
Sunday, December 6, 2015

Because I'm No Quitter, Here Are Ten Things Of Thankful

I'm trying to be brave this week, but I'm struggling. I didn't want to find ten thankfuls this week, and I was thisclose to skipping it. This week marks the 129th week of Ten Things of Thankful. I have participated 128 times. How do I give up a streak like that? Here's my list:

1. Peppermint ice cream, but only during the Christmas season. Any other time would be just wrong.

2. Kid-made Christmas ornaments.

3. Former President Jimmy Carter. What a kind, resilient, humanitarian he is! 

4. Coconut oil. I use it on my face twice a day, and it has greatly reduced breakouts (I KNOW! Makes no sense, does it?)  When my feet are dry, I slather it on them before I go to bed and put on a pair of socks and wake up with soft tootsies. I use it to clean my make up brushes. I guess I could actually cook with it, as that is its original use, but nahhh.

5. Really bad hair days, so I will appreciate the good ones more. Three guesses what kind of hair day today is.

6. Six Sentence Stories. They are quite fun. You should try your hand at it. Seriously.

7. Friday Night Video Chat. I haven't done one in for-evah and nearly didn't get to participate, as I had technical issues (I ALWAYS have technical issues when I try to do the Video Chat), but I finally got it worked out and it was lovely. (By the way, I know you were all laughing at my failure to thrive, ahem, Clark.)

8. Chicken pictures.

9. Senders of chicken pictures.

10. My daddy. I have the best daddy in the world. 

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts

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  1. Replies
    1. FRIST!
      I forgot to link my own damn self up, by the way....

  2. I know quitters, and you, Dear, are no quitter!
    Who knew coconut oil did so much?? Perhaps you should try it on that bad hair. :)

    1. So close, though.
      I USUALLY use a very expensive oil on my hair. That's what I get for skipping a step.

  3. I don't usually have bad hair days so much, although I have had some "big" hair days...

    I almost didn't post this week, Christmas gives me the blahs and I'm really trying hard to fight it.

  4. Oh and my favorite only at Christmas thing is Candy Cane Hershey's Kisses. White chocolate with bits of candy cane! Yummmy.

  5. My sister in law made peppermint ice cream one time and I stood at the counter, and ate it write out of the dish, spoonful after spoonful and I might have left the freezer door open, too. I've used coconut oil as a mouthwash (20 minutes of swishing) but had no idea it softened skin, especially the feet. You know I'm going to try it. Enjoy the holidays. Hopefully, we'll meet in the Vid Chat sometime.

  6. Sending you a rubber tree plant and a bunch of ants and Imogen thingie and loads of love, my Dyannedelion *HUGS*

  7. So glad you made your list...Peppermint ice cream sounds so wonderful. I hear Coconut oil is good for lots of things...didn't know about rubbing it on your face ! I have been having way too many bad hair days lately..guess I better go get it cut...:(

  8. Peppermint anything, at this time of year, is a big part of creating a mood of Christmas, but ice cream can't fix it all. Hard to admit that, but true.
    I will have to try that foot thing with the oil.
    Sucks that you had so much trouble getting on the vidchat. Technology can be funny sometimes. I know that well.
