
Sunday, July 10, 2022

I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

I LOVE my four day work week in the summer, but there are two negatives to having Mondays off:

I miss my little nugs when I'm not there with them.

I forget that Sunday is not just another Saturday and I come in hot getting my Ten Things of Thankful post written before the midnight CDT deadline.

Here's my list:

I am thankful for Mimi of messymimi's meanderings for always being at the hop (and if I ever think I have a busy schedule, I read just one DAY from Mimi's week and realize I'm quite a slug) and for always, ALWAYS having kind words for everyone. 

I'm thankful for my student workers. I can't name them without leaving someone out, but I love and appreciate them and could not do my job without them.

Okay, I'm going to call one student worker out, because Yoshito and I have spent a lot of time together the past two weeks, and I have laughed more with him than I have laughed in a long time. After seeing a pool noodle water wall on Pinterest, I bought all the materials to make one for our playground, and Yoshito and I spent what seemed like an eternity making it happen on the hottest day of the year (100 degrees with a heat index of 107). I was so proud of it that I took a video of our test run, only, well, you'll have to watch the video....

The inspiration from Pinterest.

The finished project

I SWEAR I was looking at the screen as I recorded this. I claim the heat skewed it. My daughter says I was what was skewed by the heat. I found it a hilarious cinematography fail. And this is the kind of stuff Yoshito has to put up with from me all the time, bless his heart.

Thanks to the 4th of July holiday, I had a three day work week instead of four (and that's instead of five!)

My daughter was approved to move into a different apartment. The one she's been in has some rather, um, interesting (sketchy) tenants, and I'm thankful she found a place in a quiet neighborhood in a house with only two other apartments. With everything she had to do to get approved, it appears the other tenants are also fully vetted and life in that building will be less...exciting.

I finally looked over a large, old chest of drawers my husband brought home from a thrift store last winter and found the inside to be completely clean and spider web free and the finish on it isn't as bad as I thought it was. I used some Old English scratch remover on it, and it looks pretty darn good! Some day, I can refinish it, but for now, it's perfectly fine to use. It's now in my bedroom at the lake house and being fully utilized.

One last thankful to Lisa at Prolific Pulse and Clark at The Wakefield Doctrine, my co-hosts at the Ten Things of Thankful. Our little weekly blog hop keeps puttering along thanks to them. 

Join the TToT every weekend. We are here. 

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1 comment:

  1. You teach small children, trust me, you are extremely busy. Your cinematography was quite amusing.

    Good luck to your daughter, i hope her new place proves one she can stay in for as long as she wants to rent.
