
Sunday, January 31, 2016

At LEAST Ten Things Of Thankful

I did it. I signed up to participate in this year's A to Z Challenge. This will be my third year to participate, and I'm looking at it as a way to jump start my sorry writing efforts of late. I haven't decided on a theme yet, though, and am open to suggestions. My first year, I had no plan (shocker) and flew by the seat of my pants each day. Last year, I did a Pinterest project every day, and I had SUCH a good time with that theme that I am tempted to do it again, but feel free to give me your ideas.... 

Now, to be thankful:

1. Our security alarm went off while I was at school and my husband out of town. I didn't recognize the number when the company called me, so I didn't answer it. My husband texted me from his out of town meeting (sorry, dear) to tell me to go check it out (why do these things always happen when he's not around to take care of them?). I called the company on my way home, found out it was the motion sensor in the family room, and told them to cancel the police. Well, I was too late, because as I drove up my street, I saw the police officer at my door. He went in with me as I turned off the alarm and walked around the downstairs with me, which was somewhat comforting, except I worried he was judging my housekeeping skills. At least he didn't shout, "STAY BACK, THE HOUSE HAS BEEN RANSACKED!" False alarm, possibly the result of a fat cat jumping on top of a chair and getting caught in the beam, so that's a good thing.

2. Because it wasn't the first time the alarm has gone off recently, and because each time, it has been the family room motion sensor, and because my husband was out of town and it's a rather large, old house, I was afraid it would go off in the night and scare the everloving shizz out of me. It didn't, but I sure didn't sleep much in anticipation of it happening.

3. The War of the Litter Boxes is officially over. I have surrendered. The only thankful here is that I don't have to battle over trying to get the cats to use the fabulous litter I provided for them that renders their pee odorless and their poo easy to dispose of. The coup was spearheaded, without a doubt, by a certain little calico princess who expressed her displeasure at the new litter by pooping on the floor all around the box. Now it's back to the messy, dusty, expensive, scoopable litter that they love, probably because it's FUN to sweep it out of the box on the pretext of digging a hole and to track it all over the house between their toes. Sigh.

4. The College Boy found out he was accepted to work on a research project at his college. He's pretty excited, as he will be working with mice and their brains and I won't elaborate any further, because it isn't a pretty thought, but it's autism research, so I'm comforting myself with that thought.

5. Speaking of the College Boy, I rode to Springfield, where he attends college, with my husband, who had to attend a Chamber of Commerce dinner, and College Boy and I had dinner and did a little shopping. 

6. While we were together, the College Boy explained at length about a quiz he had over microtubules (it has something to do with the nervous system). He lost me pretty early on, but I am so thankful I never had to try to learn such stuff and even more thankful that he not only understands all of it but also enjoys learning about it (he did his best to dumb it down for me).

7. As I am in the habit of drinking a diet coke on any car trip more than, oh, six blocks (just kidding, or am I?), I arrived in Springfield (a little over an hour's drive from us) with a very full bladder. I tried to make it all the way to my son's apartment on campus, but it became apparent that that was not going to happen. There is a Burger King a few blocks from him, so I pulled in there to run in and avail myself of the facilities. I got out of the car, scurried to the door as fast as I could, clenching all available muscles in the bladder area, and was greeted with a sign saying the restroom was for patrons only. Unfortunately, there was no going back, so I ran on inside, used the restroom, and slipped back out the door and into the car without being caught. Truly, I think they owed me, because I have spent money at many a Burger King over my lifetime without using the restroom.

8. Another thankful related to the Burger King Incident: if security cameras caught me, then the car they would have seen was not mine but a Red Cross fleet car, so good luck with that, Burger King Security.

9. There are new filters on Snapchat.

10. Emma and I went prom dress shopping yesterday. We did not buy a dress. Do you know how much prom dresses are? We went to two different places in a nearby town, and they ranged from $280-$580. Kid you not. But she looked so pretty in them! She can put anything on and it fits. I am not like that, and I know most girls aren't like that, and I know it may be shallow, but I'm thankful that our issue with buying a prom dress will be paying for it, not finding one that fits or looks good on her.

You're looking at a $480 dress right here....

I am currently caught up in watching "Making a Murderer" on Netflix. If you haven't seen it yet, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! I'm off to binge watch a few more episodes....

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful


  1. yay i'm first - or is it frist ---- i can't - omg the prices of everything is way to much - last night we had, actually Amelia had a shopping spree at the Mall ( psst I don't go to the Mall) - I like my Old Navy - Marshall's, TJ Maxx, and there's a smaller Macy near us, that is not in the Mall - but we went and so she can buy things using her Christmas gift -- she bought a few items with a substantial amount and we were done :) but she's happy and I'm happier because it was her money.

    good luck to your son - but sentences that have the m- word and God Forbid the R word - well I blank out. (brrr- me shivering)

    OK so I watched making of a murder - what do you think? I am so hooked

    BTW your daughter that dress exquisite

    nice getaway photo!!!!


