
Sunday, June 30, 2019

I Can't Remember The Day, But I Can Remember To Be Thankful

I had this week's Ten Things of Thankful mostly written on Friday evening. Then I slept and forgot all about it. That's summer for you. I have to have a vague idea of what day it is, since I still work on Wednesdays at the photo studio, but with no school, pfffft, what does it matter what day it is? Ohh, I suppose it matters when you have a weekend blog hop and the weekend is almost over, though, so here's my list:

1. I went blueberry eating this week. I mean, picking. Blueberry picking. It was a beautiful morning, not too hot. The dew was heavy, though, and I had water running down my arms from reaching into the bushes to eat. I mean, pick. (Truth: I stood in front of the bushes and ate blueberries for probably a solid five minutes without putting a single berry in my bucket, and I may have done this more than once.)

2. Mmmm. warm blueberry crisp for dessert.

3. My friend Allison and I met for lunch this week. We always say we're going to do so more often than we do, and we made a pinkie promise that we would actually do it. We also made a big deal out of taking a picture of ourselves on the sidewalk outside the restaurant because we're, like, 13.

4. Water has been leaking from the base of one of the toilets at the lake house; it started as an occasional trickle and progressed to a constant trickle, so I told my dad I thought it was time to pull the toilet and fix it. This is big talk from someone who has never pulled a toilet, by the way, but nearly four hours later, with two trips to the hardware store, three times having to pull the toilet back out to make yet another repair, about 20 trips down to the basement for tools, and three cats offering their assistance at different times, there is no more leak!

5. Lewis's personal plumbing is still working properly.

Lewis is pooped out....

6. Finn ate a squished but not dead brown recluse spider today and seems fine.

Finn, watching the turntable spin
inside the microwave.

7. I used power tools this weekend and didn't get hurt. I power washed the dock and the sailboat in the carport (long story), used the weed eater to whack down some weeds along the lake shore, and used a chainsaw-on-a-stick to saw down some Little Shop of Horrors-style weeds as well. 

8. My dad brought down freshly picked green beans, new potatoes, and corn on the cob (my great aunt always called them "roastin' ears"). I cooked the green beans and taters with plenty of ham juice and pieces of ham, onions, and a dollop of bacon grease, and we ate the corn with lots of butter and what more do you need for a summer meal? Nothing, that's what!

9. My husband and I enjoyed an afternoon in Eureka Springs this week. In all honesty, I enjoyed it more, because it was hot and it's built on a hill and there is a LOT of walking, but we had a fabulous lunch, looked around in little shops, and bought a set of salt & pepper shakers (bakelite replica), snowglobe, and a little ginger jar from a shop selling Polish pottery (I wanted one of everything).

My haul.

10. Great hair days! I'm learning to love my curls by following the Curly Girl Method. It's a work in progress. Stay tuned.

Look at that beaut!

How was your week? Do YOU know what day it is? Be thankful for that!

Ten Things of Thankful


  1. What a busy week you had! Totally impressed with your #4 and #7. I remember people calling corn on the cob "roasting ears."
    Cute curls!
    Blueberries are beginning to ripen here now. Can't wait to go pick some.

    1. My arms are KILLING me from #7!
      Thanks! I've been trying all kinds of different products and am seeing a lot of progress!
      Blueberries are better than candy!

  2. Fun week! I'm loving blueberry season here. Mmm I've never picked any, but I'm sure they'd end up eaten off the plant.

    1. Picking blueberries is SO EASY! No bending over and they fall off into your hand! And of course, you have to taste them from each bush to make sure they're good!

  3. Impressed by your # 4 and # 7 power tools at-a-distance, tres cool! Especially the plumbing to electrical work, surely the most potentially un-forgiving.
    blueberry harvesting sounds like... a colorful way to eat?
    lake house sounds like fun, spiders do not

    1. I not only know HOW to pull a toilet and replace it, I know how NOT to do it :)
      Blueberry harvesting can be colorful in many ways....
      Lake house is relaxing. Spiders everywhere, though, so always scanning for them.

  4. I can't hear about blueberry picking without mentally hearing "kerplink, kerplank, kerplunk." Hope you didn't see any bears!
    Kudos to you for #4! I've "supervised" while John has done that repair many times, but I have learned that my best intentions on helping (with even minor repairs) usually go awry:
    I've been a somewhat-follower of Curly Girl for a while now. I just found a local salon that specializes in the Curly Girl method. I'd like to try it for haircuts, but I also feel bad about dropping my current stylist, so I don't know what I'll end up doing. Your ringlet is cute!

    1. No bears, but believe me, I kept my eye out. There has been a bear sighting on that side of town! (I love that book!)
      Oh, no! You dropped the lid! I don't remember this, but when I was not much more than a year old, while my mom was on the phone with my aunt and tethered to the kitchen, I climbed up on the toilet and my brother, who was 3 years older, caught me. He tried to "help" by pulling me down, but I had ahold of the lid and all three of us came down with a big crash that my aunt could even hear! My dad was able to glue it back together, though, and it had a very definite crack in it! Oh, and it was pink!
      I would like to get one of those Deva cuts, but I'd have to drive to Kansas City to get one! It really is interesting, and it's working, although I have a long way to go. But that perfect curl? Yessss!

  5. You always make me laugh, eating blueberries instead of filling the pail is so relatable, how could anyone not?! And delicious blueberry crisp, how that makes me miss my Grandma! Now if I could just convince Papa Bear that blueberries are every bit as delicious as blackberries!

    My daughter redid our bathroom commode when she replaced our flooring a couple years ago, and I was most amazed at her know-how. It is not an easy job. I've watched Papa Bear do it in the past, but never actually helped. Had to laugh at "Lewis's personal plumbing" but I definitely agree that it's a blessing it's in working order now. Toby has chronic digestion issues and I finally found a tube of chicken-flavor squeeze stuff that gets mixed in his food and he eats it (none of my cats will have anything to do with those hairball gels).

    Being able to have lunch with a friend is always a blessing, and so is having carefree days that you can lose track of (and not use an alarm clock). Your trip to Eureka sounds like fun, though I would be puffing and panting up the hills. I loved the things you bought.

    I think your new curly hairdo is so young and fun, and it just suits you perfectly. Happiness is finding a method to do it that works well for you!

    Thank you so much for your fun comments on my TToT post, that made me smile the other night. I am just now getting around to comments here, but Papa Bear is at a lodge meeting tonight and I've enjoyed the quiet time to read the posts and respond to them. Better late than never, and most thankfully, every blessed comment has posted and remained visible!! YAY!!

    1. Tell Papa Bear blueberries >>> blackberries, because NO SEEDS!
      I am going to put some new flooring in one of our bathrooms, and now I know how to pull the toilet to do the job right! Hopefully, anyway! And very thankful Lewis is "moving" right alone! :D
      David was puffing and panting in Eureka Springs! You would love the town. It's full of Victorian houses and quirky buildings. Lots of artists and earthy/nutty/crunchy folks, plus a lot of bikers go there, because they like to ride in the mountains of northwest Arkansas.
      Thanks for the compliment! Right now, I feel a little like Phyllis on The Office. I will feel better when it grows a little longer!
      I'm SO HAPPY to see your writing again! We need to pinky promise that we'll BOTH stick with it!
