
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Lie: A Six Sentence Story

He was pleasantly surprised when she sidled up to him at the craps table, cheering lustily for him as his stack of chips grew, and when her hand accidentally brushed against his arm, he felt a jolt of electricity course through his body; he had never before attracted someone so deliciously sexy, and when he ran into her again at the elevator shortly after cashing in his chips, he boldly invited her to his room and was ecstatic when she accepted.

Inside his suite, drinks in hand, they both sat on the sofa, and as she kicked off her shoes, casually tucking her feet under her, she leaned towards him and said, "Let's play a game called Two Truths and a Lie. I'll go first and you guess which is the lie: I always get what I want, and I wanted you from the moment I laid eyes on you in the casino; I'm not wearing panties under my dress; and I poisoned your drink."

"The last one is the lie," he said, but his tongue seemed surprisingly thick as he spoke, and as he tried to reach his hand out to brush her cheek, he slumped forward instead. 

Smiling, she rose and pushed him onto his side, deftly removing his wallet from his pocket as she whispered in his ear, "Wrong, loser, it was the first one; I never wanted YOU, just your money."

Slipping her feet back into her shoes, she sauntered out of the suite, took the elevator back down to the casino and resumed her watch near the craps table.

Linking up with Ivy at Uncharted for Six Sentence Stories with the prompt "lie."


  1. HA! I could even imagine it happening!

  2. Oy....i love that game! Man, you're good at this!

    1. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I have no idea how to play craps, but my husband loves it.

  3. What a minx! And never let your drink out of your sight.

  4. If you have won money at the craps table no one is your friend. Go straight to your suite and lock the door!

  5. lol…. I knew her! (but she went after the guy next to me…being somewhat invisible has it's advantages)

    1. Be careful. She's hanging around the craps tables again.

  6. How can you come up with so many different scenarios with this genre? You definitely have a knack for it!
    On an unrelated note, your name came up in conversation today, but we decided that there is no way my cold could be named Dyanne. So, Anonymous it is. :-)

    1. I wouldnt count her out....she has amazing and mysterious powers!

    2. Thanks, Kristi! I'm having a lot of fun with this!
      I am pretty powerful; maybe I DID send you my cold through the interweb!

    3. As long as it isn't poison, I guess. . .

  7. Holy crap, how do you do this?? Simply brilliant, and breathtaking at the same time!

    1. Oh, thank you, Josie! It means so much to me to have you say that!

  8. Geez Dyanne...even at the holidays? lol
    I'm with Kristi - you really have a knack for this particular "genre" of writing. Good one! But still. Kinda scary!

    1. She didn't KILL him! I do love to read mysteries; can you tell? :)

  9. You can always count on somebody dying here.
    And the reason you don't write murder mysteries to publish is...?

    1. I think they would be very short novels, since I don't think I can write more than six sentences.

  10. You are really quite the mystery writer, keeping us all guessing!

  11. Oooh! Wow! Sucked me right in. Love it!
