
Thursday, August 27, 2015

Project: A Six Sentence Story

Christine never expected to meet anyone while sitting alone, sipping her coffee, at the lunch counter at the drug store near her office, let alone someone as handsome and dashing as Clark, and she certainly never expected their relationship to progress at such a rapid pace; within only a few weeks, they had gone from eating lunch together, sitting at the very lunch counter where they met, to having elegant dinners at some of the finest restaurants in the city, and each time Christine stole a look at him as they dined, she noticed how his dark hair curled just a little where it touched his collar (something she found very endearing) and watched his finely boned hands as he delicately and precisely cut his steak, and she marveled that he wanted to be with her, ordinary Christine, the girl who moved to the city alone mere months before.

They had just finished having dinner at the Starlight Room, with its red leather booths and discreet wait staff, when he took her hand across the table, stroking it lightly with his thumb as he said, "I bought a new piece of art, a small sculpture, that was delivered today, and I would be so pleased to show it to you, if you would agree to stop by my home with me before I see you to yours." 

"Yes," she whispered, and Clark ushered her out of the restaurant and into a cab, pulling up a few moments later in front of a large apartment building with a liveried doorman who greeted them with a solemn nod. Once inside his apartment, Christine tried not to show how impressed she was with its opulence as he led her into the drawing room and stopped in front of the new sculpture; she admired the piece, hoping she was making the right sort of comments, as she really knew nothing about such things, when she noticed a door with a heavy lock on it that was tucked away beside the bookcase, nearly hidden from view.

He followed her eyes to the door, smiling a smile that didn't reach his eyes as he said hoarsely, "That's my project room," and a flicker in his dark eyes, the twitching of a muscle in his cheek, and the barely visible beads of sweat forming on his upper lip as he firmly pulled her to him gripped her with fear. "What have I done?" she thought to herself just before he slipped a cloth over her nose and mouth, and she caught only a glimpse of the evil deep in his soul as she slipped away into oblivion to the sound of a key turning in a lock.

Linking up with Ivy at Uncharted for Six Sentence Stories with the prompt "project."


  1. Soooooo, i shouldnt be assuming anything Freudian with those name choices...right? You can be so dark considering you generally hale from Sunnybrook farm!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Creepy, and awesome! Clark has something of a Christian Grey (at least based on what I've learned not beign able to evade the issue) and Martin Vanger of "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo". Let's just burn evry single copy of the "50 shades" and replace it with that short, it's sooo much better!! :-)

  4. lol
    I am proud to say that I did manage to read each word, in order, restraining the urge to jump ahead, (which is no mean feat, this being a Six Sentence Story). I thoroughly enjoyed this story.*

    Your story is why I'm here, it's the 'hey! this is what can be done in six sentences', and I take that as an encouraging challenge. Very cool.

    ** (from the Wakefield Doctrine) 'scotts, among other talents, have an exquisitely honed sense of those they focus their attention on. So it occurred to me that when you read the first part of my Comment, you might have a little faint 'oh oh' thought pass through our mind.
    Nothing could be further from the truth, as I'm totally sincere when I say how much I enjoyed this story. Not only that, but I find myself somehow...inspired!

  5. Go Dyanne! Man, to think I wimped out on this week's word. But damn! I feel like I write shit sentence stories instead of 6 sentence stories after reading stuff like this! LOL

  6. And I thought mine was slightly sinister...

  7. I wonder if his projects are anything like Christian Grey's?

  8. Yikes!!! I had a bad feeling about where this was going as soon as she agreed to go to his apartment, sad that something so simple could be taking such a huge risk. This was downright scary... and in that it was so very well done. Masterpiece of lurking evil! :-)

  9. You need to read Devil in the White City. Great book, and your story reminds me of it.
    And seriously, I had to be the one to die?!? :)

  10. Pardon me while I slick down the hair that is standing straight up on the back of my neck!

  11. Very creepy, well told. You do a great job with the dark and mysterious!

  12. Vulnerable girl, groomed from the start and an inevitable conclusion. This was beautifully written creating the right atmosphere.

  13. So, not only did you kill off Christine, you made Clark the bad guy?! You are starting to scare me a little. . . .Please be nice, please be nice. :-)