    1. Frist! I am trying to get her to pony up some of the money. If she really wants an expensive dress, then she needs to take a little ownership. We'll see what happens.
      Yeah, he has no problem with anything he has to do to the m- word!
      I just finished Episode 7. I am completely hooked!
      That isn't even the dress she wants, although I think it looks better on her. The one she really wants is sparkly pink and ONLY $280.
      I love snapchat!

  2. You are so funny!! "Stay back. The house has been ransacked." made me snort. I'm so glad you're doing the A to Z challenge. I loved reading it last year.

    1. The police officer probably thought the burglar stole food and left crumbs everywhere....
      And thank you so much! I had the BEST time last year with the A to Z Challenge. I hope I have even half as much fun this year. Feel free to weigh in on what you think I should do for a theme!

  3. How do you do that challenge? I took a quick look, thinking I might try it this year, and got frustrated and gave up before signing up.
    It does seem like an interesting way of finding new blogs and having other blogs find you though.

    1. It's not hard, Kerry. Link up, put the badge on your page (right now there's no html for it and you just copy and paste the picture) and get ready for April 1. You write a post each day, starting April 1 and starting with "A" and go from there. No post on Sundays. Then you're expected to visit several other participants during the month. I think they recommend doing the ones around you in the link up. I check the ones around me and find the ones that interest me and read theirs. It's a great way to meet other bloggers. I met Romi through A to Z.

  4. I dont know if A to Z is in my stars this year... we will see... have a good week... glad the place wasnt ransacked and you could pee without paying...cuz youre gonna need every penny for the dress....

    1. I am forcing it to be in my stars. I wrote half a story for 6 sentence story this week, so I'm getting closer!
      Fortunately, the dress she really likes is ONLY $280 but needs to be hemmed.

    2. you can link up all the way to TUesday! theres still time!!!!

  5. Emma's gorgeous in everything I've ever seen her in. And yay for College Boy! And yay for autism research!
    I really, really want you to redo the Pinterest thing. I enjoyed it so much. I'll look for some more silly stuff for you if you'll do it again!

    1. I really love that grey dress on her, but it's not the one she really wanted. I didn't put a picture of that one up, because the only picture I took of her in it, she was wearing her bra and it was backless....
      I would certainly never run out of ideas for another Pinterest challenge, and I LOVE getting suggestions from you!

  6. Ohhhh apart from the alarms and the police, it sounds like you've had a week full of the good stuff. And um, YEAH it should be fine for you to pee without paying, but seriously, keep scheduling those smiley stops at suitable intervals.

    YAY for the prom dresses looking so great. Hope you find one with a decent price tag.

    1. It was very awkward going inside with the police man, because I was 99% sure it was caused by a cat, since none of the doors had been opened.
      The dresses are entirely too blingy for my taste, but every one of them looked gorgeous on her.

  7. I have a love-hate relationship with our security system, but it is a must as my garage door also hates me and opens and closes randomly.
    And honestly, I think Burger King owes us all for the creepy King commercials...

  8. Dyanne, she looks great in that dress. My daughter's friends use Rent The Runway website if that makes fiscal sense to you. High fashion, runway expensive dresses to rent for the price you and I would probably say is plenty enough to buy a dress, but it's worth it maybe, if she'll never wear it again and there will be photographers.

  9. Back again. I got so excited about the dress. Anyway the A-Z. I can't decide if I am going to do it and if I do what I am going to do. The recipe thing was fun last year, but a bit intense. I have so much fun creating characters with words, I'm thinking about a character (name) for every letter of the alphabet and a few sentences about each one or something about children's books. Good luck. Let's talk about it.

  10. And one more thing. Aren't you enjoying the adult relationship with your son. It's a whole new dimension in motherhood and childhood. Ahhh!

  11. Your cats have trained you well. :-)
    What an opportunity for your son to work on autism research!
    My brother told me there is a filter on Snapchat that "Dugifies" dogs (makes them look like Dug from UP!) I haven't used it yet, but have to try it out.
    Prom dress prices can be ridiculous! Hope your daughter finds one that doesn't break the bank!

  12. How did I forget to comment on the A to Z challenge? I wouldn't mind a pinterest theme again--I'm almost tempted to steal that idea myself! You are definitely braver than I am, though--I won't sign up until I have a theme in mind. :-)

  13. great new about the research project. those kinds of learning experiences are so much more valuable as they tend to relate a whole lot more to the real world than classroom instruction
