
Sunday, January 16, 2022

Dream On

My mother always told me I was a terrible sleeper as a baby and didn't deserve the good sleepers I birthed. The problem is that I'm STILL not a good sleeper (my kids, however, still are), and I spend a good percentage of every night awake. You can ask my Fitbit if you don't believe me.

Last night, around 3 am or so, I was lying awake and came up with a brilliant line for this week's Ten Things of Thankful post. I was going to grab my phone and write it in my notes app, but instead, I committed a key phrase to memory that would bring the whole thing back to me.

As you may guess, I don't know what those key words are and the brilliantly worded sentence no longer exists. And you know why? Because I WASN'T asleep, I only DREAMED I woke up and wrote that sentence, then I woke up FOR REAL and the beautifully crafted words disappeared with the dream.

How do you like that?

I guess the lesson learned here is that a TToT post needn't be perfectly crafted. It can be. Or it can be the equivalent of a grocery list scratched on a scrap of paper, for it's not important that it be a work of art but a work of heart.

Here is my grocery list of thankfuls:

1. I was in Kansas City last weekend and got to attend church in person. It makes my heart full to be there. I love Community Christian Church.

2. My daughter is back in Kansas City after spending most of her Christmas break with us. Grateful for the time we had, even if she did ruin Christmas by having Covid (jk - she didn't ruin anything, and I'm especially thankful that, even though her case was mild, she was with us and not alone in KC).

3. It was a fun week at school. I love my nugs. 

4. Our school is warm and cozy on these cold, winter days.

5. I took a home (or in this case, school) Covid test because I had a headache and nasal congestion, and it was negative.

6. I have a cold. An ordinary cold. And I couldn't be happier to have it, considering the high Covid rates.

7. Even with snow in the forecast for Saturday, my husband and I took the risk and went to the lake house this weekend, since we have Monday off and felt pretty confident the snow would be long gone by then. While this is usually an optimal time for Mother Nature to pull a fast one and send us two feet of snow, she was kind, the snow was only 4-5 inches, and what little was stuck to the roads was easily scraped off by the snow plows.

8. I'm thankful for homemade chili on a cold night.

9. Last week, I mentioned that I got a new heated mattress pad for myself for Christmas. The old one? Brought it to the lake house, and my bed is now toasty warm here, too!

10. And another Chiefs win! 

Stay warm! Drink water! Be thankful!

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  1. Your words about trying to remember the perfect title for your TToT post while dreaming, make me smile.

    Oooh, homemade chili is sooo delicious! I am also so grateful your COVID test result was negative and you have an ordinary cold instead.

    1. Thanks, Astrid! Homemade chili is wonderful, isn't it? And yes, very glad it was not Covid. I have been vaccinated and gotten the booster and wear a mask everywhere, so I'm going to be pretty unhappy if I ever get it!

  2. My cold salutes yours on the way out the door.

    Enjoy your week and thanks again for hosting!

    1. My cold decided to become a sinus infection. I hope yours didn't, too!

      Thank you for always being a part of the TToT and for always having kind words to say! I appreciate you!
