
Sunday, April 5, 2015

Playing Fast And Loose With The Numbering: TToT

Participating in the A to Z Challenge makes the week go by FAST! Time to put on my Ten Things of Thankful hat and keep working.

1. I had my monthly oncologist appointment this week in the new hospital. Almost four years ago, one of our two hospitals in town (and the one our family uses, both by choice and by order of our insurance company) was totally destroyed in an EF-5 tornado (that's the worst kind). Almost immediately, the hospital began operating out of trailers (I had a surgery in one of those trailers), a modular building (I had a surgery in there, too) and now in a beautiful, brand new facility (I hope I DON'T have a surgery there, as nice as it may be). The cancer center was moved from its trailer (yes, TRAILER) to the new offices on Sunday, and they were up and at 'em on Monday. Thankful the move went smoothly, thankful they finally are able to have a real home at the new Mercy Hospital. 

Modeling the scrubs they made me wear for an x-ray.
The tech grabbed a pair instead of digging through for
the right size, and there's enough room for two of me in there.

2. That one counts as two.

3. My daughter was invited to join Tri-M Music Honor Society this week. Tri-M is a national organization that recognizes students for academic and musical achievements, service activities and leadership responsibilities. Yay!

4. Emma was also invited to join her school's chapter of the National Honor Society this week. Students are invited based on grades, service, character inside and outside of school, and leadership. Double yay!

5. Okay, while I'm on the subject of Emma, she also nominated a school board member for the American Red Cross Everyday Hero award, and her nominee was chosen, one of seven that was picked from 50 nominees. The ceremony was a week ago, but I didn't have access to the video that they made until this week, but now I do. I can't seem to embed it, but if you'll click on this link, it will take you there. Humor me and watch it. I'll wait....

6. If you watched the video, then I'll count that one as two and end this sooner....

7. The College Boy has been home since Wednesday evening for Easter break. He leaves size 15 shoes in inconvenient places (like the middle of the kitchen), bugs the crap out of Ruby by carrying her around, making her do her ventriloquist act (must video that some time), leaves empty Diet Coke cans everywhere, constantly asks when the next meal is going to be, and I wouldn't have him any other way.

Why is there a pencil in my freezer, you ask? Because the outside of
this particular pencil changes color with the heat of your fingers.
The College Boy wanted to test it....

8. We had severe storms Thursday night and spent much of the evening in the basement, listening to the weather reports on the radio. The third warning was at 2:30 a.m. Fortunately, the tornadoes sighted did little damage in the area, and none of them were actually in Joplin. 

See the pinky red part? That's not good.

9. We had our Easter celebration with my husband's family on Saturday evening. We don't get to spend enough time with Kristin, my sister in law, and her family (they live two hours away, in Tulsa), which is NOT a thankful, so I'm EXTRA thankful when we get a chance to get together with them. Plus, I beat Kristin at Bananagrams, Just throwing that in there....

10. It's Easter! He is risen!

This year's Easter pics didn't go so well....

I'll be even MORE thankful if you'll check out some of my A to Z Challenge posts, if you haven't already. I MADE DOUGHNUTS! REAL DOUGHNUTS! DELICIOUS DOUGHNUTS!

Hey, link up your thankful posts below.

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group


  1. Good for Emma! Enjoy your Easter with your family!

    1. Thank you, Kristi! And thank you for linking me up - doh!

  2. Cool vid... way to go on so many fronts , Emma! How could you NOT vid the ventriloquism act???? HOLY COW.... A missed opportunity! Do you have a lovely finished basement I hope? Seems like you have to spend so much time there! Happy Easter!

    1. Ohhh, you watched it! Thank you! I thought Emma and Annie both did a great job on it.
      Ruby is the ventriloquist. She can meow without moving her mouth. Great party trick.
      Our basement is just a basement. The walls and ceiling are finished, but otherwise, it's just a big room that has been divided into two rooms by previous owners, one about 1/3 of the size of the other. We are in the small part, at the base of the stairs, with the washer and dryer, extra pantry storage, the litter boxes, and about 5000 other items.
      Happy Easter to you and Doug!

    2. Emma is absolutely charming!

  3. I'm good with 10 but SO happy you're all safe. WELL DONE EMMA! Girl's doing brilliantly :)

    1. April and May are tough, weather-wise. We're expecting more severe weather this week, probably on Thursday again.
      She's a pretty good egg, isn't she?

  4. Happy Easter congrats to Emma such a wonderful....your a-z challenge is so fun . Have a fun week.

    1. Thanks, Marisa! Emma's had a good couple of weeks, hasn't she?
      Glad you're enjoying my A to Z Challenge. I'm trying to think of something for "E" as we speak!

  5. Sounds like you've got a lot of things to be thankful for. I hope you don't have to worry about getting any kind of surgery in the shiny new hospital. I can't imagine having to go for treatment in a trailer! I suppose it's good that they were able to keep the services running though, rather than having to send you elsewhere.

    I love that picture of the pencil in the freezer. It makes sense when you understand why. :-)

    Happy Easter.

    Cait @ Click's Clan

    1. Ohh, I don't want any more surgery, either! When I had one in the trailer hospital, the nurses had to open a door and use the space it created in order to maneuver my bed into the operating room and out again. And they never complained once about being so cramped.
      Last summer, my son put a tick in the freezer in a plastic bag, because he had gotten bit by one and was saving it in case he got a rash :)

  6. Dyanne, that news report. I am so proud of Emma and I'll admit to a few misty-eyed moments while she was speaking on TELEVISION! It sounds like you had a wonderful Easter with the family. E is for . . . . .

    1. You listened! Wasn't she terrific? I was never that poised at the same age. Actually, I'm STILL not as poised as she is!

  7. Wow, way to go, Emma! What a week you had!

  8. Haha, a pencil in your freezer. You should keep it there, so when the Alzheimer's dementia sets in and you're keeping your milk in your dish washer and your dishes in the pantry, you can all blame it on the college boy :-) Congrats to your wonderful daughter, you all must be so, so proud, and rightly so! Have a great week, Dyanne! PS: Calvin wants me to tell you he finally succeeded in getting his hands in one of these jigsaw puzzle pieces and managed to chew it to pieces. Your best bet how long I'll find the remnants everywhere in the living room ;-)
