similar for my sister and I in equally frilly Easter dresses with equally happy facial expressions.

    Something tells me we are not supposed to stick 2 year olds into frilly Easter dresses and hats.

    Kate at Daily discovery

    1. This is probably my favorite picture taken of me EVER.

      Pictures or it didn't happen.... :)

      I vowed I would never dress my daughter in frilly dresses, and I never did. And she thanks me for it often!

    2. Noted. Maybe when I am at my mother's on Easter I will try to dig some out to post. I particularly remember when she used to dress my sister and I in the same Easter dress -- which when you are 4 years apart, let's just say my then 9 or 10 year old sister HATED to be dressed like her little sister. :P

  2. Hahahaha! Yes, I do see that you don't exactly love it!!

  3. Oh but that picture of you is SO adorbs :D

  4. the hatred is clear on ur face but a cute pic though :)
    oh ! I loved those hats as well

    1. That hat would be more effective for interrogating prisoners than waterboarding.

  5. Muahahaha! That look is awesome. Are there any current day scenarios that may cause you to don that spectacular expression?

    Have you ever made your daughter wear a similar outfit in the attempt of misplaced vengeance?

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink

    1. I'm sure my family will tell you there are.

      Never! I refused to dress her in frilly, uncomfortable outfits.

  6. BWHAAAA... you look P.O.'d! I have similar photos.. I also have ones of my mom and sisters in these ginormous flowered numbers!

    1. There is really no doubt about how I felt about the hat.

  7. I know every other comment above says that too, but what else can be said?!?!

    Love it!

  8. haha! priceless! I have a few pictures like that. What a treasure! I was thankful for a cold a few weeks ago because it gave me a reason/excuse to take a day and stay home.

    1. I'm hoping the cold makes me lose my appetite for about a month. If it weren't so much trouble to make sure my plans were ready for preschool tomorrow, I'd consider taking a day off. But I also am always afraid I'm going to get worse and have wasted a sick day, so I just keep plugging on...

  9. so cute! We must be similar in age - I have pics that look like that. I'm popping in from the A-Z challenge and I'm finding so many of the blogs on the link list are not my style. But, yours looks fun, and I taught for 12 years (teens.) I love teachers! I see that we both like A Fly on My (chicken coop) Wall blog. Christine is so funny, right? Come visit me, if you'd like.

    1. Did your mom cut your bangs, too? It's a miracle all of us girls of the 60s aren't in therapy for those bangs! I'm glad you found me among those thousands of A to Z bloggers! I'll be over to visit!
