
Sunday, January 19, 2020

Did Someone Say SUPER BOWL?

I'm trying to write a Ten Things of Thankful post AND watch the Chiefs v. Titans game, and I seem to be having a little trouble concentrating on the writing, but here goes:

1. I'm trying to be thankful that I did not win tickets to the Chiefs game today, even though I really wanted to go (the price of tickets was prohibitive on our budget), because the temperature at kick off was 18 degrees and felt like 5 degrees. My comfy chair, warm house, and tv are serving me pretty darn well.

2. I got two new students this week at school after three of mine moved up to the next age group. (There is a wait list of children wanting to come to our school, and that equals job security!) They are both sweeties and very cuddly.

3. First half of the week: unseasonably warm and we played outside. Second half of the week: stinkin' cold and we were trapped inside when it rained buckets of icy cold water. Guess which half of the week I am thankful for?

We colored on Friday, which is a risky thing
to do with one year olds, as they tend
to eat the crayons.

4. I ran into a very beloved friend yesterday at the grocery store. It was meant to be for us to see each other, because we were both at a store that neither of us usually go to. Did my heart good to get a quick visit in with her. She's pretty special.

5. Ran into yet another friend when my husband and I went to the movie theater to see "1917". Our kids are the same age and grew up together, and it was good to catch up.

6. My daughter came home from school this weekend because she was diagnosed with strep throat. I'm thankful that she finally went to urgent care after texting me a dozen times to tell me her throat was sore. I'm also thankful we live close enough to her school that she can get home easily if she needs to. That counts as two thankfuls.

8. Have I mentioned my new memory foam mattress pad?

9. Patrick Mahomes.

He might not have played the same
if I weren't wearing this shirt.

My future son-in-law....

10. THE CHIEFS ARE GOING TO THE SUPER BOWL! I remember well when they went 50 years ago. My mom was a huge Chiefs fan, and she would be so happy for this moment! She would also want someone to take me to Miami to the Super Bowl, I'm just positive, so..... who's up for it?

Monday is the day we observe the birth of Martin Luther King, Jr., and in closing, let's remember these words from him, "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." Stand up for those who can't. Have a beautiful week!

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  1. Your blog is my trusty source of Super Bowl information. Congratulations on your team!
    I'm sorry your daughter has strep, but hopefully she'll feel better soon. Antibiotics are certainly something to be thankful for!
    How nice that you were able to run into friends!

    1. KC born and raised. Have to be a Chiefs fan!
      The strep case is relatively light, but only because I harassed her into going to the urgent care. She would have let it go and just complained until she had full-blown, blisters in the throat, strep. Z-pack started working within 12 hours.
      I spend a lot of time dodging people when I'm out, so it was fun to run into people I actually wanted to talk to!

  2. What a crazy week of weather you had! I'd be all for staying inside watching the game on TV rather than sitting on a bench when it felt like 5 degrees, but I really hate to feel cold.
    How fun to run into friends when you least expect it.
    I am glad your daughter went to urgent care and got some meds quickly and that you live close enough that she could come home to rest up and heal.
    I love the quotation you shared at the end of your post. It is so true.

    1. I HATE the cold! So it was probably a good thing I didn't get tickets to the game! I probably wouldn't have been the good sport that I planned to be!
      Daughter is heading back to school now! Bought her some groceries and sent her on her way.
      Martin Luther King, Jr., was such a wise man.

  3. In spite of the cold, that's a lot of gratitude. Hope you have a warm up soon.

  4. Strep jujus sent! Congratulations on new students and your team. Mine stunk but maybe next year the Panthers will get it together. Love the quote!

    1. The strep is cured! Two more new students this week - yikes! I think my class is full now! I think 50 years is an awfully long time between Super Bowl appearances, so hopefully, this is a good sign that the Chiefs will be the big winner!

  5. great list. I especially agree with number one. The things we do to justify stuff and it totally makes sense.
    I have a mattress pad that made my bed super thick and super comfy. It makes it harder for me to part from it each morning.
