
Monday, March 30, 2020

A Little Song, A Little Dance, A Little Seltzer Down Your Pants

The days. All. Blend. Together. I guess I missed Sunday altogether, and now it's Monday and I'm late to the Ten Things of Thankful hop. 

1. I'm sitting at the lake house. We are so blessed to have this place where we can get away! It's my happy place, and it's where I can push away troubles (or days of the week, apparently) and just be.

2. Our child care center was closed as of the 20th of March. I have the best co-workers, bosses (big boss and little boss, to quote a co-worker!), student workers, and little nuggets in the universe. How many people can say that?

3. I've been getting photos and videos texted to me by the parents of my nugs. My heart! I miss and love those babies so much!

4. I made a video for the YouTube channel we started to help us keep in touch with our kids. I have lost all dignity, as you will see when you watch it (please watch it - it's only 3 minutes), especially my finale. The parents and kids have gotten a hoot out of it.

5. I am raising a sour dough starter baby. Her name is Jane Dough and I don't think she's doing well. The thankful is that another friend saw my Facebook post about it and is growing her own now as well. Her starter baby appears to be faring better than mine, so I am hoping for help from her in raising Jane.

6. No flooding at the lake house! Taneycomo is one of a chain of five lakes on the White River, starting and ending in Arkansas, built for flood control and hydroelectric power. When the first one gets too full, the Corps of Engineers releases water from it to the next lake and so on down the line. Problems ensue when the Mississippi is flooded, because at some point, there's nowhere for the water to go. The two lakes upstream from us are both releasing water, but the Corps has been able to get it out of Taneycomo (which is the oldest of the lakes, looks more like a river, and is not able to hold more than about 6 feet of excess water before it goes over the banks).

The power and beauty of water flowing over Table Rock Dam is not to be missed! It's not often that all 10 flood gates are open, so I had to go to the dam and watch.

It's very LOUD. And 200 feet above you....

7. My daughter brought her roommate's kitten home with her for a week while her roommate was home for a week or so (on-line classes and spring break means many of the students went home). Our three did pretty well with her. Lewis wanted to be friends. Nora didn't want to be bothered and mostly avoided her. Finn had a love/hate relationship - part of him wanted to play with her, part of him wanted to beat her up. She left yesterday, and they don't seem to miss her, with the possible exception of Lew.

Layla. She thinks she now owns the place.

8. I am HORRIBLE about putting my hands on my face, particularly chewing on my fingernails. As a result of the new normal:

They're GROWING!

9. In spite of the horrors of the Virus That Is Not To Be Mentioned, there are still good things in the world. Spring is still springing, and new life gives me hope.

Redbud trees are blossoming.

10. I'm participating in the A to Z Challenge this year. Whaaaaaa??? I have planned nothing and written nothing and it starts on Wednesday. I also have no theme. I am welcoming any suggestions for topics, especially for those pesky letters like Q, X, Y and Z. BRING 'EM ON! I will be eternally grateful!

It's not too late to join us in the Ten Things of Thankful! Link up below!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter


  1. I'm so glad you're going to give the A to Z challenge another go this year! Love the dance video - I am sure the kids are enjoyed seeing it! Weekends In Maine

    1. I've heard from several parents who said their children loved the video. One said her son cried when he saw me, though! Miss those babies!
      I'm not kidding when I say I haven't planned ONE SINGLE POST....

  2. Both videos are impressive! I'm sure your little ones really appreciate seeing you leading them in dancing. Good for you for jumping in on the A to Z challenge! I'll have to decide in the next 11 hours if I'm joining or not, but in any case, I'll enjoy reading your posts! :-)

    1. My class loves doing the Chicken Dance mash up! I don't know that I was prepared to see myself doing it, though! I would love to see you doing the A to Z Challenge this year!
