
Sunday, March 24, 2024

So I'm Late. So What's New?

I had the best of intentions for getting my Ten Things of Thankful done in a timely manner, and I failed at that, but I DID figure out how to beat the system and still link up my post with the rest of the TToT blogs. I think, anyway. When I finish this, I will find out....

Last week was Spring Break week. Did we get a week off at school? We did not. But this year, we did get ONE WHOLE DAY off. Wheeeee!!!

Anybody else get hooked on NCAA women's basketball because of University of Iowa's Caitlin Clark? On their way to the Sweet Sixteen!

It's spring. Sort of. March seems to be going out like a lion, but the tulips and hyacinths are blooming, the trees are budding, the grass is getting green, and it won't be long before we forget how FREAKING MISERABLE cold weather is.

The clearance racks at Belk department store has been oh, so kind to me.

And Ulta had my favorite perfume on sale for half price JUST as my bottle was almost empty.

We are having some much-needed work done on the exterior of our house. All of the timbers are being repaired or replaced on our Tudor-style house, and the best part (fingers crossed here) is that the squirrel that had taken up residence in our attic SEEMS to have been outside when the secret entrance to his penthouse was blocked. 

Our contractor gave us a discount for paying in cash, so I have been making cash withdrawals from the bank to pay him. I had to withdraw $9,000 last week, and the teller handed me the cash (in $100 bills) in a regular business envelope. I put the envelope in the console of the car and went back to work for a bit after the trip to the bank. At the time, I thought it would be safer to keep it there than bring it inside the school in my purse, and I was sort of right, because as I was driving home, I pulled the envelope out so I wouldn't forget it, and the money literally EXPLODED all over the car. There were $100 bills in the console, on the floor under my feet, in the seats, between the seats and the console (you know, that place where you can't reach ANYTHING that falls there). It looked like I was driving the getaway car from a bank robbery, and I just laughed and laughed, because what else are you going to do? After pulling in my driveway, I gathered all of it up and didn't lose a single bill! 

My dad and I took a little road trip from the lake house, where he now lives full time, to the (other? real? original? former?) house three hours away. We made it there and back without mishap, and that's quite a win!

While my dad was cleaning out drawers and throwing away stuff packing up every single paper clip and calculator to take back to the lake house, I was going through all my childhood things still upstairs in my room. Wow. So many memories, some happy, some bittersweet, some cringey. I took photos of many items that had once seemed so important to me, school papers, scrapbooks with keepsakes that meant the world to 10 year old me, every script I ever got from my high school theater classes, ticket stubs, etc., and then I THREW THEM AWAY. I filled four contractor-sized trash bags. I did keep a few things; my kids can throw them away when I am dead and gone. It will give them a project to do together.

I may be crazy, but I think I'm going to do the A to Z Challenge this year. Are you KIDDING, you are probably thinking, when you can't keep up with the weekly TToT and you're going to do a DAILY blog challenge? Ummmm, yes, because I'm going to write about the stuff I found in my old room!

Hope you had a week of thankfuls, too!


  1. I'm so glad you're doing AtoZ again and I look forward to finding out what was in your room. Sounds wonderful. To read about, not to go through.

  2. So funny about all that cash flying everywhere. I'm surprised the bank let you take that much out without giving you the third degree. They can be very possessive with their customer's cash. I'm doing the A to Z Challenge as well. It's a great way to get back into blogging when you've been out of it for awhile as I have.
