
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Hunch: A Six Sentence Story

Laurel rolled over sleepily, preparing to snuggle up against Andrew's back and relish the warmth of his body on this chilly, winter night, but her arm reached out to nothing but a cool, empty spot in the bed.

Fully awake now, Laurel laid on her back for a few moments as she listened to the ticking of the clock on the bedside table, and then she slipped out of the bed and into her dressing gown and padded barefoot out the bedroom door.

The house was dark and silent as she made her way down the hall, guided by the sliver of light beneath Andrew's study door. Laurel paused slightly before quietly opening the heavy door to find Andrew hunched over the desk, the glow from the desk lamp illuminating the pistol that laid before him.

The shaking of her hands matched the tremble in her voice as she softly spoke his name. As his cold eyes rose to meet hers, Laurel drew in a sharp breath as she saw the pistol now in his hand, his finger on the trigger, her heart expecting it but her mind not ready for the sound of the single gunshot. 

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge's Blog for Six Sentence Stories with the prompt "hunch"


  1. Like minds! It's like Clairvoyance incarnate, the way our imaginations work!
    (No, seriously, I enjoyed your six in an equal but opposite way I did the one those rascals at the Doctrine place wrote this week.)

    Hey! We should do a 'spin off' Six sometime.*

    *one person writes a Six, sends to others to branch off wherever they see an opportunity... not a continuation, more a spin off, you know like 'Laverne and Shirley' or 'Joanie Loves Chachi'

  2. Edge of the seat stuff. Good one.

  3. Oh my! I'd love to read what led up to this and if he pulled the trigger. Great stuff!

  4. Yikes! I had a hunch it wasn't going to end well, but did not see that coming. And I like how maybe he shot her, maybe himself. (Well, I don't like it, but the uncertainty is a nice touch)

  5. Yikes! What a scary ending in this SSS!

  6. Bet she wished she hadn't snuggled up to him!

  7. Excellent Six! I'm picturing mid 1950's noir movie scene :D

  8. Wow, that was quite the dramatic piece. Very suspebseful.

  9. It doesn't look like this is going to end well. Weekends In Maine
