
Thursday, February 1, 2018

Dress: A Six Sentence Story

She picked it out with such care, going from bridal shop to bridal shop and trying on dress after dress, each one discarded as too fluffy, too straight, too lacy, not lacy enough, until the salesgirl, frazzled and frustrated, just like each salesgirl at each shop she had visited before, pulled a dress from a rack that was perfection. She left the shop with the dress tucked into a garment bag, and with a soft smile on her face, cradled the dress in her arms on the train ride, rocking slightly and humming to herself as other passengers, looking from her to the store logo on the bag, smiled as well.

The train pulled into the station, and with a quick glance at her wristwatch, she made her way to the ladies room, pulled the dress from the bag, and slipped it over her head, where it fell into place as easily as it had in the dressing room at the bridal shop.

Her soft smile still in place, she walked out of the ladies room, leaving her clothes in a heap on the floor next to the empty garment bag, and serenely walked out the station door and down the street, pausing as she reached the large stone church before pulling open the massive wooden doors and stepping inside. 

She blinked a few times, and as her eyes adjusted to the candlelit sanctuary, she focused  first on all the surprised faces turned her direction and then on him, so handsome in his tuxedo, standing at the front of the church. She rushed down the aisle, and as she neared the alter, she saw his face, his beautiful, dear face, turn to the woman beside him and gather her protectively in his arms before the darkness swirled around her and the floor rose to meet her....

Linking up with Ivy at Uncharted for Six Sentence Stories with the prompt "dress."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ok... good 'un.*

    *(hey, the best of the Sixes and this is surely in those ranks, are open ended as to ...whats the psychological expression...''What the hell exactly is going on here..." in this case, a ghost story? or am I being too optimistic? wait! don't tell me... yeah, that's it exactly! it's a ghost story.)

    Hey! great ghost story!


    1. It's a ghost story if you want it to be. I'm not really sure WHAT happened!

  3. Breathtaking, and i am not sure i want it to be a ghost story. More of a psychological thriller.

    1. Thank you so much! I kind of thought about Rose on Two and a Half Men when I wrote it.

  4. Hmmm. . .so much left to our imaginations. Creepy, weird and quite disrupting at the very least. You got our attention with this SSS.

  5. Always fast paced and interesting, full of surprises. Your writing and YOU! Love it.
