
Sunday, July 19, 2020

Well, No Worms THIS Week And Other Thankfuls

Had a better week this week compared to last week. I am no less worried about the state of things, but I didn't let it get to me as much. That's either growth or denial.

Either way, I am still thankful. Here are my Ten Things of Thankful for the week:

1. My husband loves all those stupid game shows that are shown in the summer, and (so far) I haven't killed him over it. Yet.

2. I struggled with the prompt for this week's Six Sentence Stories, but instead of giving up and moving on, I stuck with it and wrote a darn fine little story. If you haven't read it yet, it's right here. It won't take you but a minute or two, because, you know, six sentences....

3. I didn't hide in the bathroom and cry this week at work. 

4. I was making masks earlier today, and my spool of hot pink thread was getting down to the bare bones. I was practically holding my breath that I would be able to finish the mask before I finished the spool. As you can see, I juuuuust made it.

5. Last weekend, my husband got uncharacteristically efficient when we were packing up to go home from the lake house, and he put our suitcase (that sounds fancier than it is - it's really a large duffel bag) in the car before I had added the clean clothes that were still in the dryer. It was all my stuff, so I decided to leave it at the lake house and use it the next weekend, which would be this one right here. As a result, I didn't bring any clothes with me on Friday. You can probably see this one coming, but the clothes that had been in the dryer were mostly underpants and pajamas and I don't know what else, but none of it was actual clothing of mine. Thanks to Covid 19, there's really nowhere to go anyway, so I have survived wearing the same shirt all weekend.

6. Okay, the reason I survived with only one shirt to wear was because I had no other choice; I went out Saturday morning to pick up a new shirt or two, stopping in Kohl's and Belk, and there was NOTHING in either of them that even tempted me in the least, AND I HAD A 65% OFF COUPON AT BELK. Everything was ugly or some weird fabric or too short or kind of cute but they only had one left and it was an extra small. Saved myself some money beyond a coupon, so that's good.

7. Look at these cute little pillows I found at a thrift store for fitty cents a piece. I washed them in hot water and dried them on high heat, just in case of hidden critters, and my littles at school LOVE them!

8. After a rather bad experience with corn on the cob last weekend (you really don't want a lot of details, but it involved black bugs, very fat worms. damaged corn, and me screaming), my dad brought down some non-buggy, non-wormy corn from the old order Mennonite vegetable stand. Want to know how to make delicious roasting ears? Trim the silks off the top and snip off any flappy leaves, then lay the ears directly on the oven rack at 375 degrees. Bake for about 25-35 minutes. Cut the stemmy end off, peel the husks off, and most of the silks will come with it, and even the stubborn silks slide off fairly easily. Best roasting ears you'll ever eat. I don't even butter and salt mine, they're so good as they are.

My sous chef, Lewis

9. Last week, I mentioned I was thankful that don't touch your face has equaled long fingernails for me, since I haven't been biting on them. This week, those fingernails saved me a trip to the emergency room, because, as I was cutting up a watermelon yesterday, the knife slipped, and I cut my thumbnail clean in half. Had it not been there to save me, I would have surely sliced my thumb wide open. (I also burned a finger on the waffle iron, one on a glue gun, and pinched the holy hell out of my hand snapping the waffle iron back together, but looks like I'm going to pull through....)

10. Tahitian Gardenia Flower & Mango Butter shampoo and Pineapple Curls conditioner. My hair smells like a fruit salad sans fruit flies. 

Find your thankfuls where you can. Some weeks they are big, some we are just grateful for non-wormy corn.

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  1. How lucky that the thread lasted! Those are cute pillows; I can see why your littles love them. I will have to try that method for corn roasting, once we have corn to harvest. It's just now starting to tassle up. OK, fellow curly girl, just what brand is that delicious-smelling shampoo and conditioner? :-)

    1. I really didn't want to have to change thread with inches to go! The pillows were a great find! The corn is sooooo good! Hope yours isn't wormy or buggy!
      The shampoo is Not Your Mother's. The conditioner is Pacifica. Both drug store brands or also available at Ulta. I think I got one at Ulta and one at Walmart.

  2. My daughter made her first mask. I had made one for her and the next I told her to give it a try. She did a great job. Glad your thumb survived!

    1. I hope that soon, we can look back and say remember when we made all those masks and wore them everywhere? The waffle iron burn is more problematic! It's on the tip of my pointer finger on my left hand. Lost my fingerprint there!

  3. I very much like #3. Hope it repeats next week, and the next ...

    1. Thanks, Carin! I didn't think I'd make it through the morning today, but I did!

  4. Yeah to completing the mask before the thread ran out!
    Such cute little pillows. I can see how the kids would love them.
    If you just need to fix a couple of ears of corn, you can also put them in the microwave, one ear at a time, and cook on high for 4 minutes. You prepare them in the same way as you did for roasting them in the oven.
    #9 So glad you are going to make it. What a painful week. Now you have me wondering if fingerprints grow back. 🤔
    Your #10 made me laugh.
    Have a good and a safe week ahead.

    1. It was a close call!
      I wouldn't ordinarily buy soft toys like that at a thrift store, but they were in such good condition that I did it. Not sorry!
      I've done the microwave method! They shuck easier that way than roasted in the oven, but oh, that roasted taste is hard to beat!
      Pinchy place gone. Both burns healing!
      We've had a terrible fruit fly problem at the lake house! I made traps with apple cider vinegar and caught a lot of them, but there's always more, since my dad keeps bringing in sketchy produce!

  5. the thing I most enjoy about your TToT posts is that the grats and the hypo-grats are representative of Life Adventures on the roads that most people don't have the spirit (or the nerve) leave the interstate for...

    1. My life is one big road trip with no map and no navigation system. Headlights don't work, nor do the windshield wipers....

  6. Those pillows are so cute and in such good shape. Weekends In Maine
