Saturday, September 5, 2015

Ten Things of Thankful: The Birthday Edition

It's my birthday, it's my special, special daaaaay!

My 5th birthday. Picture another 50 candles....

Can there BE a better reason to list Ten Things of Thankful?

I'm okay with getting older, because it means I'm not dead, even though my family has already picked out my epitaph:

Except for my neck, I'm pretty okay with how I look.

I still feel 11 inside.

I have some pretty great friends, both in real life and in the blog world. I've received Facebook messages, emails, texts, and voice mails (including a singing one from my Person and her daughter) wishing me a happy birthday. I feel loved.

My mom still calls me on my birthday every year to tell me how miserable it was to deliver a 10 lb. baby.

I got a haircut for my birthday (thanks, Darlynda), and I really like it. This leads me to...

...avoiding 1661 Sydrome. I read about it somewhere, but I can't find the site to cite it (tee hee). Basically, it's when a woman looks 16 from the back (long hair, short skirt, tight jeans), but when she turns around, she's actually more like 61 from the front. While I still insist I am in NO WAY ready to wear Alfred Dunner, I am thankful I realize that the best way to age gracefully requires making a few changes in the ol' beauty regimen.

Dollar Store reading glasses. They work, they're not hideous, and THEY'RE ONE DOLLAR!

A birthday that often lands on Labor Day weekend (I was actually born ON Labor Day). THREE DAY WEEKEND, BABY!

Spending a lazy weekend with my husband and kids at my favorite place for such a weekend, the lake house.

Be thankful always.

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts

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  1. Im glad there is a day to recognize how happy we all are that you're still around!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

  2. Well, your mom could surely tell that it was labor day, on that day 55 years ago. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, dear Dyanne!!

    1. My mother LOVES to remind me she was in labor on Labor Day! Thank you, Stephanie!

  3. Back when I was still working in veggies I used to envy any person who had their birthday fall on a Saturday because they got to celebrate and sleep it off on Sunday. I probably would have stopped reading your blog if I had realized back then your birthday falls on a frigging 3 day weekend!

    However, I have it easier these days so I can just say - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    1. Often, not always, but close enough I can celebrate it for at least a week! Thank you!

    2. I really should not bitch. Mine is the 22nd of December, so I get to forget about it in the Christmas hub-bub while enjoying an extra couple of days off.

  4. Once again Happiest bday !! :) Ur hair cut is so cool . am tempted to get one
    that 5 yr old pic- priceless :)
    loads of love

    1. Thank you, Afshan! I'm really happy with the haircut, although I'm a little worried about how it will look when I don't straighten it and let it go curly instead.

  5. and that hair cut pic totally deserves to be ur dp ;)

  6. HB DD!
    (forgive me if I am too effusive in my birthday wishes) lol…

    1. Thanks,Clark.It's the Clark equivalent to fireworks, right?

  7. NO! NO! NO! I can't believe I missed your birthday Dyanne! (Been "hiding out" lately and not getting on the computer much blah, blah, blah.)
    Thank God you have a 3 day weekend Birthday! Better than when your birthday falls on a Friday. get a 3 day BD then too.
    But how many people can say they were born on Labor Day?! That is tres cool.

    New doo looks fabulous. Being "older", there are some things you do and don't want to do hair style wise (I know, being "older" lol). I've heard the hitting the shoulder length is perfect for any age. Not too long, not too short. And you can still play around with molding mud with that know....subtly :D

    Enjoy the lake house! Enjoy the cake! (there's cake, right?)

    1. You didn't miss it. I stretch it out to be at least a long weekend. And yes, every few years, it works out that my birthday is declared a holiday :)
      I think this just above the shoulder thing is a good length. My hair grows really fast, though, so I'll either have to commit to getting it cut every six weeks or, God forbid, look like 1661!
      There was no cake! The oven here is lousy, so I decided to forego it.

  8. Ha, ha 1661. I bet you got that from the urban dictionary. Have a fabulous weekend - you're a fabulous woman. Hope you didn't mind the birthday picture message from me, I hope I remembered your "collection", and you don't think I'm some perv. Anyway, enjoy your special day!

    1. Thanks, Val! That 1661 thing really stuck with me, wherever I read it! Loved the birthday message - yes, you remembered my little collection very well! I followed a girl all over the football stadium the other night, trying to get a pic, but she didn't present again! And thank you!

  9. Never heard of the1661 syndrome, but know some people who suffer from it:) Great post...I LOVE when bloggers include makes me smile

    1. Thanks, Kim! I'm telling you, that 1661 thing is REAL and it will stick with you!

  10. Happy birthday to you! 1661 gave me a giggle! :)

    1. Thanks, Corinne! Yeah, you're going to find yourself going "1661" in your head when you're people watching.

  11. Never heard of 1661, but now I'm fearful. Not that I could ever be mistaken from the rear for 16, mind you. But the haircut thing I'm struggling with. I've grown out the hair for about six months now and I'm finally getting a cut. I need something I can wear up when I need to, so longish, but that looks appropriate for my middle-aged-ness but not matronly. Got any ideas???
    Yours, by the way, is stunning. Is that long enough to put up?
    Once again, a very happy birthday to you. I"m so glad to know you in the blog world and maybe someday I'll see you in the real world. I hope your entire weekend was/is wonderful. Your mom is a hoot - love it.

    1. OK your hair pic is now pinned to my "Hair" board on Pinterest for research purposes. #notastalker

    2. I can pull it back in a little ponytail and a little bun if I so desire. It's a great length, although I'm still undecided about the bangs. I know I NEED them at my age, but I didn't get them trimmed this time while I decide for sure. I'll probably be snipping them shorter in a week. You TOTALLY should get your hair cut like mine so we can be hair twins :)
      And we are DEFINITELY going to meet one of these days.

  12. Happy Birthday.
    A new hair cut can make all the difference.

  13. Your Mom simply cannot forget your birthday for sure. One of my children was born on a a holiday as well. Cute haircut! It sounds like you had a happy birthday. The photo of you as a child is adorable. And the epitaph is hilarious! However by the time you are going to have to use that, you'll probably be asking for another sweater and another blanket. :-)

    1. When my mom REALLY gets going, she reminds me of the forceps :) I love that picture, too, especially the puffed out cheeks as I blow out the candles.

  14. happy birthday ... have a good old fashion blast whatever that may be ... enjoy the lake house the cake the dinners and being the lovely age you are ... embrace as you do everything else !!!

    1. It was a relaxing and lazy birthday- perfect! Thank you!

  15. Happy Birthday! That's the way to do it, have a birthday that falls on a holiday weekend so you get to do some extra celebrating!

    1. If it falls in the middle of the week, I just stretch it out to cover the weekends on both ends!

  16. Phoenix was born during Labor Day weekend! Great weekend to have a baby.
    Yeah, your mom has every right to remind you of your gigantic birth weight each and every year if she so chooses. :)
    Aging well most certainly includes changing the way one dresses/does herself up.
    You are doing it beautifully.

    1. My mother was determined I was coming out that day, because my brother was staying with relatives already.
      Each and every year.
      Thank you!

  17. Happy Birthday!!!
    I really don't think you will need to worry about that 1661 thing, you're gorgeous! Although I do agree necks are annoying, someone should come up with a fix for them other than turtlenecks!

  18. I hope it was happiness, start ot finish.

  19. This is what happens when I stop writing and being thankful...I miss your birthday party. I am sorry. I hope that your day was as wonderful as you are. Your list is legit and wow! 10 pounds! Your mom owes you a thanks for giving her endless childbirth stories that will (probably) trump anyone else's! Happy Next Trip Around The Sun!
