
Thursday, February 8, 2018

Pitch: A Six Sentence Story

She heard the rumble of thunder, at first gentle, like a tummy growling, and then louder and more insistent, and just as she stepped out of the kitchen and glanced out the west-facing window in the front room, the heavy, dark clouds moved in. The bright April afternoon turned immediately to an artificial dusk as the clouds swallowed up the sunshine, and a small hand slipped into hers for comfort when a big clap of thunder shook the window.

"It's dark as pitch out there," she said, drawing her son close as the wind lashed at the trees and rain came down in sheets.

"Grandma says that when it's really dark and you say that and I don't know why you both say that," he said, his brow furrowed.

"I say it BECAUSE Grandma says it and because MY Grandma said it, too, and probably her Grandma said it as well, and it reminds me of being little and hearing them talk, and it makes me smile inside."

"I'm going to say it, too, mama, so I'll always smile inside and remember being little, just like you."

Linking up with Ivy at Uncharted for Six Sentence Stories with the prompt "pitch".


  1. What a sweet SSS. I love traditions, especially ones that help us stay grounded, reassured and safe.

    1. I think it's so important to pass down traditions. My son used the phrase "common as pig tracks the other day and no one had ever heard it before (no Ozark hillbillies in the crowd, it seems!).

  2. I love to smile inside and this made me. ❤️

  3. 'put me on that porch, is all, Miz Dyanne y'all put me on the porch.'
    'cellent Sixifying

  4. I loved the sweetness and love in the story. I felt those little fingers gripping his mama's hand for strength. So many things we say and do that are passed down. How black is pitch? What is pitch?

    1. Thanks, Val! Pitch is some kind of tar, like was used to seal roofs and cracks. So pretty black!
