
Friday, April 4, 2014

D is for Daily

Things I do on a daily basis (leaving out the obvious, because you can figure out for yourself that I go to the bathroom and eat and shower and shizz like that):

Take my meds (which I hate to have to do, but that pesky breast cancer left me with no choice)

Cuddle with Ruby.



Read, read, read.

Write, write, write.

After getting undressed in the morning for my shower, pick up my underpants with my toes, toss them in the air, catch them, and then throw them into the laundry basket (it's a morning ritual - don't judge me).

Drink a Diet Coke (or three).


Laugh, especially at myself.

Check my social media. Repeatedly.


Have a few hot flashes.

Charge my phone.

Wish there were something better to eat in the pantry or the refrigerator, then realize I have no one to blame but myself when there isn't.

Get distracted by something shiny....

What was I writing about? Oh, yeah, things I do daily.

Trip over my own feet.

Interact with bloggy friends.

Say I love you.


  1.'s like we're twins. Only my meds aren't b/c of breast cancer. And I don't drink soda. And I have an "Indy" instead of a "Ruby". Other than that...identical. :)

    1. See? This isn't the first time we've said we were twins!

  2. My partner did that underwear thing daily....when he wasnt commando...dont judge.

    RUBY!!! Shes a cat now!

    1. It's an agility test.

      Ruby's a wittle cat/big kitten. Rules the roost.

  3. Ha- I do the same thing with the pantry! And every day I curse myself for not bringing lunch to work!

    1. I first read this that you do the same thing with the PANTY :)

  4. LOL @ What was I writing about? Oh, yeah, things I do daily.
    This is a nice list.

  5. The underwear ritual is definitely.. special?? But totally funny, got me grin wide :-) Have a great weekend, Dyanne!

    1. I've done it so long, I can't remember a time when I DIDN'T do this ritual.

  6. You gotta teach me that underwear trick!

    1. Trick? It's a carefully honed skill, grasshopper. I will teach you when you are ready....

  7. Nice post! fun to reflect and distill a day into these bite-sized chunks. Gail

    1. Thanks, Gail! My husband said I forgot to put that I count the stairs every day as I go up and down them.

  8. You trip over things daily? Ohhhhh dear :D

  9. I love this post on so many levels. Glad to hear Ruby is doing well (by the looks of it). I totally dig the pre-shower routine. I am sure we all have something similar and equally as quirky every day. And if we don't, then we all should!

  10. Lovely post! We have a lot in common; I take thyroid meds in the morning when I wake up, even before my cup of tea. Don't do the kicking undergarment thingy :) but I cuddle my pet, Sparky, my 10 year old dalmatian daughter :)

    1. Thank you! I'm wondering how many people will read this post and try to kick their underpants up in the air and catch them, just to see if they can do it!

  11. I love this because this is SO REAL and yet so delightful and fun! Oh yeah, and I love YOU!

  12. Oh the daily rituals we all have! Great "D" topic.

    1. Thanks, Heather! It was entertaining to sit down and write them all down.

  13. Almost missed "D" ! Not sure how that happened. Looks like you and your underwear are quite the attraction and buzz of the internet >.> my ritual is attempting to fling my boxers to the top of my hamper (which is always heaping with clothing) with my foot.

    Great idea for the day's entry. Candy Crush should definitely be in there, but I'm sure you sneak that in with "social media"

    Ruby looks so happy!

    And are you suuuuuure you shower every day? I don't want to assume... some people like to skip now and again :)

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink

    1. I could fling my underpants across the room, aiming for the laundry basket, but I know my limitations.

      I am lumping Candy Crush in with social media. Pinterest, too.

      Ruby is deliriously happy at all times. The other two cats don't always appreciate this trait.

      While I have been know to skip a day occasionally, it is very rare....

  14. Dyanne, this is why I adore you! You are so much fun and more than a little silly :)
